Do you #stillstandwithahmed? Ahmed Mohamed story continued…
As the TRUTH about Ahmed has unfolded are SOME of you still using the Hashtag #istandwithahmed? Are you still consigning that he’s a cute (although he is cute) Muslim high school freshmen who ( shouldn’t have) took his “ invented clock” to school who than took his “invented clock” to engineering class he shows it to his Teacher then his Teacher told that boy to NOT carry his little “invented clock” to the next class or show it to other teachers; classmates because it LOOKS SUSPICIOUS AND PEOPLE WOULD THINK IT WAS BOOMB.
So what does this cute little muslim boy do he takes his “invented clock” to his next class anyway AFTER HE WAS TOLD NOT TO the Alarm on his “invented clock, clock went off NOT once but twice. The Teacher then called the principal who then called the police then I guess someone pulled out they smartphone took his now famous handcuff photo now I will say this if this had been a cute white high school freshmen no one would have paid it any attention he may have been arrested for the same thing but TREATED much differently. When the police asked he was passive aggressive and hostile so he was NOT arrested and put in jail for a making a bomb he was charged with a BOOMB HOAX. While National; local News pounced on this humane interest race; religion story America was;are still outraged and came together for Ahmed with love, support a hashtag #istandwithahmed and his name has gone viral, Ahmed got lots of Twitter followers the President; Mark Zuckerberg gave him a shout out, he appeared on Good morning America, The Today show and was scheduled to be on the Ellen Degeneres Show; someone set up a #istandwithahmed fund raising campaign through LaunchGood to do date ya’ll have raised 15,423 dollars Microsoft has given him thousands of dollars worth of FREE stuff hmmm was one of the gifts an Xbox One? (I MEANT THAT SARCASTICALLY) During ALL of Ahmed’s interviews he seemed to relish in all the attention he was getting as I sit back and read the social media comments one facebook user told me that I needed to give Ahmed props for inventing the clock I was like wtf you still wanna cosign after all the evidence that has been proven and presented to you?
I’m just smdfh while saying ya’ll took the bait hook line and sinker ya’ll would rather believe a LIE celebrate a FRUAD come to defense of a FRUAD, donate your hard earned money to a FRUAD rather than just sit back and drink your tea and LOOK and LISTEN as I did you would see the cracks in his story. Reportedly, his parents have taken Ahmed out of school and the child is not eating or sleeping well also the family is now hired a lawyer to see if Ahmed’s civil; legal rights have been violated also to get Ahmed’s clock back from Irving Police Department. The family said they’re also suing because they say Ahmed had been “severely traumatized”, and they hope one will experience what he did. Ummmmm no Boo I think your guilty conscience is getting to you.
I still say Ahmed’s family are race baiters I believe they came up with this plan knowing that Ahmed would end up arrested I don’t think they planned for their plan to go this far I just thank GOD Ahmed didn’t get shot or killed or we’d be hearing a different story. I have to remember that Ahmed story is a side effect of the social media & BREAKING NEWS age. Everyone wants a feel good story, everyone wants to rally around injustice but IMO (in my humble opinion) don’t jump on the latest hashtag; or reach in your pocket book ready to donate to a cause that’s NOT a cause but a TRUE FRAUD. Oh BTW I STAND BY WHAT I WROTE SOME OF YA’LL STILL GOT PUNK’D!!!
X-Men ’92 Comic Series To Return As On Going Series
Well there’s good news for Marvel fans. Today Marvel has announced that the comic series X-Men ’92 will be returning as an ongoing comic book series in Spring of 2016.
Earlier in the year, Marvel created the X-Men ’92, a Secret Wars miniseries. It had the look of the popular animated series X-Men: The Animated Series, which ran from 1992 to 1997. Chris Sims and Chad Bowers will continue to pen the series. It will be illustrated by Alti Firmansyah and David Nakayama will do the cover artwork.
Well Marvel will definitely be getting my money. I look forward to buying these, are you?
