Mom Whoops And Punches Son Over Bad Grades
Well Florida is back in the news and this time it’s from Pembroke Pines. A mother is facing child abuse charges after police say she beat and punched her 12-year-old son because of bad grades, which left him with a black eye.
According to the police, Sarah Dennis’ 12 year old son brought home three F’s on his report card about 2 weeks ago. The boy told police that his mother then told him to strip down to his underwear and proceeded to beat with him with a belt.
Dennis why is 25 by the way, continued to beat the boy with the belt. She then started punching him leaving him with a black eye. The boy was forced to speak with a school counselor after he was reported of having a black eye. Dennis’ other 11 year old son also brought home bad grades and was beaten as well but was not punched.
Dennis has since been arrested and charged with child abuse. She made appearances in two courtrooms on Wednesday once in bond court and another in front of a juvenile judge. She found out the only way she can see her three kids is during a supervised visit.
First off let me point out that this woman is 25 with TWO PRETEEN KIDS! While three F’s is bad that doesn’t justify beating and punching your child as punishment. Want him to improve? Get him in after school programs, get a tutor, or actually sit down and help him with his work.
X-Men Apocalypse Official Plot Revealed
Well the official plot of. X-Men Apocalypse has been revealed and here it is!
“Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible.
Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.”
Now that we have a synopsis now we need a trailer and soon!
800-pound man says hospital kicked him out for ordering pizza
PROVIDENCE, RI – A Rhode Island man who weighs just under 800 pounds has been kicked out of the hospital for ordering a pizza.
Steven Assanti, 33, says his eating addiction is what led him to here, the trunk of his father’s SUV, with no place to go.
For the past 80 days, Steven was getting the help he needed at Rhode Island Hospital, where he lost twenty pounds. But after Steven violated his care plan by ordering pizza, Steven says the hospital told him he could no longer stay.
“I was supposed to stay there and lose all my weight and get down to 550lbs, to get the gastric bypass. That was their plan.” said Steven Assanti.
A spokesperson for Rhode Island Hospital tells NBC 10 they can’t speak about Steven or any patient’s treatment.
“And if he comes home and I do get him up the stairs some how, some way, he’s gonna go right back to his eating habits.” said father Steven Veillette.
Steven’s father says taking his son home will be death sentence. So the two men say they will continue to drive until they find a place that can help.
Nursing home worker admits to fondling 93-year-old woman 100 times
HILLSBORO, MO (KTVI) – A Jefferson County nursing home worker is accused of fondling a 92-year-old woman’s bare breast about 100 times. Robert Leensvaart, 36, is charged with first degree sexual abuse. The victim is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s.
Leensvaart is a nurse’s aid at the Crystal Oaks Nursing Home. He was caught lying in bed with the victim on February 19th, according to the probable cause statement. He told investigators that he found her attractive. Police say he admits to fondling the elderly woman’s breast many times before he got caught.
Crystal Oaks Nursing Home Administrator James Amold tells police that the victim would not be able to give or refuse consent. The victim’s condition is described as being, “retracted.” She is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and curled up almost in a fetal position.
Former pastor charged with stealing money from church to pay off mistress
FLORISSANT, MO (KTVI) – A Florissant church pastor is charged with stealing from his own congregation. Police said the married man confessed he did it for his girlfriend. Detectives said Ralph Sawyer, he goes by Drew, used the church’s ATM card at Florissant bank to steal tens of thousands of dollars from the churches savings account. Sawyer is charged with one count of felony stealing.
One of Sawyer’s neighbor, who did not want to be identified, said, “Oh gee, I’m not going to judge anybody that’s for darn sure but I am shocked that the man, he’s just so kind.
Sawyer pastored at the Lindsay Lane Missionary Baptist Church in Florissant. In June and July police said Sawyer stole a lot of money from his own congregation. Sawyer was suspended of his duties, he later resigned. Florissant Police Detective Andy Haarmann added, “Several withdraws were made by Sawyer’s ATM cards amounting to over 21 thousand dollars.”
There were 35 withdrawals from a bank on Howdershell Road and from an ATM at this downtown St. Louis hotel, detectives say Sawyer told them had met a 20-year-old girl online. Haarmann said, “He said he initiated a relationship with a young lady as a result of that relationship he withdrew the funds to help continue the relationship. Madden: was she blackmailing him? It’s unclear how their relationship progressed he made some statements to indicate them and he made others to refute that.”
Police said the girlfriend is not being charged. Neighbors said recently men’s clothes were strewn across the front yard of Sawyer’s home. They witnessed Sawyer’s wife and children moving out.
