Tag: Seattle WA Police Department
Pregnant woman pulled over, officer gives help instead of a ticket
As I sit and read this “feel good” story about this supposedly compassionate and caring Officer I can’t help but to think of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Walter Scott, Sam Debose, Sandra Bland….
Until we can get these superficial, mentally disturbed, deranged, girlfriend or wife beatin’ over zealous quick draw to kill my unarmed black;brown brotha and sistahs. When we as a people can CONVICT and SENTENCE these killer cops, when we can rebuild the justice system, when the GOOD COPS like Officer Jimmy Allen of the Seattle WA Police Department who stopped to helped a 9 month pregnant woman of color put her license plate on her brand new car can STAND UP AND STEP UP to their OWN; when our white folk start talking openly with PoC about race and how their white privilege is effecting our nation and HOW THEY CAN HEAL THE WOUNDS that has oppressed and still is oppressing the oppressed, when we can STOP POLICE BRUTALITY, when white folk CAN acknowledge that #ALLIVESMATTER DON’T MATTER if you see BLACK LIVES killed, beaten and bruised just for the color of their skin then you may say #ALLIVESMATTER (FOR NOW #BLACKLIVESMATTER) when white folk can have EMPATHY and sympathy for our my people of color only then can we TRULY feel good moment for this heartwarming story.
Source: http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/pregnant-woman-pulled-over-officer-gives-help-inst/nnBKj/