So Sad, So Dumb. Selfies Kill More People Than Sharks

A Japanese tourist at the Taj Mahal has died after falling down the stairs while taking a selfie. The incident brings new attention to a disturbing trend. (Photo: iStock)
Okay we’ve all taken selfies before but DAYUM!! Be creative be inspiring but PLEASE SAFE! I’ve taken a selfie on my bed laying down and one time fell on the floor but I think that’s as dangerous as I got that’s what I get for trying to be sexy. lol
The selfie nabs one more victim. A Japanese tourist has died after attempting to take a self-portrait at the Taj Mahal’s Royal Gate. The 66-year-old man fell down the stairs and suffered head injuries, losing consciousness and leading to his death. One of his friends also fractured a leg in the fall.
It’s a sad story, and what’s even sadder is that it’s not the only one. As if you needed additional proof that people need….
#MasculinitySoFragile Why I’m Tired Of Being Attacked For My Masculinity
So apparently a new hashtag was created today called #MasculinitySoFragile. Basically in the hastag it talks about how men seem to have to do the most prove themselves as a man and that us trying to prove that so hard results in violent misogyny towards women. Like how if a woman rejects a man he some how becomes violent and verbally abusive. Or like how there are Men’s Only products in stores in order to somehow flaunt how manly we are just to name a few of the BS I’ve seen in this hashtag.
I for one am tired of it. Seriously since when did my masculinity and me just being a man in general become so much a problem in today’s society. It’s coming to a point where it’s almost a crime to be a man. I’ll be blunt with you, I’m completely turned off by the feminist movement, I really am. Because it seems like instead of wanting equality they want superiority. Attacking masculinity is one their methods of strategy so it seems.
In the wake of that hashtag, a new one called #FeminitySoFragile shows just how fragile the female mind can be as well. That hashtag basically called out the BS of this hashtag and in the same breath pointed out the flaws in femininity as well. But for some reason that was a problem. So it’s cool to call out masculinity and take shots at it but God forbid you call out feminity cause it’ll be a huge problem and label you has a woman hating misogynist.
I love women, but a woman can not define for me what being a man and masculinity is because of the simple fact of they’re not a woman!. Would you let a man tell you what being a woman and femininity is? I didn’t think so.
Fla. deputy fatally shot from behind after serving domestic violence papers
A Florida deputy was shot from behind and killed after serving a domestic violence injunction Tuesday morning, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office said.
Deputy Bill Myers, 64, was working in Shalimar when he was struck by multiple bullets, including in his head and back.
The suspect, Joel Dixon Smith, was later killed in a hotel shootout with a tactical team, officials said.
“Deputy Myers has been a treasured part of this agency’s family since 1989,” Sheriff Larry Ashley said of the deputy who had retired two years ago then came back to work part time earlier this year. He was loved, admired, and respected for his dedication to the law enforcement profession.
“He loved photography and he had an ability to make those around him smile, especially his young granddaughter who he adored and took to Disney World as often as he could.”
Myers had come back to work to earn a little money to take his granddaughter to the theme park, the sheriff said.
The sheriff told reporters he spoke to Myers’ wife and one of his sons.
“They are devastated,” Ashley said.
Myers had served the papers, which prohibited Smith from having contact with his spouse, at the office of the suspect’s lawyer and had talked to the suspect about surrendering his firearms, the sheriff said.
Smith told Myers that his guns were in his truck. As they walked to the parking lot, Smith shot Myers, according to Ashley. There were four shell casings found at the scene but it wasn’t immediately clear if Smith fired each round. Myers’ gun wasn’t in his holster, the sheriff said.
Because the event had been set up by Smith’s attorney, who called authorities to tell them where to meet his client, it appeared Smith wasn’t a threat.
“Certainly there was no indication … that there was violence to be expected,” Ashley said.
Myers died at Fort Walton Beach Medical Center.
The suspect fled and after being spotted by police raced to a hotel in Niceville where he barricaded the door of his room. The sheriff’s Special Response Team arrived and after more than 100 minutes of negotiations, they fired tear gas into the room, authorities said. Smith came out with a handgun and was shot several times, Ashley said. He died at the same hospital as the deputy.
