Tag: Native American child sent home by Utah school
Native American child sent home by Utah school for wearing traditional Mohawk hairstyle
It’s SEEMS when (SOME) White AND Black (MORE WHITES TEND TO TAKE OVER EVERYTHING THOUGH) folks loose control over one thing they take control over the next. Remember how they (NOT ALL) TIRED to control how we wore our Natural Hair? The found out they couldn’t control that so they turned their attention to other people of color who also want to represent THEIR CULTURE;HERITAGE. This poor baby was removed from school because of his hairstyle that represents WHO HE IS HIS HERITAGE;HIS CULTURE Now as soon as mainstream white media sees an opening white folks are gonna start rockin’ this mo’hawk and call it a TREND IT’S GONNA BE COOL AND IN STYLE while NOT understanding the HISTORY behind the hairstyle. White people have NO culture and they (SOME ARE) jealous cause People of color have CULTURE and they want to be the ones to say THEY started it! WATCH ya’ll this Mo Hawk gonna rock the Runways! If you’re white and you wanna rock our culture at least learn what the significance behind the culture;style is and give credit where it originated that’s all we ask.
A Native American child was sent home from school for wearing a traditional Mohawk hairstyle because the school said it was against dress code, WFAA reports.
The Utah second grader is of Seneca and Paiute heritage and chose the hairstyle because it is commonly worn by Seneca Nation members. But this week his mother received a call from Arrowhead Elementary officials in St. George, Utah, saying….