Man Faces Life In Prison For Stealing $31 Worth Of Candy
A New Orleans man could spend the rest of his life in jail after allegedly shoving “$31 worth of candy bars into his pockets at a Dollar General store.”
The man, 34-year-old Jacobia Grimes, is being charged by prosecutors under the state’s “habitual-offender law.”
Grimes has five prior convictions for theft. All of Grimes convictions “involved thefts of less than $500.” His last conviction was for stealing “some socks and trousers.”
Grimes appeared in court last week and pled not guilty. He faces a potential sentence of 20 years to life. He has already spent 9 years in jail for his previous convictions.
The decision to come down hard on Grimes met a skeptical audience from Judge Franz Zibilich, who is overseeing the case.
“It’s not even funny, 20 years to life for a Snickers bar, or two or three or four,” Zibilich said. If Grimes is found guilty, Louisiana law could leave Zibilich little discretion over the sentence.
Louisiana’s habitual offender law has been in place for 30 years. The result has been that “[s]entences of several decades, or even life, for nonviolent crimes are not unusual in Louisiana.” In other states, individuals convicted of similar crimes “would have received a much shorter sentence or no jail time at all.”
Grimes’ case is an example of how Louisiana became the “world’s prison capital.” A 2012 expose by The Times-Picayune found that the state imprisons more of its citizens than any other states and its incarceration rate is “nearly five times Iran’s, 13 times China’s and 20 times Germany’s.”
A major factor driving Louisiana’s massive inmate population is money. Each prisoner costs Lousiana an average of $18,800 per year. Sending Grimes to prison for 20 years would cost the state around $376,000.
“A majority of Louisiana inmates are housed in for-profit facilities, which must be supplied with a constant influx of human beings or a $182 million industry will go bankrupt,” The Times-Picayune reported.
Idaho mom calls police to report she’d found her missing son — and cops come smash the boy’s face

12 year old Idaho Falls boys teeth after cop slammed him into a car
I hate to write it but now that white folks are starting to report police brutality amongst their own maybe just maybe we as people of color will get the justice; the empathy we so desperately need. Are black men are regarded as thugs; they’re some that say that if they hadn’t been out committing crimes he wouldn’t [fill in the blank] all together forgetting that that, that black man was a human being that was loved. Maybe if more white teens; preteens are regarded as thugs just maybe we’ll see some police reform we will see psych evaluations BEFORE hiring of police officers, if more white woman are arrested and end up dead in their jail cell and their family told by that she committed suicide with a thinly made garbage bag if only the police would make their quota in the white neighborhoods; businesses maybe we just might see change!
I could go on if only people weren’t so selective on what they see and hear.
A local woman claims an Idaho Falls police officer assaulted her 12-year-old son.
The mother is now starting the process to take legal action against IFPD.
Amy Olzak’s attorney sent a tort claim to IFPD last week.
It claims that an IFPD officer used unnecessary and excessive force on Olzak’s minor son.
The damages stated on that claim are broken teeth, a possible concussion, and bruising and trauma to the neck and facial area.
“He walked over to my son and then he put my son’s hand behind his back and like lifted him up in the air and slammed his face into the trunk of a car,” Olzak said…..
Source :
Teen Is Suing Katt Williams For $5 Million Dollars Over Their Fight; Claiming Emotional Distress
SIGH So this little hood rat and his hood rat mama gonna sue for 5 million dollars for emotional distress? REALLY NEGRO? So let me get this straight you harass Katt as he was playin’ Soccer with the other kids in the Apartment complex then when he punches yo’ black ass in the face you then fight him like a good little boy would afterward you tell yo’ mama, then go on your local news to tell “your side of the story”. If this is true I knew it was coming 5 million dollars SMDH if you won this money it wouldn’t last long. If this is true this is some BULLSHIT!!
New York Woman Pleads Not Guilty in Death of Newborn Found in Garbage
A New York City woman accused of leaving her newborn to die in the trash pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse.
