Walking Dead Fan Kills Friend Because He though He was A Zombie
We got another murder story , and this time it’s coming from New Mexico. This time we have a man who’s being charged with murder after beating his friend to death after claiming he was a zombie. But here’s the kicker the reason for this beating was because he was binge watching the popular show, The Walking Dead.
On October 22, police got a call saying there was a man chasing a woman while holding a weapon at an apartment about 80 miles from Albuquerque. Officer Lt. Jason Frank arrived and found two maintenance man restraining 23 year old Damon Perry and soon saw the body of Christopher Paquin.
While in custody, Perry said he and Paquin had been drinking “large amounts of alcohol.” He claims Paquin tried to bite him. It is believed Perry beat Paquin with his hands and feet, and also used an electric guitar and a microwave oven. Perry then rushed out of the apartment and threatened others.Perry is being held in custody at the Cibola County Detention Center.
So this man consumed that much alcohol that he couldn’t tell the difference between real and fiction? If that’s the case he needs to be locked up and thrown under the jail for this type fuckery.
Zola’s Story
- Zola: This is our protagonist. Zola is a young women who works at Hooters in Detroit, dances, occasionally traps and has a sugar daddy. She is confident, witty, a fast thinker, and is remarkably keen on on her surroundings. The story is a first-person narrative from her point of view.
- Jess: Jess is a white girl who is honestly just sort of a mess. She convinces Zola to come to Tampa with her and her pimp and, while she seems ultimately sweet, she has no real backbone. She clearly relies on Zola’s self-assuredness.
- Z: Jess’ pimp, who we later learn is wanted for murder and sex trafficking. He is a no-nonsense motherfucker who is truly terrifying but also kind of weirdly trustworthy. Like, you’d feel safe if he was on your side. But he is also bad.
- Jarett: Fucking Jarett. This is Jess’ boyfriend who is revealed to be bipolar, and really shouldn’t be on this vacation at all. He needs a relaxing getaway that isn’t going to stress him out. He is the comic relief of the story, the sad sack who can’t even get himself out of his own misery. Even Jess, who, like I said, is a hot mess, looks like Condoleezza Rice compared to Jarett.
- Hooters in Detroit: This is where Zola and Jess first meet. It is also where Zola returns to after her weekend in Florida.
- The Gross Hotel: This is the place for Jarett. Don’t worry.
- The First Club The Girls Went To: Zola and Jess didn’t make a ton of money here and it had a ton of rules. It set up a place they did not want to be.
- Nice Ass Hotel: Where Jess traps and Zola brings in lots of dudes for her.
- The Even Nicer Hotel: This is where Jarett calls Jess “messy,” which is pretty funny. They argue a bunch and Jess traps more.
- The Pool at The Even Nicer Hotel: It’s Florida! Zola’s gonna hit up the pool.
- The Hotel Where The Man With Dreads From The Gross Hotel Now Is: That name pretty much explains where we’re at.
- Z’s Condo: A lot of concluding action takes place here, including Jarett getting his pants stuck on the balcony.

Walmart, Amazon stir controversy with Halloween Israeli soldier children’s costume
Racism; hate is thought so why would Walmart; Amazon agree to sell this RACIST Costume? I know because they support the prison industrial complex and they probably racist.
From CBS News– Some people are questioning what Walmart and Amazon were intending when they listed a child-sized Israeli Army soldier’s uniform as a Halloween costume, but it’s now inciting some strong social media controversy.
According to a report from CBS News, critics are claiming the retailers are sending the wrong message by selling the costume, which features olive-green pants and jacket with Hebrew writing, as well as red beret. Neither Walmart nor Amazon immediately returned a request for comment.
With Halloween only days away, the costume is stirring up strong feelings among critics on social media.
The retailers are selling the costume as a fun option for children just as violence between Palestinians and Israel’s government has been mounting. Despite an agreement brokered over the weekend by the U.S., violence between Israelis and Palestinians continued on Sunday and Monday, according to The Washington Post, which cited “lethal reprisals” from Israel in response to Palestinian attacks.
