Principal Paddles 5-Year-Old Boy – Threatens to Suspend Him if his Mom Didn’t Allow Spanking – #CaughtOnTape
First I’d like to say that this is not the 20th century and I thought corporal punishment ended in the 1980s but from what I’m reading 19 states still uses the paddle mostly in the south. I believe this type of displace is not necessary. I will say looking at the mamas Facebook page this boy just looks bad. Miss Shana Marie Perez seems to really be enjoying the attention. If she really wanted to stop this paddling she had the power to stop it.

1955 Boy getting Paddled
Mommy, help me!” 5-year old Thomas cries out in the now-viral two-minute Facebook video, retreating to his mother after the threat of being paddled for spitting on another student in school.
As the boy pleads, Jasper County Primary School Principal Pam Edge says, “He’s getting a spanking. He’s getting a paddling.” She tells the boy he will be hit one time only.
Mom Shana Marie Perez posted her secretly-recorded cellphone video to Facebook Wednesday morning….
History of the paddle
Dora The Explorer Actress Caught Vaping At School
Well if this isn’t a shocker I don’t know what is. Looks like Dora has been exploring the world of vaping. Actress Fatima Ptacek and another young girl at her school caught vaping in the bathroom back on December 10.
But here’s the kicker, while the other girl was expelled from the Manhattan Private School. Ptacek received only a 3 day suspension! This is celebrity status at its finest. But this isn’t stopping the other girl’s parents from suing Avenues private school
Parents Nadia Leonelli and Fredrik Sundwal say they their daughter was peer pressured into vaping with the young celebrity.
In court papers, it said “she was approached by her friend, F.P. to go into the bathroom and try smoking flavored water vapor in a ‘vape’ pen that F.P. had borrowed from a fellow 10th grade classmate,”While they say both were punished they say they it wasn’t fairly done because of celebrity status.
The suit also says that M.S. (the young girl) “was reluctant to try but gave in to peer pressure, wanting to appear ‘cool’ in front of F.P. because she is older than M.S. and is a celebrity.
The parents have already spent $10,000 in legal fees and are still fight the school district. This is ridiculous. If this is the case then Ptacek should be expelled also. What did she do in order to get off so easily? Oh that’s right she’s a celebrity therefore lighter punishment. The other girl also needs to learn not to be peer pressured into anything just that person is older and is famous. Parents, teach your kids not to worship celebrities.
Link to the article
2-Year-Old Utah Boy Beaten to Death Over Dirty Diaper; Mother Sentenced
A Utah mother was sentenced to prison Monday in connection with the death of her 2-year-old son, who died last year after allegedly being beaten over a potty training incident, KTLA sister station KSTU reported.
Jasmine Ruth Bridgeman was sentenced to serve up to 15 years in prison, according to the Salt Lake City-area television station. She pleaded guilty to a charge of obstruction of justice, a second degree felony, on March 14.
Two-year-old James Sieger Jr. was found unresponsive and covered in bruises when he arrived at Davis County hospital in May 9, 2015.
The boy, who suffered severe internal injuries, died following several surgeries, according to KSTU.
His mother, 24-year-old Jasmine Bridgeman, and her boyfriend, 35-year-old Joshua Schoenenberger, were later taken into custody on suspicion of child abuse, KSTU reported.
According to court documents, the boy had been abused by the pair at Shoenenberger’s home.
Some of the abuse was a result of attempts to potty train the toddler, the documents stated.
Citing jail documents, KUTV reported that the boy defecated in his diaper and the couple became furious, even taking the diaper off and smearing it in his face.
Documents stated Schoenenberger continued to beat the boy while Bridgeman went outside and smoked a cigarette.
“The biological mother did allow significant amount of abuse to go on without intervening, but also engaged in it herself,” said Lt. Travis Lyman of the Layton City Police Department.
Schoenenberger pleaded not guilty Monday to aggravated murder and felony child abuse, the station reported.
He was due back in court on May 9
‘Affluenza’ Teen Ethan Couch Tentatively Sentenced to 2 Years in Fatal Drunken Driving Crash
A Texas judge ordered Wednesday that “affluenza” teen Ethan Couch spend 720 days in jail — nearly two years — as a condition for his continued probation for a 2013 fatal drunken-driving crash.
The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office released a booking photo of Ethan Couch after his transfer from a juvenile facility to the Lon Evans Corrections Center, an adult facility in Fort Worth, in February 2016.
However, the judge said he’d give the defense two weeks to make an argument against the order.
“Nothing is set in stone, so I might reconsider,” the judge said in a court hearing in the case in Tarrant County, Texas.
[Original story, published at 9:02 a.m. PT]
Ethan Couch, a Texas teenager accused of fleeing to Mexico after using an “affluenza” defense to avoid prison in a fatal drunken-driving crash, will remain in jail for an undetermined number of days while a judge awaits recommendations from prosecutors and defense attorneys, the judge said during a court hearing Wednesday.
The judge eventually will determine how many further days Couch will have to serve in jail as a long-anticipated condition of his probation upon turning 19.
Mom stabs crying infant daughter with kitchen knife
Police say a Virginia woman stabbed her 3-month-old baby with a kitchen knife when the girl wouldn’t stop crying, sending the baby to the hospital.
A Prince William County Police incident report issued Monday says 35-year-old Leah Arrington of Woodbridge is being held without bond on a charge of aggravated malicious wounding.
Another family member called police.
The baby was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, and Arrington was arrested. It was not known whether she has a lawyer.
Gap Apologizes for Racially Charged GapKids x ED Ad
Image and representation is everything not everything we see in a magazine or TV ad has a racial malice intent. I have looked through all of the GAPS ad campaign ads and see nothing but creative abstract poses with different children of different ethnicities. Okay to say it’s problematic to use the for the white child to use the Black child as a prop is making much outta NOTHING.
@steviegenesis Apparently the only thing a Black Girl can do is bear the weight of White girls. #ShowHerMagic
— The Therapy Diva (@TheTherapyDiva) April 3, 2016
Exibit A
We must look at these campaign with a much border eye; REALLY look at what they ad is trying to tell us. As I was told by one of my followers on my Facebook page “In this instance, image matters more than intent”.
Let’s look at the intent of the campaign the intent was/is to show GIRL POWER letting young girls of ANY ethnicity that they can be themselves and do what makes them happy!
On Monday afternoon, Gap spokesperson Debbie Felix issued a statement to Co.Create. “As a brand with a proud 46-year history of championing diversity and inclusivity, we appreciate the conversation that has taken place and are sorry to anyone we’ve offended. This GapKids campaign highlights true stories of talented girls who are celebrating creative self-expression and sharing their messages of empowerment. We are replacing the image with a different shot from the campaign, which encourages girls (and boys) everywhere to be themselves and feel pride in what makes them unique.”
In this case I feel there was no need for an apology these social media hypocrites just took this to far!
Image is EVERYTHING I TRULY understand that but I think SOME of you who are going to “boycott” GAP for what you perceive as racist is just plan hypocritical A lot of you HYPICRITES don’t even understand what racism is, some of you don’t even know how to even make change all your doing is just venting your grievances on social media YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU NOT GONNA BOYCOTT NO GAP! You do know that GAP is an umbrella of Old Navy? I know for one thing I AINT BOYCOTTIN’ NOTHIN’ Shit Old Navy; GAP gots some good sales!
And more
Eazy-He Action Figure a Eazy E tribute?

