Illinois men bring 1-year-old along for robberies
WAUKEGAN, Ill. (AP) _ Police in northern Illinois say two men who carried out a string of robberies brought a 1-year-old child along with them for some of the heists. Two suspects arrested in the case face charges of endangering the life of a child in addition to aggravated battery and robbery. The full news story is detailed in the news link down below:
Who in the world does something like this? I guess it’s bring your kid to work day.
Taylor Chapman took her own life after she became infamous for going on a racist tirade against a Dunkin’ Donuts employee
Taylor Chapman took her own life after she became infamous on the internet for going on a racist tirade against a Dunkin’ Donuts employee
at 27-year-old the Florida woman who has previously worked as a video spokesperson for such establishments as Happy Wok restaurant,
For some unexplained reason, she decided to walk into a Dunkin’ Donuts iPhone in hand and decided to record a complaint about not being provided a receipt for a prior purchase.
“This is all being under video surveillance,” she warned one employee who remained polite.
Taylor insisted that she be given a receipt, citing a store policy that supposedly guaranteed her free food as a result of their oversight.
for over eight minutes the cursing Chapman records herself berating workers and even accosting fellow customers.
Well there has been a sad tragic update to all this, someone sent me some info stating that Taylor Chapman now age (29) killed herself.
Date: Jun 16, 2015
Suicide by: Undetermined
Location: Taramac, FL
From a family member’s FB page –
Emmi, Christian and I so appreciate all your thoughtful and kind comments we have received over the past several dsys. I did want to take a second but just a second (because it deserves no more than that) to speak about the viral video of Taylor. Taylor, as you know, was one of he most kind hearted people in this whole world. But Taylor rarely( like me) saw a drug she didn’t like or wouldn’t try. I don’t know. Maybe the drugs took away some of the pain her young and innocent heart felt. May be she just liked the way drugs made her feel. When Taylor made that video of herself she had been awake for a couple of days and was just out of her head. After she realized what she had done she jumped in her car and ran home.(She was in terrible shape both mentally and physically.) While taylor was here we talked about the video, what it ment for her and how terrible she had treated the people in the video. She was so ashamed of herself. We tried to get Taylor to stay and not return to Fla. but in the end she decided to return. Since then Taylor has struggled with her drug use. Taylor had most recently decided she would come home at the end of July (after her rental lease was up she said ) but she had said the same in the past so I truly do not know. The few days before T died I had not talked to her. I knew she was using again. I called but no answer. I just simply thought Taylor was lucky, that God looked over goofballs like Taylor. I just simply thought that it would be as in he past. That she would call in couple of days and say she was fine and she would be home soon. I truly thought that this time she might come because she had seemed to know there was no future there or any help there. I thought I would hear her voice again. I was wrong. Taylor died in her sleep. Taylor’s smile and heart were as big as the moon. We all hurt. Taylor hurts no more and she did hurt so bad.
Here is a video of Taylor’s rant smh, I hope she finally found peace… but it’s sad that this is forever her legacy!!
It’s a sad day in Dixie’: Twitter racists sink into depression spiral after South Carolina removes flag
Female Student Infected 324 Men With HIV As Revenge!
A female student at Kabarak University in Nakuru, Kenya has confessed she deliberately infected 324 people with HIV, according to the Kenyan Daily Post.
The girl, 19, whose name is unknown, says she has set her target for at least 2,000 men acting in revenge after she was infected by a man at a party.
The girl allegedly contacted Kenyan Scandals on Facebook and claimed she had something to confess.
After she was assured her identity was going to be protected (the Kenyan Daily Post, however, published a picture from her Facebook profile along with the article) she wrote: “Sep 22nd 2013 is a day I”ll never forget, we went clubbing in town and got drunk with some senior students then went back hostels for party round 2″.
She then explained that when she woke up, the morning after, she realised a boy called Javan had had sex with her while she was drunk.
“I only asked if he used a condom and he said yes, however when taking bath I noticed sperms down there, I wanted to commit suicide, I feared getting pregnant and HIV.”
When she discovered she was HIV positive, the girl confronted Javan who insisted he was clean.
“I was so depressed and took alcohol to die, I even bought poison, the pain was just unbearable how was I gone face the world, I let my parents down, I gave up on the world and just wanted to end my life. My future had been ruined, somehow someone had to pay,” the girl said.