As of Tuesday morning, Amazon had more than 100 reviews of the costume, with most of them giving the item one star and highlighting their views of Israeli military….
Info on Prison Industrial complex https://www.popularresistance.org/12-mainstream-corps-benefiting-from-the-prison-industrial-complex/
Harold Perrineau Defends Daughter Aurora Perrineau
Well looks like someone’s up in their feelings. Ever since Jem and the holograms cast was announced people were highly upset when the role of Shana, the African American character was cast by a biracial woman names Aurora Perrineau.
Not only has this movie gotten backlash, but this particular casting has gotten a lot of hell as well. The reason why is because instead of getting a woman who actually matches the skin tone, they went for the “lighter and brighter’ method of casting.
But there is one person who isn’t too happy about these comments made about Aurora and that’s her father Harold Perrineau.
Perrineau went on a rant saying people are only bashing her daughter based on her skin color and not her acting skills. He even quoted part of Martin Luther King’s Speech ” I Have A Dream” speech.
He also stated that since a lot of people are up in arms about the casting choice that that should channel their anger in to making characters that match the physical description themselves.
While I do agree about the casting part he should’ve already known what mess his daughter was getting into when she took that role. Black people are tired of the white washing in Hollywood which is why people went so hard at this girl. But then again the movie flopped anyway so I call it karma.
Husband Pimps Out Wife To 2700 Men
Well this is definitely new to a marriage. We got another ratchet story but nor from the U.S. from France. The man who has unnamed has been accused of pimping out his wife to 2700 me and collect their money. He claims that he did it for legal reasons and collected $176,000 out the 270 men.
The man ran his business out of his suburban home in Meaux, a town just north of Paris. He also listed his 46-year-old wife on four websites, and communicated with clients via text and email.
Clients would even visit their home three times a day, and he would remove their 5-year-old son and wait with him in the car, while his wife performed sex acts.
“The husband exercised psychological power over his wife, preventing her from stopping submitting herself to the sexual needs of customers who were sometimes very tough,” Emmanuel Dupic, the prosecutor of the case, said in a statement.
Prostitution is actually legal in France, however solicitation is not.The woman has not been charged, but the husband faces pimping charges and up to 10 years in prison, if convicted.
Wow what a way to show your wife you love her. Pimping out your wife is definitely a sign of love, not!
Woman uses Jimmy Dean Sausage as a Dildo
I really TRIED my hardest to IGNORE this ratchet FUCKERY! I can’t FIGHT the petty clowning LOL Here I go… So you take yo’ ratchet ass into Walmart where you thought you could just walk casually down the meat and cheese aisle get (shop lift) you some Jimmy Dean sausage then go into Walmart’s bathroom then open the pack of sausage then have a dildo masturbatin’ good time with that Jimmy Dean sausage for 30 mins? What’s wrong baby ya’ man can’t get it up? Is his Viagra expired? Does his sausage go in like a Rolo after a minute? I HATE WALMART! I REALLY DO LOL Btw This is a Satire Story LOL
News 8 Louisiana – Police are calling this a crime of the unthinkable, something that most people would never imagine doing. On Monday, police were called to a Louisiana Walmart under the suspicion that a customer was shoplifting food. According to the complaint, a Walmart worker radioed security about a suspicious woman in the meat aisle. Security cameras filmed 33-year-old Shaniqua Johnson shoving sausages under her shirt. CCTV footage then shows the woman walking to the bathroom, where she remained for at least 30 minutes.
Source: http://now8news.com/jimmy-dean-sausage-in-walmart-bathroom/
Man Dressed Up As Beautiful Woman ‘To Lure Men To Hotels, Drug And Rob Them’
This is sooo sad so men are so desperate for sex until you’d sleep with anything you saw on Social Media? Some of ya’ll must be on the down low.
A former stylist in China robbed men he’d met online by dressing up as a beautiful woman, luring them to a hotel and drugging them, police said.
The 48-year-old, surnamed Tang, pretended to be a well-off, divorced woman who was just “looking for a good time.”