Nausheen Rahman, 28, allegedly cut the umbilical cord of her baby daughter, who was still breathing, placed her in a plastic bag, and threw her in a garbage can outside her Staten Island residence on March 11, according to the Staten Island District Attorney’s Office and a criminal complaint.
Rahman entered her not-guilty plea on a three-count grand jury indictment before State Supreme Court Justice Stephen J. Rooney in Staten Island. Rooney ordered Rahman held without bail.
A message left Friday with Rahman’s attorney, Michael Robert Rosas, was not returned. After Rahman’s arraignment in March on the criminal complaint, at which she did not enter a plea, Rosas told NBC News they would conduct their own investigation and see where it leads.
Nausheen Rahman, 28, allegedly cut the umbilical cord of her baby daughter, who was still breathing, placed her in a plastic bag, and threw her in a garbage can outside her Staten Island residence March 11, according to the Staten Island District Attorney’s Office and a criminal complaint.
Rahman entered her not-guilty plea on a three-count grand jury indictment before State Supreme Court Justice Stephen J. Rooney in Staten Island. Rooney ordered Rahman held without bail.
A message left Friday with Rahman’s attorney, Michael Robert Rosas, was not returned. After Rahman’s arraignment in March on the criminal complaint, at which she did not enter a plea, Rosas told NBC News they would conduct their own investigation and see where it leads.
According to prosecutors, Rahman allegedly gave birth to her daughter inside her Staten Island home. Later, her parents took her to Staten Island University Hospital – North for vaginal bleeding, prosecutors said. At first, Rahman allegedly denied having a baby, but later admitted to giving birth and disposing of her daughter who was alive, prosecutors said.
“I want to remind the public that under the state’s Safe Haven law, a baby up to 30 days old can be left with any responsible person at a hospital, police precinct or firehouse,” Staten Island District Attorney Michael E. McMahon said in a statement.
If convicted, Rahman faces 25 years to life in prison.
Unable to Pay $100 Bail, Homeless Man Dies in New Hampshire Jail
In their last conversation, Jeffrey Pendleton told his father that he was doing well, living in New Hampshire with a woman and working at a Burger King restaurant.
About four months later, a different story unfolded. Mr. Pendleton was homeless, and on March 13 he was found dead in a jail cell in Manchester, where he was being held for a misdemeanor because he could not pay the $100 bail.
“The police told me to talk to the detective in New Hampshire,” Mr. Pendleton’s father, Joseph, said Friday from his home in Palestine, Ark. “He said they did a cell check, and found him unconscious. Then two hours later he was dead.”
His family buried him last week in Palestine, but the authorities are still investigating how the 26-year old black man who had no known health problems died so suddenly.
“They said they did not find anything wrong with the body, that he shouldn’t have been dead,” the elder Mr. Pendleton said he was told by the coroner. “What they found was a healthy 26-year old man.”
Jennie V. Duval, the deputy chief medical examiner working on his case, said Mr. Pendleton’s autopsy was inconclusive and the…..
When is this gonna end? It seems like the police are trying desperately to eradicate; kill all black people from the very place we as people of color made great, he did nothing more then be a HEALTHY 24 year old black man who could not pay his $100 bail; has ended up dead in his jail cell. Of course there’s going to be coverup from the police, there’s gonna be the RACIST keyboard gangstas saying he was a thug; questioning what did he do to get killed? Whatever the reason this human being is DEAD; spring; summer is coming and we all know it’s hunting; killing season for our Black, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, nieces and nephews, friends….
You write #BLACKLIVESMATTER #ALLLIVESMATTER #BLUELIVESMATTER but ask yourself this do you really care about the the cause and effect of the issues that effect us all ? Are you trying to beat your belief on folks that just don’t give a damn? Who’s life REALLY matters? As you fire off that IG, tweet, Facebook post or reply about Black lives matter or an event that concerns people of color are you really thinking about making a difference in your OWN communities? Are you out advocating for our lost youths of color, are you out protesting to make your voice heard? Are you really concerned about #ALLLIVESMATTERING? I have come to the conclusion that (SOME of) a lot of us are HYPOCRITES you may be writing these button charged hashtags for your OWN amusement, some may just like to see their text written on the screen but whatever the reason you don’t really care about the events; the issues that affect the black community that in turn affects YOU! To my Black people we must learn how to build each other up; not tear each other down. MIGHTY WHITEY knows are weakness; have done a great job at exploiting that weakness but I digress the only people; persons I’m concerned about and will write a hashtag for is me, myself; I! #NOLIVESMATTERBUTMYOWN!
