Tag: CVS employees lock themselves in backroom and call police after black customer asks to buy cheese
CVS employees lock themselves in backroom and call police after black customer asks to buy cheese

Ricky Berry (Courtesy: WRIC)
All these two Black men wanted was some sliced cheese so they hopped in they car and made late night trip up to CVS Pharmacy to get some of that kraft with real milk sliced cheese. They both walked in and asked the sales clerk do ya’ll got some sliced cheese? Was told that they didn’t have it then with sonic speed the clerk and their co-worker was gone! The two black men and another costumer who was there before them to get some oragel for his tooth concerned and puzzled they all started looking for the sales clerks. The three men looked high and low for 30-45 mins getting more worried but unbeknownst to them the two clerks had called the police the police arrived; started helping the three men look for the missing clerks they looked high and low all the while laughing at the creepiness of it all. The store clerks where found locked in a back room all huddled together scared of the two black men who just wanted to buy some sliced cheese. The clerks had locked themselves in a back room and huddled up cause they was scared of the two big black men Get this the clerks asked the two black men to leave and the very police officer who helped them look reinforced this request telling the two scary black men that they were trespassing and they had to leave AIN’T THAT A BITCH? As you may know after CVS Pharmacy spokesman got wind of this they came out with nothing but an apology. Apparently, there had been some other scary black men in the area acting suspiciously in that same area the same day.
Trump has really brought out the overt racist, STUPID, ignorant and silly in some white people.