Sawyer’s neighbor said, “All religions have problems I’m sure, this just happened to come out in the open, when you steal from the church that’s serious very serious.”
Detective Haarmann said, “He is devastated, just the whole incident, he’s embarrassed of the incident the shame it’s brought his family his wife and his children. He’s very remorseful.”
The church’s web site indicated members were rallying around Sawyer’s wife and children.
In a statement church members said they are saddened by the actions of their former pastor. They believe the situation is between Ralph Sawyer, God and the judicial process.
Lindsay Lane Baptist Church sent this release to the media:
The members of Lindsay Lane Baptist Church are saddened by the actions taken by our former pastor. We believe this situation is between Ralph Sawyer, God, and the Judicial Process. We respectfully request for privacy as our church tries to heal during this very difficult time.
Racist Jokes About This Photo Got People Fired and Sparked the Hashtag #HisNameIsCayden
I NEVER will understand why folks on social media think they have to comment on EVERY tweet, EVERY Facebook EVERY, Instagram; EVERY YouTube post; EVERY selfie they see. If you do that’s fine but if you going to spit out something HATEFUL, JUDGMENTAL, PREJUDICE, NEGITIVE; RACIST comments with a meme, Emoji ; or written comments then JUST DON’T COMMENT! STEP YO’ ASS AWAY FROM YOUR SMARTPHONE, LAPTOP; TABLET!
Well as of this evening homeboy who posted the original selfie with this cute little baby has been fired from his good paying job and it looks like everyone else who participated in this HATE; RACIST filled thread will be standing at the unemployment line with him. Seriously, though I wonder what makes folks like this think they can say and do what they want on social media.
Here’s another RACIST who was caught v v
For every ACTION there is REACTION and the REACTION could affect the mouths you have to feed and clothes you have to buy…
For those of you who say that this is NOT fair that these people got fired THINK AGAIN Just because you have FREEDOM OF (HATE RACIST) SPEECH DOES NOT MEAN OTHER PEOPLE HAVE to sit quietly; except what you say or type REMEMBER it is our FREEDOM OF SPEECH to report what we feel is racist talk toward a child of color or an adult of color. You racist folks are one screenshot away from getting fired. THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE Better yet take some Kaopectate so your fingers won’t get the runs!
If you have Social Media just Hashtag #hisnameiscayden Cayden is the little boy in the picture!
Spy Agencies Infiltrating and Warping Online Activism

According to Greenwald, the documents themselves reflect the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats. Indeed, he says, the programs centrally involve law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes. (Photo: Reuters/Kacper Pempel)
The Man has always watched us; listened when it came to activism as soon as the internet hit they’ve been watching and waiting for the right time to strike. THE MIGHTY GOVERNMENT who has more white spies and people who look like us to listen; read what we say and how we are trying to make CHANGE.
Now white folks are being watched; listed to as well BUT the majority will be people of color especially if we type anything that looks illegal to them. It seems that SOME white folks are scared THEY are becoming the minority SOME feel they’re loosing control that they’ve had for the past 500 years. So my advise just be carful who befriend on your social Media it just MIGHT be MIGHTY GOVERNMENT!
According to newly published documents, Western spy agencies like the GCHQ and NSA have developed sophisticated online operations in which covert agents infiltrate online communities, networks and forums in order to “manipulate, deceive”—even destroy the reputations of—targeted individuals and groups even if those people have not be charged, or necessarily accused, of a crime.
“Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?”
—Glenn Greenwald
Building on his previous reporting about so-called “dirty tricks” used by GCHQ to ensare, trap, and discredit online hacktivists and other digital networks, journalist Glenn Greenwald late Monday published a new series of internal agency slides—leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden—which show how a special unit, called JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group), has attempted “to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse” for its own ends. In so doing, writes Greenwald, these operations are disrupting “the integrity of the internet itself.”
Using sophisticated psychological templates, the slides show how the intelligence service believes it can use subversion to disrupt online networks by using various tactics, of which Greenwald descibes two as key: “(1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.”
In just one example, a slide titled “Disruption” offers a playbook for some of the tactics used to discredit a target. Those possible tactics include: infiltration, false flag, false rescue, and sting operations.
Though previous reporting has shown much….
More Info:
Why I’m Anti-Political Correctness
Warning this article may contain offensive material to some people and should be advised to to read it. Or to put it bluntly, if you read this and get mad, you’re the exact person I’m describing in this article and I’m probably laughing at how offended you are.