“I accepted my fate and promised to make all men I come across suffer, I know I’m attractive and men both married and unmarried chase me left right and center.
“I buried the good girl in me and became the bad girl, my goal was to infect as many as possible,” she explained.
The girl then confessed she had already infected 324 men, 156 of which are students at the Kabarak University where she studies, the rest are married men, lecturers, lawyers, celebrities and politicians.
“Not a day passes without me having sex, mostly 4 people per day,” she continued in her confession.
“Your day is coming, you men destroyed my life and I will make you and your people pay for it”
“Nothing will stop me from accomplishing my mission by continuing to sleep around, you never know but maybe you have slept with me or your husband, boyfriend, brother, father or any has slept with me.
“Your day is coming, you men destroyed my life and I will make you and your people pay for it,” the girl concluded.
The authenticity of the report could not be confirmed.
After the Kenyan Daily Post reported the news, someone made an anonymous comment claiming he knows the girl and he has had intercourse with her.
I think it’s terrible that she is taking out her pain on all men for the actions of one.
this is a predicament that she put herself in, is actually on her alone and No one else.
She wouldn’t have contracted the virus had she not put herself in a vulnerable situation and state.
And now she’s lashing out because she got so drunk she can’t remember having sex.
Unbelievable this world is sick!
Glory Boyz Entertainment rapper, and Chief Keef associate, Capo was killed in Chicago today. In a video that surfaced online, people are tending to a badly wounded man, bleeding heavily.
According to a report by the Chicago Tribune, a shooting occurred at 1:40pm this afternoon on the 7700 block of South Kingston Avenue on the city’s South Side in which the unnamed victim was shot in the hip and back and taken to the Advocate Christ Medical Center in serious-to-critical condition. The suspected shooters ran over and killed a 1-year old boy sitting in a stroller 20 minutes after the shooting.
The Chicago Tribune reports that the shooting victim was pronounced dead at Advocate Christ Medical Center.
a 13 month old baby died after the shooters drove off and ran over the baby’s cart, i just don’t get what is going on
this is so sad and sick!! like iv’e said time & time again, once you get money, you can’t just be in the hood doing the same oh’ same oh.
The sad thing is these guys will be the 1st to type on twitter about how sad it is, my BROTHER’s gone,
but will be pushing and promoting the same murder murder, kill, kill lyrics to the youth in within a week.
chief keef needs to wake up, this is the 3rd person close to his camp that done died in the past 2 yrs.
first his half bro, then blood money now capo smh. #ripcapo r.i.p to the innocent baby who died as well.
police currently have two suspects in custody.
A disturbing video is floating around online showing Capo in a pool of blood on the sidewalk just minutes after the shooting.
Free Slurpees at 7/11from 11am to 7pm
If you go to any 7-Eleven in town, you will be able to get a free slurpee.
participating 7-Eleven stores are giving away free Slurpees from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.—your local time—Saturday 7/11. Starting Sunday, July 12th, however, they’re upping the ante this year by offering free select snacks and drinks under $2 whenever you buy a coffee, iced coffee, Slurpee, or Big Gulp and scan your 7-Eleven app. The “7Rewards Week” goes from July 12th to the 18th, so get some bonus snacks while you can! You can learn more about the promotion at the link below.
Avatar: Smoke and Shadow
Goods news Avatar fans, there’s a new comic book trilogy coming out this fall entitled Smoke and Shadow.
Set after the trilogy, The Rift, Zuko, who is now Firelord, must face s growing rebellion from Fire Nation citizens still loyal to his father, the former Firelord Ozai.
The comic will be released on September 23, 2015 though you can preorder it on Amazon.
Michael Brown exhibit opened in Chicago
(CHICAGO) – A new art exhibit about the Michael Brown police shooting in Ferguson is on display in Chicago. The piece features a life-size portrayal of Michael Brown after he was killed last year in Ferguson. Details of this exhibit are in news link below:
The comments on this are mixed. Some say its just an expression of art. Others say this is just exploitation. The family supports this exhibit and plans to go see it.