The Tears of a Clown Kat Williams
What can we say Katt Williams is that clown with tears flowing down his face he wants to feed his sadness,happiness; anger by making everyone else laugh, making us happy with a joke I’m sure like a lot of comedians he gets a rush from seeing his audience fall back with a laugh and thunderous applause for his comedic delivery. I think people; his fans a like forget Katt Williams is human, with family; friends who love him?
Within the last few years we’ve seen this comedic genius slowly spiral out of control until it’s not even funny. If you are a TRUE fan of Katt Williams or not you have to wonder who is truly in his corner? Sadly showing signs of mental illness; this time he is very vulnerable and could end it all with a gunshot to his head or someone will end his life for him. Like so many of our comedians who has ended their lives they didn’t see a way out their deep depression,the yes men;women; money problems family problems.
Katt Williams is alone he seems to not know who to trust; I’m sure he scared, he may feel crying, laughing; yelling at the top of his lungs while silently asking for help. I don’t think anyone is really listening (SOME) everyone is just sitting back laughing AT him; not with him. He truly has tears of a clown.
“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.”
Robin Williams~
Here’s a link to another cry for help
Batman Vs Superman Review
As you all know one of the most anticipated Super Hero movies came out this weekend, and that is Batman vs Superman.
While I initially heard bad reviews about this movie, I wanted to see it for myself before I gave my judgement on it. After seeing it myself last night I can say that while I don’t hate the movie, I’m kinda disappointed in it.
To start off, let me first say that Ben Affleck was AWESOME as Batman. I had my doubts about him at first but he definitely proved me wrong in this movie. Henry Cavill once again made a great Superman and Gal Gadot did great as Wonder Woman. But as far as Lex Luthor goes, Jessie Eisenberg wasn’t really the best choice for a villain like Luthor.
Throughout the movie it felt like I was watching a socially awkward nerd on crack than an intimidating villain.
Another thing that bothered me about the movie are the constant cutaway scenes and it seeming like that movie had too many plot points. You have one instance where you’d be focused on Superman than all of a sudden it switched to Batman, then Lex Luthor in plots that didn’t really matter or didn’t really make sense.
Now for the actual fight between Superman and Batman and then Doomsday. The fight between these two would’ve been better if Superman wanted to fight Batman willingly instead of being forced to by Lex Luthor. Aside from that the fight was very enjoyable visually though. As for Doomsday we all know he was there as a way to bring the 3 heroes together to fight the “common enemy” which I do again admit was enjoyable visually but could’ve been executed better or saved for another movie.
All in all, Batman vs Superman is the first super hero movie in a while that walked away from feeling underwhelmed. Would I see it again? I’m in no rush to, but I still say go out and see it to give your own personal judgement on it. For me, out of 10, I give it a 6.
Well there’s my take on it, let me know what you think!
Mother of Brain-Dead Teen Refuses to Give up Hope: She Is ‘as Healthy and Beautiful as Ever’
More than two years after 15-year-old Jahi McMath of Oakland, California, was declared brain-dead, her mother has posted a new photo of her on Facebook and declared that her daughter is as “healthy and beautiful as ever.”
She is “a fighter, a warrior, a blessed child,” Nailah Winkfield wrote in her post about the teen, who went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced legally dead by doctors after surgery to remove her tonsils and treat her sleep apnea in December 2013.
Winkfield, who won a court injunction to keep Jahi on life-support, moved her daughter last year to an undisclosed New Jersey facility willing to care for her. In New Jersey, the law allows the rejection of a “brain-dead” declaration on religious grounds.
“God’s got your back little girl – keep fighting,” Winkfield wrote on March 15. “Your testimony will be a great one. All the prayers and good wishes combined with your mother’s love for you, which is pure and soothing, will definitely keep you going.”
