Strong Black Leads On Set|When They See Us|Netflix
Now this is BLACK WOMAN EMPOWERMENT!! Love this!!
Netflix When they see us
Ava DuVernay asks the question. When they see us what do they see? When they see us now streaming on Netflix.
Netflix presents A Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance
This is trending number 12. This will be Streaming August 31st I can’t wait!!
FUNimation Princess Jellyfish Streaming now on YouTube
I just love this anime. Go to FUNimationNow or Funimation YouTube Channel for a full episodes !!
Bob Hearts Abishola coming this fall to CBS and CBS ALL ACCESS
Previews of new shows have started already ! I have to reserve my review until I see the first episode. I don’t know what to think right now. CBS and CBS ALL ACCESS NEW THIS FALL BOB HEARTS ABISHOLA. Monday’s 8:30/7:30 central
Netflix Originals My Next Guest Needs no introduction David Lettermen
Davids guest is bigger than his beard . Kanye West sits down with Mr. letterman streaming May 31st only on NETFLIX!! Kanye seems himself. I love Kanye he needs to get it together. And make some dope rhymes
The ’80’s The decade that made us
I lived this era ! I’m an 80s black girl!