He’d entice men with sexy snaps over social media to hotel rooms in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.
But once they were together, he’d slip them sleeping pills and make off with their cash and valuables…..
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/man-dressed-up-as-beautiful-woman-to-lure-men-to-082912447.html
Jem And The Holograms Flopping At The Box Office
The prediction has some true. For those who are in the dark about this, the movie Jem and the Holograms, based of the 1980’s cartoon was released last night and from the looks of things, its bombing BAD at the box office and in movie reviews.
From what’s been said it’s nothing but a generic girl band movie but plagued with an obsession with social media. This movie unfortunate suffers the same fate as movies such as Dragon Ball Evolution, The Last Airbender, and most recently Fantastic 4.
Ron Chu or whatever his name is needs to be banned from ever directing again since it seems like he can’t follow source material. I seriously wonder how do you make a movie adaption but fail to follow the source material. I understand creative license, but from what I’ve read it’s a complete disaster.
Before I forget there was a bold statement saying this movie would make at least $5 million this weekend but since this movie has only made $34,000 so far I doubt that will happen. Even the new lame Paranormal Activity has made more than this that their ratings are a tad bit worse. So far it has a 22% on rotten tomatoes with most critics ripping it apart.
To the people looking to want to direct in the future, if you do adaptions, make sure you follow as closely as you can to the source material. Trust me it will benefit you in the long run.
For those who want to see this horrible trailer the link is here
Teen Busted In Prostitution Ring
Seems like Idaho wants a ratchet name too. There are reports of a 17 year old running a prostitution ring using his 15 year old brother to help while doing all of this from a juvenile detention center.
A Spokane police gang unit discovered the ring while secretly listening to phone calls between 17-year-old Thaishaun Hunter and his 15-year-old brother, Dionte Hunter. During the calls, Thaishaun Hunter was locked up on an unrelated charge, was instructing his brother on how to run a prostitution business.
Some of the victims were as young as 14. They were ordered to advertise themselves on a prostitution website for $400 dates. Girls who chose not to were ripped off or assaulted. The victims told police they were told to give at least 25 percent of the profits to the brothers’ mother, so she could save money towards the bail of Thaishaun.
Dionte Hunter appeared in court on Thursday and is facing several several charges of promoting prostitution and promoting the commercial sexual abuse of a minor. He is also facing charges of child pornography, because of a nude photo of a teenage girl he allegedly took and posted on Facebook, hibond was set at $175,000.
Thaishaun Hunter, is facing several charges as well, including promoting commercial sex abuse of a minor and leading organized crime, is also being held on a $175,000 bond. Because of the seriousness of the crimes, the brothers are being prosecuted as adults. The mother has not been charged as of yet.
All I have to say is wow. You not only get yourself in even more trouble but you drag your brother into it as well. The mother isn’t innocent either since she was using part of the money for bail. I’m expecting charges on her soon.
Assistant Principal Removed From Job After Appearing In Trey Songz’s ‘Best Friend’ Video
Now what this woman does on her time off IS HER BUSINESS NOW IF SHE’D MOLESTED A CHILD THEY’D KEPT HER ON! *SIPS Tea*
Assistant principal Esther Adler-O’Keefe has been removed from her position at Southampton High School in New York state, apparently due to her appearance in a J.R. and Trey Songz video.
In an email provided to The Huffington Post, Dr. Scott Farina, superintendent, addressed Adler-O’Keefe’s removal and reassignment in a districtwide email to parents on Oct. 13, 2015.
“Esther Adler-O’Keefe will take on new responsibilities with the district,” wrote Dr. Farina. “Ms. Adler-O’Keefe will oversee a variety of academic support services throughout the district.”
Farina added that Susan Wright, previously assistant principal at the district’s elementary school, would assume Adler-O’Keefe’s assistant principal…
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/assistant-principal-fired-trey-songz-video_561fed49e4b050c6c4a4c552?utm_hp_ref=black-voices&ir=Black+Voices§ion=black-voices&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000051