Ant-Man movie review
This morning, I saw Marvel’s newest movie, Ant-Man. The movie is about a third who is reluctantly thrown into being a a super hero after stealing a scientifically engineered shrinking suit.
Let me start of by saying that I loved the movie ! The characters were great, the comedy was great and the action was great!
Ant-Man is definitely one of those movies that I will buy on DVD when it comes out. The main character Scott Lang is fresh out of prison and you can tell he wants to start fresh and do right by his daughter so right then and there you have something to root for. Not only is he funny but his homeboys are too and Spoiler Alert: T.I. Is in this movie though not as a main character but a very funny secondary character.
Michael Douglas as Hank Pym was great as well. He shows that the the very first scene of the movie. You can tell he was trying his best to the correct the wrongs he’s done and help mend the relationship between him and his daughter.
Now to the villain The Yellow Jacket. He’s definitely someone who you wanna yank through the movie screen and strangle. Especially when you see what lengths he’ll go through to achieve his goal.
All in all, this movie is definitely worth watching! Take your friends , take your family or who ever to see this movie because it’s worth the money.
On a scale of 1 to 5 I give it a 5
Freezer mom sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole
Freezer showed no remorse for killing two of her four children and stuffing the bodies in a home freezer, as she was sentenced Friday to life in prison without parole.
Mitchelle Blair, 36, was charged, convicted and sentenced less than four months after an eviction crew discovered the children’s bodies in the freezer in March.
She pleaded guilty to first-degree murder late last month for killing her 13-year-old daughter, Stoni, in 2013 and 9-year-old son, Stephen, in 2012 after torturing and beating them.
‘I don’t feel no remorse for the death of them demons,’ Blair said previously.

via ~
Mitchelle Blair, 36, was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole after pleading guilty to killing her 13-year-old daughter in 2012 and 9-year-old son in 2012

The mother admitted to killing her daughter Stoni (left) and son Stephen (right) after pouring scalding water on them, beating them and putting trash bags over their heads

‘As horrendous as everybody thinks I am — that’s fine,’ Blair told the court on Friday as she lashed out against one of the fathers of her children who filed an impact statement with the judge
She claims they had sexually abused a sibling, though she didn’t witness the alleged assaults and never reported anything to police.
Prosecutor Carin Goldfarb said there was no evidence of sexual assault.
She described how she poured scalding water on the victims, beat them with sticks and put trash bags over their heads.
The mother was also said to have starved her daughter, limiting her to one meal of oatmeal per day, before choking her with a t-shirt and suffocating her with a plastic bag.
Her surviving teenage daughter, who was reportedly hit with a 2×4 and burned with a clothing iron by her mother, told investigators that Stephen had been choked with a belt before he died.
Blair said that she did not intentionally kill Stephen, but was proud that she had beaten him to death, according to The Detroit News.
She said, ‘If I had a chance to do it again, I would’.
‘So this was your way of inflicting punishment?’ Judge Dana Hathaway asked.
‘Definitely,’ replied Blair.
The mother underlined that sentiment at her sentencing hearing.
‘As horrendous as everybody thinks I am — that’s fine,’ Blair told Hathaway.
The judge told the mother, ‘You imposed the death penalty on your own children’.
‘As a mother, one of your primary responsibilities was to protect your kids . You failed them’.

Blair said that she would have accepted the death penalty for her crimes, but Michigan does not have capital punishment