Gov. Rick Scott said: “Our hearts are broken to learn of the death of Deputy Bill Myers. Florida’s law enforcement officers risk their lives daily to protect others, and any act of violence against these brave heroes is shameful and cowardly. My wife, Ann, and I send our sincerest condolences to Deputy Myers’ family and brothers and sisters in Florida’s law enforcement community.”
Ashley said Smith was arrested in a domestic violence case in Walton County in 2008.
According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, 27 officers have been killed by gunfire in the line of duty this year. Two others were fatally wounded during firearms training.
Soap star Nancy Lee Grahn tweet-blasts Viola Davis’ Emmy-win speech, then apologizes
Wow… Look at the White People tears falling
She STILL cryin’ even MORE after Black twitter put her ASS on BLAST
She need to STFU
Yeah SHE NOT SORRY *Sip Tea*
Some people need to take some of that Kaopectate for their Diarrhea of the Mouth I hear it works for the fingers too!
Selma man arrested after shooting 3 people during church service
A Selma man has been taken into custody and charged after officials say he shot his girlfriend, infant and a pastor, during a church service on Sunday.
Investigators say that witnesses recall around 10:25 a.m. James Junior Minter, 26, went inside the Oasis Tabernacle Church located on the 3700 block of Water Avenue and sat between the victim and the child. Shortly after Minter pulled out a gun and began shooting.
When officers arrived they found the 24-year-old woman who had been shot in the shoulder and jaw, the infant with a gunshot to the hand and the 61-year-old pastor with a gunshot to the leg. The woman and child were taken to hospitals in Birmingham and are currently listed in stable condition. The pastor was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Witnesses say while Minter was shooting at his girlfriend, the pastor attempted to grab Minter and was shot. Others then assisted in subduing Minter and were able to take the firearm from him. Minter then fled the scene but was taken into custody by police, less than a mile away.
According to Dallas County District Attorney Michael Jackson, Minter has been charged with three counts of attempted murder. He has been taken to the Dallas County Jail with no bond. Minter may also face additional charges related to the shooting. If convicted he could face 10 years to life in prison and fines up to $60,000.
Investigators say that the possible motive of the shooting stemmed from a domestic violence issue that had been ongoing between the couple.
Reporter Hannah Lane is at the scene and will have a live report from the church on WSFA 12 News at 5 p.m.
Ice T said Wha?? Kanye’s Fashion show stuff looks…
Now I was thinking the SAME thang but didn’t tweet it!! Kayne has lost his mind or we’ve been PUNKED!! Ice T is right this what HE calls Fashion looks like future slave gear! LOOOOL
Kanye's fashion show stuff looks like future Slave gear to me… Just sayin.
— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) September 17, 2015
Look at this….
The Carters and Puffy was like…
Native American child sent home by Utah school for wearing traditional Mohawk hairstyle
It’s SEEMS when (SOME) White AND Black (MORE WHITES TEND TO TAKE OVER EVERYTHING THOUGH) folks loose control over one thing they take control over the next. Remember how they (NOT ALL) TIRED to control how we wore our Natural Hair? The found out they couldn’t control that so they turned their attention to other people of color who also want to represent THEIR CULTURE;HERITAGE. This poor baby was removed from school because of his hairstyle that represents WHO HE IS HIS HERITAGE;HIS CULTURE Now as soon as mainstream white media sees an opening white folks are gonna start rockin’ this mo’hawk and call it a TREND IT’S GONNA BE COOL AND IN STYLE while NOT understanding the HISTORY behind the hairstyle. White people have NO culture and they (SOME ARE) jealous cause People of color have CULTURE and they want to be the ones to say THEY started it! WATCH ya’ll this Mo Hawk gonna rock the Runways! If you’re white and you wanna rock our culture at least learn what the significance behind the culture;style is and give credit where it originated that’s all we ask.
A Native American child was sent home from school for wearing a traditional Mohawk hairstyle because the school said it was against dress code, WFAA reports.
The Utah second grader is of Seneca and Paiute heritage and chose the hairstyle because it is commonly worn by Seneca Nation members. But this week his mother received a call from Arrowhead Elementary officials in St. George, Utah, saying….