Sunce being out of high school and learning little by little about the world more I’ve stumbled across something that I absolutely can’t stand, political correctness and the people who abide by it.
Lets be honest, political correctness is nothing but a speech moderator from keeping people from saying what they want to feel without offending the masses. A lot of the politically correct types that I’ve seen mainly come from the Social Justice Warriors who claim their the defender of every “POC” (person of color), the feminazis of the feminist movement who hate men, and the bullies of the LBGT community.
Now if you get offended by any of those 3 things I said then congratulations! You might just be one of these 3 people. I’ve encountered and read about all 3 of these types of people on social media. To be quite honest all of them are just tiring.
The main groups who say they’re the most tolerant people in the world are some of the most close minded and ignorant people I’ve ever seen.
Newsflash to these 3 groups. To the SJW’s saying Person Of Color is more offensive than saying the person’s actual race. To first world feminists, you’re not oppressed, you’re nothing but whiny children who look for any excuse to bash men. To the bullies of the LBGT community, not everyone is going to support what you do therefore bullying will not help your cause it’s only going to make people hate you more.
One of the great things about being Anti-PC is seeing the hypocrisy in people who claim to be for tolerance when you say something that’s deemed “offensive”. I do admit that I love doing this on purpose. I’m a huge advocate of free speech. If me exercising my free speech makes me a bigot, homophobic, misogynistic then so be it.
Use your free speech people. Never let anyone silence you!
Teen fatally shot by cousin in video game controller altercation
An altercation between cousins over a video game controller led to the shooting death of a Birmingham teen Friday night.
Birmingham Police identified the victim as 18-year-old Bobby Baker.
The shooting took place in the 3500 block of 45th Street Southwest, in the Brownsville neighborhood in western Birmingham. Officers discovered the victim lying on the floor in the upstairs hallway of the location.
Paramedics treated him at the scene before transporting him to UAB Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
“He had just graduated high school. He was planning on going to the military,” said Kueocia Zimmerman, Baker’s sister. “Just in disbelief. Our hearts are just heavy.”
Investigators believe a physical altercation began when the cousin walked into the Baker’s bedroom and knocked a video game controller out of his hand.
The two began to wrestle and a gun was removed from the cousin’s waist. Both of them struggled over the gun when it fired and wounded Baker in the chest.
The cousin was taken into police custody and placed on a 48-hour hold in the city jail. However, family members are not ready to assign blame just yet.
“He had no intention of trying to kill my brother. He loved him too. That was his first cousin. They always played around,” said Zimmerman. “We ain’t angry or anything. I’m crying because of my cousin. I know he didn’t mean to do it. We just hurt.”
The suspect’s identity has not been released. A police spokesperson told WBRC it is a “possibility” that the shooting could be ruled accidental. However, the district attorney will make the final call.
Police are still investigating this case as a homicide.
A vigilante hacker is changing 10,000 WiFi passwords
Does your home WiFi use a default password? It forces you to change it. Does it leave unguarded communication channels open? It forces you to close them.
To experts, this seems like the work of a well intentioned hacker vigilante. Illegal, yes. But helpful, kinda.
The custom-built software is nicknamed “Ifwatch” and it is spreading quickly, according to researchers at the cybersecurity firm Symantec.
“We have not seen any malicious activity whatsoever,” said Symantec threat intelligence officer Val Saengphaibul. “However, in the legal sense, this is illegal activity. It’s accessing computers on a network without the owner’s permission.”
To date, it has snuck into at least 10,000 Internet-connected devices, usually WiFi routers.
Ifwatch first popped up last year, when an independent security researcher spotted something funky in a home WiFi router.
Why does Ifwatch seem nice? Because it tries to kill any malware on your router. It also gives your device automatic, friendly updates that protect it from computer viruses. In some cases, it forces a device to reboot every week, clearing away any dangerous malware.
Then again, there’s no telling if this intrusive program is really as benign as it seems. Ifwatch has the ability to monitor what’s going on in your router — and capture that data.
So, in theory, it could spy on you. When you’re prompted to type in a new password, it’s hard to tell if that stays private. Would you type in a new password with someone looking over your shoulder?
“We have no idea who is behind this — or what their full intention is,” Saengphaibul said.
But there’s a clue. There’s a hidden message in the program’s computer code: “To any NSA and FBI agents reading this: please consider whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden’s example.”
This altruistic hack could be an attempt to improve everyone’s privacy. Or maybe it’s just a very clever diversion.