Judge Dana Hathaway said that Blair had imposed the death penalty on her children. Above, Blair yells during a court hearing in April
Blair said that she would have accepted being sentenced to the death penalty herself, but Michigan does not have capital punishment, according to Click On Detroit.
Previous medical exams revealed signs of abuse on the suriving two children, including scars on the 8-year-old consistent with being hit by an extension cord.
Her attorney said in her defense that she had also been abused as a child.
The mother reportedly spent 15 minutes of Friday’s court session saying that one of the fathers of her four children, Steven Berry and Alexander Dorsey, did not deserve to be in the children’s lives, according to Fox Detroit.
She accused the ‘pathetic’ Dorsey family of lying about her treatment of her children and said that the father was often drunk when he was asked to see his children.
Blair also said that Dorsey’s father was said to have molested one of his other granddaughters.
The mother also went after the prosecutor saying that her other child had not been abused, saying ‘How dare you say that didn’t happen to my (child). You weren’t there’. She pointed to the fact that her son had spoken about being molested in an interview.
She had previously given the middle finger to the fathers last month, and repeated the rude gesture as she was leaving court today.
Dorsey, who fathered Blair’s two daughters had submitted a letter to the judge that had been read privately to the mother, had to be escorted from the court after making a ‘disrespectful’ remark.
Siri Has Started Correcting People Who Call Caitlyn Jenner ‘Bruce’
If you’re gonna talk to Siri about Bruce Jenner, you better use the former Olympian’s “correct name.”
the revelation is making its rounds on the Internet: Siri will only refer to BRUCE as Caitlyn which is the name he is currently identifying with.
Siri’s awareness about Jenner’s transition extends beyond just knowing the reality star’s name:
Bruce Jenner took home the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the 2015 ESPY Awards on July 15,
I wonder what siri has to say about Rachel Dolezal ethnicity?
High Speed chase leaves teacher and mistress dead
A long high speed chase from Georgia to Alabama has left 2 people dead.
49 year old Sandra Barrnett, I special needs teacher at McNair Middle School was kidnapped and killed yesterday during a high speed across state lines.
Her kidnapper, was her husband’s mistress. Neighbors noticed something was off after they spotted a Dodge Durango outside of Barrnett’s home.
The chase stopped in Alabama where the mistress stopped the car, pulled out a gun, opened the trunk and shot Barrnett before turning the gun on herself. The mistress has not been named.
This is a scary case of Fatal Attraction . Because of this woman’s no good husband 2 people are dead. I hope he has a good way of explaining this to his kids if he has any.
Sandra Bland Drove to Texas to Start a New Job, so How Did She End Up Dead in Jail?
She has a Name
Her name is Sandra Bland a Black Woman from Naperville ILL., on July 9th the 28 year old drove to Texas to start her new job at her alma meter, Prairie View, A&M only to be stopped just outside the campus July 10th by Police for allegedly (WE ALL KNOW IT WASN’T ALLEGEDLY) for failing to signal while changing lanes. Needless to write on July 13th when her Family came to bail her out of jail to only find her dead in her jail cell hmmmm…. a Video was uploaded to YouTube and it doesn’t look like the police stopped her for that reason.
What will it take to reprogram these shoot to kill cops from killing our BLACK MEN AND WOMEN? (Okay stay FOCUSED NOW WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL LIVES MATTER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT #BLACKLIVESMATTER #BLACKWOMANSLIVESMATTER) The only way to reprogram the police and the justice system is to fire and prosecute (ACTUALLY CONVICT AND SENTENCE) everyone of these RACIST BIAS and prejudice officer of color who is in the racist system of justice for the wrongful death of an unarmed man, woman or children of color. How do we do reprogram the good ones you ask? We need to get these good cops out from under the shadows and into the light so they can shine bright these cops are probably scared to step up and speak out against police brutality for fear of retaliation or loss of job.
As you may or naïvely may NOT realize when a BLACK police officer takes off his badge and uniform she/he is just another N****** with a target on their back. One way (I KNOW THERE’S MUCH MORE TO DO) is to STOP recruiting these over eager (security cops) wanna be real cops get them out in the Community with the people let them explore their community with another set of eyes. Abolish the STOP and frisk, Broken Windows policy…… I could go on. When is it gonna STOP my people! RIP Sandra Bland
On July 9, 28-year-old Sandra Bland of Naperville, Ill., drove to Texas to start a new job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M. On July 10, police stopped Bland just outside the campus….
Via: Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
Jay Z’s Tidal Slapped With $50 Million Lawsuit by Cash Money Records Over Lil Wayne
Jay Z’s Tidal Slapped With $50 Million Lawsuit by Cash Money Records Over Lil Wayne
Jay Z can add a new lawsuit to his list of 99 problems.
The hip-hop mogul’s streaming service Tidal has been slapped with a $50 million lawsuit filed by Lil Wayne’s label Cash Money Records over music released by Weezy on Tidal.
The suit, filed in New York Supreme Court on Thursday, actually lists Aspiro AB, WiMP Music AS and Wimp, Inc. — described as owners and/or operators of Tidal — as defendants.
The suit alleges that Birdman-founded Cash Money Records struck an exclusive recording deal with Lil Wayne — real name Dwayne Michael Carter — in 1998, an agreement that was violated by Tidal’s release of the rapper’s 2014 song “Glory” and earlier this month, his “FWA” album.
“FWA” streamed on Tidal July 3, and included 16 songs that had not yet been released by the label.
The lawsuit claims that Tidal poached Lil Wayne in “a desperate and illegal attempt to save their struggling streaming service.”
Perhaps even worse, the complaint cites “tepid reviews” for “FWA” including a Spin review that called the album an “uneven grab bag that quickly goes awry and fails to cohere.” Ouch.