Eazy-He Action figure from Trap Toys
A collaboration project with Dan Evans

The back illustration
When I first saw this in one of my many Facebook Nerd Anime groups I thought this was a joke a photoshoped version of He Man I found out through Google that you can indeed buy this shit. This action figure of Eazy- He is I guess is supposed to be a tribute to Eazy E from the legendary hip hop group N.W.A? I think NOT this is the most stereotypical; racist toy I’ve seen in years! I’m laughing but it’s not funny it’s sad really. And you wonder why SOME white folks pigeonhole us; see as one big stereotype. How are we as a people going to get RESPECT if we let this one thing slide? In 2003 a parody board game of Monopoly was invented by David Chang of China and carried by retail store urban outfitters do to the outcry from the NAACP it was pulled quickly thereafter do to the stereotypical; racist natural of the game. Soon after Mr Chang was sued by Hasbro citing similarities of Hasbro’s beloved game Monopoly.

Ghettopoly Board game invented by David Chang in 2003
As I look at this Eazy He action figure I shake my head and wonder whywould anyone think to illustrate something so offensive; racist? The cops are already on edge; ready to get they quota let’s not give them ANOTHER reason to mistake this disgusting action figure for a GUN!
I’ve been told that ALL the members of NWA didn’t drink 8 ball ( Old English malt liquor Beer) 24/7 365 nor would they go around shootin the police like cattle as they do us more then
likely they was running from the police. It just goes to show you people of color are not thought of as human beings, we are a stereotype, we are buffoons, we are nothing but entertainment to those that greenlight a program; a movie, as long as we sing and dance; rap how they want we good. As long as we allow toy distributors and makers create Toys like this we will always be grinning puppets to these people who have generational wealth. I HOPE MATTEL SUES THEY ASS !