Jahi’s family fought to keep her on a ventilator and have breathing and feeding tubes surgically inserted, because they believe that as long as her heart is beating, there is hope for a recovery.
“They said she was ‘dead, dead, dead,’ and they said she won’t last long and that she would start deteriorating,” Winkfield said in a post on Oct. 23, 2015, after braiding her daughter’s hair in preparation for her 15th birthday the next day. “They claimed she was just going to last a few weeks, or a maximum of a few months before her organs stopped working. Who are ‘they?’ Just mere human beings who will keep learning each new day that there is a ‘He’ who is greater than ‘they.'”
Winkfield is now fighting to have Jahi’s death certificate invalidated and have her declared legally alive. If her lawsuit is successful in federal court, the family’s insurance company will be required to pay for her medical treatment.
“I want her to have the same rights as any other disabled kid,” Winkfield told the New York Daily News in December. She said then that her daughter was showing some signs of life, including the twitching of her fingers and toes – something that doctors say could be spasms or reflexes commonly seen in clinically-dead people.
“Our prayers are being heard,” Winkfield wrote in a December Facebook post, accompanied by a video of her daughter. “We know ‘dead’ people don’t move their fingers and reflexes don’t happen on command. We will keep praying, as this beautiful child of God keeps fighting to get better.”
Pennsylvania Parents Allegedly Starved 23-Month-Old Toddler to Death
A Pennsylvania couple who brought their unconscious 23-month-old daughter to the hospital in February claiming she was sick were charged with murder on Thursday after an autopsy revealed the toddler allegedly starved to death, PEOPLE confirms.
According to the criminal complaint obtained by PEOPLE, when parents Andrea Dusha and Michael Wright brought their daughter, Lydia Wright, to the hospital, they allegedly told doctors Lydia had been drinking “a mixture of water, Gatorade and pedialyte from a sippie cup” when her eyes “rolled into the back of her head, foam began to emit from [her] nose and mouth, and [she] quit breathing.”
Doctors attempted to revive Lydia but were unsuccessful.
An autopsy conducted the following day determined the cause of death was homicide as a result of malnutrition and dehydration, the complaint states. The medical examiner reported that Wright weighed 10 pounds; the average toddler weighs between 20 and 25 pounds, according to authorities.
During their investigation, police searched the home of Dusha and Wright and allegedly discovered “deplorable conditions.” Rooms were allegedly cluttered with objects, making it hard to walk through, and there was allegedly no running water or sewage system.
According to the complaint, the family allegedly urinated in empty soda and juice bottles and disposed garbage in plastic bags kept on the floor. Police allegedly discovered a high chair covered in excrement and a grocery bag filled with used tampons, the complaint states.
The condition of the home was allegedly “unsuitable for children to be living in,” the complaint states.
The couple’s two other young children are currently with child protective services, Fayette County District Attorney Richard Bower tells PEOPLE.
Dusha and Wright have not yet entered a plea.
Black co-owner of New Jersey sneakers shop is killed in front of his shop.
RAHWAY, N.J. — The co-owner of a New Jersey sneaker boutique was shot to death outside his own store Friday night, authorities said.
Friends and family of 21-year-old Jamaal Gaines gathered outside the East Coast Sneaker Boutique Saturday, a consignment store that sold high-end sneakers.
Union County prosecutors said the shooting at the Irving Street business was reported around 9:15 p.m., according to the Associated Press. When police arrived at the seen, they found Gaines suffering from a gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead a short time later.
Gaines went by the nick name “Mally” and was described by loved ones as highly passionate and driven.
On his Facebook page, he talked about opening his first sneaker store at 18. When that shut down, he tried again and opened the boutique just a few months ago.
Friends said Gaines also had an interest in music. Ruff Ryders rapper “Verbz” had just shot a music video in the store a few weeks ago.
” Mally was one of the best people. He wasn’t a street guy or a gang- banger,” Verbz said.
“He was like my little brother. This goes way beyond sneakers. And all I hope is that whoever did this is brought to justice.”