How Bill Cosby’s Public Moralizing Was His Undoing

Comedian Bill Cosby performs at the Buell Theater in Denver, Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015. Cosby, 77, is facing sexual assault accusations from at least 15 women, with some of the claims dating back decades. He has denied the allegations through his attorney and has never been charged with a crime. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)
Cosby & Haxtable
Within the last year we’ve seen our beloved pitch man J-E-L-L-O pudding pop himself go from this wholesome TV father figure from the Cosby Show all the while Bill Cosby the MAN is wanting to save the black kids from gangs and street violence and lastly preaching the importance of education for our Black youth. As we now know (or not) Cosby’s first accuser asked a judge to release Cosby’s FULL deposition (that Cosby I’m sure didn’t want released) in her sex-assault lawsuit.Watching Cosby the MAN through the years I saw vulnerability and a flaw what’s that flaw you ask? His EGO and that pudding pop and them nuts in-between his legs that’s gotten him into a HOT J-E-L-L-O mess. This man has been accused of drugging and raping multiple women (paying them off and telling them to keep they mouth shut) who were once aspiring actresses ( mostly white women that we’ve seen so far) and a few women of color including Super Model Beverly Johnson, this has apparently been going on for the past few decades.
If I remember correctly, he is married with children. So he took his married with children ass Cosby charm wooed a woman into bed Hmmmm… I wonder?? you know what’s next (drugged her maybe raped her) she got pregnant then he paid his now baby mama hush money, his baby and baby mama quietly went way while Cosby’s WHOLESOME IMAGE intact. But hold up his baby grew up!! I guess mama and daughter felt ignored and got tired of people fawning over him like he was the savor for the BLACK children in the ghetto and the greatest TV Dad of the century so with that she and her mama put has black ass ON FULL BLAST! All the while this was happening Cosby and his team repaired his CLIFF HAXTABLE persona very quickly.
The late 1990’s we cried with Cosby for the senseless death of his beloved son Ennis Cosby and understanding that BILL COSBY THE MAN is not PERFACT and he is NOT Dr. Cliff Haxtable.
Toward the end of 2014 I watched as everyone else did Bill Cosby’s great pedestal fall I was taken a back quite a bit by the disbelief of SOME of my black people SOME whites had totally different opinions on Cosby’s apparent fall from grandeur SOME whites said he’s a drugging rapist and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent, SOME black folk think he’s being setup by these trifling Hoes for money; fame, they want to see real PROOF that Cosby drugged and raped these women one even said, “Why didn’t these woman save they panties for DNA?” I was like REALLY? Ummmm… that’s nasty! LOL As I read comments on Facebook and other social media and blogs about this man that so many people of color look up to I often wonder are these apparently intelligent people looking at Dr. Heathcliff Haxtable the fictional father figure who had strong family values or Bill Cosby The pitch man for J-E-L-L-O pudding Pops? Are we looking at the activist the author television Icon and groundbreaker for so many black people in the entertainment industry? I think in my humble opinion (IMHO) many people are looking at the carefully crafted molded character of a Black Man who’s life has NOT been so pretty HE’S A MAN with the J-E-L-L-O pudding pop and nuts in-between his legs which has ruined his carefully manufactured pedestal; his EGO then his OWN need to be America’s #1 DAD Heathcliff Haxtable. I see a MAN who’s now looked at very differently by the world who has watched him through the years. I feel great sadness and loneliness for this man Lord knows I do but he only has himself to blame.
NEW YORK (AP) — For decades, Bill Cosby cast himself as America’s dad and then as America’s granddad, a moralist with tough talk for young people about acting responsibly. It was that image that proved to be his undoing.
Via: Associated Press correspondent Michael Sisak in Philadelphia and Television Writer Lynn Elber in Los Angeles
Halle Berry wants to do a Solo Storm movie
With Wolverine about to get his 3rd solo movie and Gambit getting his first movie next year. It seems like Halle Berry wants to add Storm into the mix. Halle Berry has stated that she would love to do a solo Storm movie in the future, at least before she turns 65 she says.
My thoughts? While I would love a Storm solo movie I just don’t think Halle Berry would fit the role. A woman of African descent should play her seeing is how Storm is African.
I don’t know what’s Hollywood’s deal on casting lighter skinned women in these types of roles. The same could be said for Akexandra Shipp because I for one don’t know why she was cast as Storm for X-Men Apocalypse. Lupita Nyongo would’ve been perfect for this type of role but it seems like that’s just wishful thinking.
Let me know your opinions!