Here’s more
If you want to check out more from this toy store you can I don’t know why you’d want to but here you go!
EBRSO: Woman left son at Walmart to have sex

Chenetra Washington 32 left her 5 year old son alone in Walmart to have sex with a friend
If you can’t take care of you; yourself keep or find a job, can’t pay your bills then why? Just why would you get knocked up and have not one but seven children by seven different men?
Of course the family is blaming mental health issues well then if you knew this WHY didn’t you as her so called FAMILY intervene sooner? Why is it that no one stepped to protect her baby when they saw the police come to the home? I see that one family member stepped in and took the other six children there’s only so much you can do. What I really wanna know is why in the hell would you this supposedly mentally ill woman to petition the court to get her children back when clearly she is not in her right mind. I tell you the court system is fucked up backwards! I HATE Walmart I truly do!
BATON ROUGE – According to documents obtained by The Investigative Unit, a woman accused of abandoning a child at the Cortana Mall Walmart Friday morning was served last week with papers in a lawsuit filed by someone trying to take custody of four of her children.
Chenetra Washington, 32, was booked with child desertion Friday.
According to the arrest report, Washington allegedly brought her 3-year-old son into the Walmart with her. Police say surveillance video shows her leave the store and get into the passenger side door of a car, without any attempt to find her son.
A Walmart employee found the boy, who….
4 Men Arrested After 9-Year-Old Is Raped, while mother smoking meth in the next room
Four men have been arrested on suspicion of raping and sodomizing a 9-year-old girl on Easter Sunday in Utah while her mother was allegedly smoking methamphetamine in another room, police and KTLA sister station KSTU reported a week after the incident.
The young girl was with her mother, who was visiting a friend, when the pair left the child alone and sleeping on a couch to go into a Utah home’s garage and smoke methamphetamine on March 27, the Uintah County Sheriff’s Office stated in a news release on Sunday.
When the mother returned, she noticed her daughter’s clothing was in disarray, the girl seemed upset and wanted to go home, KSTU reported.
The following day the child told her mother four men had taken her into a bedroom and took turns raping and sodomizing her, and one threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the heinous acts, the TV station reported.
Police were notified and Larson RonDeau, 36, was detained on March 29 after the victim identified him from a picture.
Josiah RonDeau, 20; Jerry Flatlip, 29; and Randall Flatlip, 26 were later arrested on March 31 and April 1, according to police, who did not say if any of the men were related.
All four were booked on suspicion of first-degree felony counts of rape and sodomy.
Evidence; including bloodstained bedding, marijuana and drug paraphernalia; were also obtained when officers executed a search warrant, KSTU reported.
The 9-year-old girl was in state custody following the incident, which was still under investigation, according to police.
Father Leaves 9-Month-Old Girl in Car While Getting Lap Dance at North Hills Strip Club
A father accused of leaving his baby girl in a parked car outside a North Hills strip club so he could buy lap dances has been charged with child abuse.
Auwin Dargin, 24, of Van Nuys pleaded not guilty Monday to one count of child abuse and now faces up to six years in state prison if convicted, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Dargin allegedly locked his 9-month-old girl in the car and left her in the parking lot of the Synn Gentlemen’s Club on Sepulveda Boulevard for roughly an hour in the middle of the afternoon on March 9.
Matthew Nadeau, the assistant manager at the club, told the Los Angeles Times he became suspicious after seeing one of his patrons leave and re-enter the club every 15 minutes.
He went to investigate and says he heard the child’s cries coming from inside the vehicle about 2 p.m.
Nadeau and employees from a neighboring business worked to free the infant by unlocking the door through a small gap in the window. A waitress got water for the little girl, who felt warm and appeared upset, Nadeau said.
Nadeau then alerted his manager, who he said went inside to locate the child’s father and found Dargin in the middle of a lap dance.
“Just give me my baby and I know I am messing up,” Dargin said, according to Nadeau.
When Nadeau refused to hand over the infant, however, Dargin allegedly ran out of the club, abandoning his daughter.
Los Angeles police arrested him as he was leaving.
The DA’s office announced the charges against Dargin in a news release issued Tuesday.