(Full disclosure: The lawsuit also cites an article on Tidal published by TheWrap, which is not a party to the suit.)
Cash Money says it has invested heavily in Lil Wayne’s career, paying him “tens of millions of dollars.”
Claiming tortuous interference with contract, unfair competition, conversion and other counts, the suit is asking for monetary damages of no less than $20 million and $30 million in punitive damages. Cash Money also wants an injunction ordering the defendants to remove Lil Wayne’s music from Tidal.
Damn it seems like Birdman is really in his feelings, he will not allow wayne to go peacefully!
James Holmes found guilty of Aurora, Colorado shooting
After 3 years and 12 hours of deliberating, James Holmes has been found guilty on a total of 165 counts. 24 counts of murder, 140 counts of attempted murder, and 1 count of possession of an explosive device.
Holmes barged in a movie theater on July 20, 2012 and shot and killed 12 people and injured 70 others. He tried to plead guilty by reason of insanity.
It’s good to see that after 3 years this man will finally be put behind bars. It won’t bring those people back but at least their families can have a peace of mind knowing he will be locked up for life.
Plot of Apocalypse and first look at Cyclops, Jean Grey, Jubilee and Nightcrawler
Below is the plot of the new X-Men Apocalypse movie and shots of a young Cyclops, Jean Grey, Jubilee and Nightcrawler. Enjoy!
“As the new film opens, 10 years have passed and Raven (Lawrence), Charles (McAvoy), and Erik (Michael Fassbender) are still estranged, but not for much longer. The Big A awakens from his Egyptian tomb, sizes up the global ’80s vibe, and decides he’s not down with the Reagan era. “It’s a chaotic world of conflict and war and destruction,” Singer says. “It’s one giant civilization that now requires one giant culling. That’s why he needs special assistants in this process.” He finds teenage Storm living on the streets in Cairo, Angel (Ben Hardy) duking it out in a fight club in Berlin, and Psylocke (Olivia Munn) working behind the Iron Curtain for the mutant-broker Caliban. But his big get is Erik, who has been attempting to live a “normal” life in Poland. “He’s fallen in love and he’s basically left his metal ways behind,” Fassbender says. Pretty quickly, though, his world is shattered and “normal” is no longer an option. Says Fassbender, “Apocalypse finds Erik at a low ebb and recruits him.”
Miles away, meanwhile, Raven is on her own, helping rescue mutants who are oppressed or enslaved, including the teleport Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-McPhee). Raven knows nothing about Apocalypse, Lawrence says, but “she hears about what happened to Erik and she wants to seek him out and help him.” This instigates a reunion between Raven and Charles, who has seen his school for extraordinary students flourish. “He’s not teaching anybody how to fight at the moment,” McAvoy says. “He’s teaching people how to control their abilities so that they can work at a bank. But of course this movie challenges all of that.” When Apocalypse’s plot to reboot the world is made clear, the stage is set for an epic mutant vs. mutant war.”
Ratchet FL~ Church Orders Single Mom to Pay $1,000 in Delinquent Tithes
Remember when church elders said tithing wasn’t mandatory; and to just give whatever you can? Well, those days are long gone.
As more and more churches face budget cuts and rising gas prices making it more costly for pastors to drive Cadillacs, church leaders are looking to their flock to foot the bills.
One Florida church demanded a female member pay $1,000 in delinquent tithes or be removed from the church’s roll.
Candace Patterson received the letter from Tampa’s Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church. The letter reminded the single mom of the church’s mandatory “contribution” of $50 a month plus two special assessments.
The letter also demanded children pay $5 a month plus two special assessments.
It isn’t unusual for church’s to shame members into paying tithes, but some say Patterson’s church took it a step too far.
Patterson posted the letter on her Facebook page, where it sparked fiery debates on mandatory tithing and religious extortion.
Patterson wrote: “if I knew a church charged 50.00 a month I would have never joined…especially if I’m a single parent trying to make ends meet…”
But many of her followers saw no problem with a church forcing its members to pay what amounts to private club dues every month.
Others criticized the church for hiding behind its tax exempt status while fleecing its congregation.
Churches used to be sanctuaries where parishioners could go for spiritual guidance and a sense of belonging. But churches have become a business, and churches profit from tithing.
Patterson told ABC News, “It’s like you say to me, if you want to be a member of this church, you need to pay this. If you want to find God, it don’t say anything like that in the Bible.”
LMAFOOOOOO only in ratchet ass fl would this happen! wth is moriah day!? i’m in tears at this whole story!
TLC is officially canceling 19 excuses and Counting
KNWA via NBC — TLC is officially canceling the hit reality series “19 Kids and Counting,” according to a statement from the network.
The show “will no longer appear on the air,” the network said.
The future of the show has been in question since May following revelations that Josh Duggar, 27, molested five children — including four of his sisters.
“The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection,” TLC said.
TLC said it will partner with victims’ rights and advocacy groups on a “multi-platform campaign to raise awareness and educate parents and families about the issue.”
It said that effort will include a one-hour documentary that will feature some family members and “other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse.”
The popular show documented the life and times of Arkansas couple Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their now-19 kids.
It was taken off the air in May after reports appeared about the sexual abuse that allegedly happened 12 years earlier.
Two daughters featured on the show have said publicly that they had forgiven their brother for molesting them.The reality show “will no longer appear on the air,” the network told The Associate Press in a statement Thursday.
The Duggar Family released the following statement Thursday: