7th Chucky Movie In The Works
With the success of the Child’s Play franchise’s most recent film Curse Of Chucky, many asked creator and director Don Mancini when will he make another one. Well it seems like last week he gave us an answer:
As a huge Chucky fan I’m really excited about this! I have all 6 movies on DVD I don’t regret buying them! I can’t wait to gather more info in this!
Death Row Inmate Richard Glossip Wins Last-Minute Reprieve
Hmmm…. ?? I WONDER will this WHITE MAN Richard Glossip GET A FAIR JUST RULING that will spare his life?? I DO pray that he was/is telling the truth about the crimes he’s been accused of but I just DON’T TRUST the justice systems motives these days. I KNOW FOR A FACT A BLACK MAN WOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN A REPRIEVE HE’D BEEN EXACUDED THEN THE TRUTH WOULD HAVE COME OUT AFTER HIS DEATH! YOU KNOW WHY? Cause #BLACKLIVESDONTMATTER; #ITDONTMATTER! #ALLIVESDONTMATTER UNTIL #BLACKLIVESMATTER TO EVERYONE!
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/richard-glossip-stay_55f99f1de4b0e333e54c28fc
I CAN’T WAIT EMPIRE WILL BE BACK IN 7 DAYS!! If you want to relive Empire season 1 IT’S AVALABLE NOW ON DVD & BLU-RAY The Lyon’s are pacing back and forth in their cage and ready to jump to claim the throne of Empire! Are you ready for the Lyon’s to come out? you know I am!! EMPIRE IS BACK WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD 8/7C ON FOX!!
For those of you who may have just found Empire here’s what all the hype is about! https://www.youtube.com/user/EMPIREonFOX
NC police chief retires after calling ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement a ‘terrorist group’ on Facebook
WOW…. Looks like this dude was typing to much I don’t feel sorry for him NEVER TYPE ANYTHING ON Social Media that may harm you, your family, credibility last your livelihood. These RACIST polices and regular hard working white folks are really SHOWING THEIR RACIST; IGNORATE beliefs. People are afraid of the unknown for they can not see or hear into the present nor into the future they worry, gossip and make assumptions and defend the person, place or thing for they feel they know that person, place or thing telling anyone who will listen some people may say… “BLACKLIVESMATTER MOVEMENT is a racist HATE group!” when in fact it IS the opposite. So before we act as judge and jury know your FACTS before you give your opinion. White people (DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL I DON’T MEAN ALL WHITE PEOPLE!) are getting scared of the unknown as we all are but SOME are taking it to far when it comes to their racist beliefs MANY are not racist but seem to not know or not fully understand the issues at hand,
Just this year a White man brought this to my attention he says when we people of color are talking on;offline about THEIR issues of their race, their lives, police brutality, white privilege; supremacy… WHITE PEOPLE NEED TO LISTEN MORE SPEAK;TYPE LESS READ AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND ask questions yes but don’t get offended or take it personal when the answer is not what you wanted to hear. OUR VOICES ARE NOT HEARD BECAUSE WHITE FOLKS ARE SO BUSY RUNNG THEIR MOUTH; ( trying to sympathize or cuddle us) OR TYPING until they end up NOT HEARING US; HALF ASS READING what we’re saying until what we are trying to say or teach you is lost. #BLACKLIVESMATTER however, the movement needs to regroup; get these militant hate filled, wanna kill a white, man; cop black people out of the picture; start engaging conversations about our issues that have been at the forefront of our lives that’s never REALLY been resolved and that’s TRUE racial equity and an end to the Prison Industrial Complex; abuse of power in our justice system. You say what about Black on Black crime? I’ll answer that in my next Blog. When you start caring about #BLACKLIVESMATTER then #ALLIVESWILLMATTER!
Man jailed for minor traffic violations is left comatose after prison guards BLOCKED paramedics from taking him to hospital
via Dailymail.com
An inmate who was jailed for minor traffic violations in a St. Louis prison was blocked from receiving medical care by guards who refused to let paramedics take him to hospital.
Bernard Scott, 44, told prison guards at the Pine Lawn jail in St. Louis County, Missouri, that he had abdominal pain and bleeding.
But when paramedics arrived and said that they needed to take Scott to the emergency room, a jail supervisor refused to release him.

The medics from the Northeast Fire Protection District told jail staff that Scott (pictured) had a painful mass in his abdomen and should be taken to hospital

Despite the medics attempting to convince the guard that Scott needed urgent care, it was to no avail
Scott ended up comatose, but has since regained consciousness according to The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
According to the newspaper, Scott changed into his street clothes to get in the ambulance when a jail supervisor turned him back at the last minute.
The medics from the Northeast Fire Protection District told jail staff that Scott had a painful mass in his abdomen and should be taken to hospital for treatment but the supervisor refused to sign off on it.
Scott was being held in lieu of $360 for minor traffic fines at the Pine Lawn jail in St. Louis County, Raw Story reports.
Paramedics wrote in a report – obtained by The St. Louis Post-Dispatch – that police advised that [patient] should be transferred to [the emergency department] for further medical attention.
Despite the medics attempting to convince the guard that Scott needed urgent care, it was to no avail.
Around 14 minutes after the paramedics left, Scott needed another ambulance because his condition had worsened, according to Raw Story.

Scott told prison guards at the Pine Lawn jail in St. Louis County, Missouri, that he had abdominal pain and bleeding
Bill Cosby’s Accusers Will Appear on A&E’s Cosby: The Women Speak
Here WE GO AGAIN!! Why do these woman feel the need to go on NATIONAL TELEVISION to talk about Mr. Pudding Pop? SIGH I guess we need to know the what, the when and the why? I’m not saying I don’t believe them but it seems now all they want to do is SHAME the man. OH WELL LOL I feel sorry for Cosby. As I read Facebook comments about this story Black folks still want to WORSHIP Mr. Pudding Pop. We need to stop putting these celebrities pedestals cause they ass stinks just like everyone else’s! Will I tune in? Yeah just to get some good Tea. Sip…sip….
Over the last year, more than 40 women have come forward with similar stories about being sexually assaulted and drugged by Bill Cosby. The women have shared their stories with various magazines and through press conferences and interviews, but on Thursday night, A&E will air a special…..
Trey Radel, Busted On Cocaine Charge, Voted For Drug Testing Food Stamp Recipients
ALL (NOT ALL DAMNIT) THESE PLITICIANS ARE A BUNCH OF RACIST HYPOCRITES! This one a druggy and a racist. This political season is really turning out to be a JOKE!
WASHINGTON — In September, Rep. Trey Radel voted for Republican legislation that would allow states to make food stamp recipients pee in cups to prove they’re not on drugs. In October, police busted the Florida Republican on a charge of cocaine possession…
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/19/trey-radel-drug-testing_n_4305348.html
Body of Missing 4-Year-Old Boy Found in Mission Bay Channel; Abduction Claims Unfounded
The body of a 4-year-old boy missing since Saturday night has been found, officials said.
San Diego Police (SDPD) Officer Cory Mapston said the body of Wesley Hilaire was found 100 yards off the shore near Mission Bay’s east channel. Though police had previously issued an Amber Alert, they said Sunday the claims of child abduction were unfounded. “It appears to be an entirely accidental drowning,” SDPD Sgt. Cory Mapston said.
After Wesley was reported missing just after dark, police began combing through the land and water near the 3000 block of N Mission Bay Drive, where he was last seen. Around 2 a.m., SDPD officials issued an Amber Alert in San Diego, Riverside and Orange counties.
Mother Daniesha Hilaire was at the scene through the night and into Sunday morning, passing out fliers with her son’s information, hoping that the information would help spread the word and find her son.
“If anybody sees him, just take him from whoever he’s with,” Daniesha told NBC7 through tears Saturday night. “He was with my sister at the beach and I was at work and I got a text saying that they couldn’t find him at the beach.”
When she was told her son’s body was found, Daniesha collapsed and had to be taken away on a gurney. The boy’s grandmother, also at the scene, began yelling and screaming. Many in the area gathered to pray.
At 11 a.m., a Harbor Patrol sonar boat began going through the water slowly and found the boy’s body 100 feet from Mission Bay Park. Divers then went in to recover the boy.
When officials searched the perimeter, Daniesha told NBC 7 her young boy was a bright young man.
“As a 4-year-old, he knew it all,” Daniesha said through laughter. “He knew more than any 4-year-old should probably know.”
As the investigation unfolded overnight, police told NBC7 they were not ruling out any possibilities, but believe the young boy was either abducted or drowned, though they said they issued an Amber Alert as a precaution in the event he was abducted.
Wesley was last seen wearing no shirt and red shorts. Wesley was 42 inches tall and weighs approximately 40 pounds, his mother said. He has brown eyes and black hair.
His mother, Daniesha, said he was with his aunt playing with other children in the water. Police initially believed a man may have abducted him after a witness reported seeing a man leading him away from a nearby bathroom.
Sunday morning, the boy’s family said the police said the witness’ statements seemed questionable.
“It turns out what the citizen had seen, we dont know what it was about, but it was not about our 4-year-old missing child,” Mapston said.
Search crews were looking in the water and in surrounding areas, but when they failed to find him in the water, they turned the scene into a crime scene. A helicopter and police dogs were called in to aid with the search.
“Officers began doing a missing person’s search operation and during that it involved the water, so we had lifeguards,” Mapston said.
The father recently deployed with the U.S. Navy on the USS George Washington, the mother said.
“My husband just left last week,” she told reporters Sunday morning. “Yes, it’s hard. I talked to him last night. No word on if they’re going to fly him in.”
via: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Missing-Boy-Amber-Alert-Update-327206311.html
NIA LONG DRAGGED For Saying “All Lives Matter”
She must be dating Common? *Sippin’ Tea*
I GUESS #ITDONTMATTER #BLACKLIVESDONTMATTER TO HER! I’m not writing no more Black folks are goin’ in on her!! #BLACKLIVESMATTER
Source: http://blackmediascoop.com/nia-long-gets-dragged-for-saying-all-lives-matter/
4 Powerful Photos Capture The Sad Truth Of Racism In America
As I look at these photos I feel his pain not as a Black Man but of a Black Woman who’s life DOES NOT MATTER #BLACKLIVESDONTMATTER you white folks say but #ALLIVESMATTER! Let me give you some food for thought IF #ALLIVESMATTER why is it when a BLACK life is taken you want to make an argument,that black life that was snuffed out was a thug and a criminal you say well if he/she hadn’t been breaking the law… I THOUGHT #ALLIVESMATTERED?
Although, I understand where my Black Brotha was going with the #ITDOESNTMATTER hashtag but to say #ITDOESNTMATTER makes white people who don’t believe in #BLACKLIVESMATTER; say #ALLIVESMATTER feel more comfortable saying #ITDOESNTMATTER WE MUST NOT MAKE WHITE FOLKS FEEL COMFORTABLE THEY NEED TO HEAR US SAY AND SEE THE WORDS #BLACKLIVESMATTER than follow it up with but you don’t care cause you are selective when it comes to BLACK LIVES you say #ALLIVESMATTER but when one of your OWN WHITE race is killed by the police where’s the outrage then? You to my people when a white life is taken by the police we need to treat the white victims(s); as if they was one of ours have the same outrage and say their name LOUDLY!
My BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE ALONG WITH OUR WHITE ALLIES WE MUST DISMANTLE THIS NEW JIM CROW! One thing that white folks MUST start doing (on;offline) is LISTEN MORE, TYPE LESS;speak less when people of color are talking, discussing, debating even when it gets heated yes ask questions just don’t get all in your feelings when we tell you like it is. LAST WHITE PEOPLE DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL PEOPLE COLOR ARE TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! IF #ALLIVESMATTER then you won’t mind just listening; reading and fixing what you created if you don’t than I guess #ITDONTMATTER to you that a LIFE was taken by police brutality.