Teacher accused of sleeping with student who tried kill himself indicted on sex charges
A married teacher in Maine accused of sleeping with a student was indicted Tuesday on a number of sexual assault charges.
Jill Lamontagne, 29, turned herself into authorities after she was indicted by a York County Grand Jury on six counts of gross sexual assault, two counts of unlawful sexual contact and six counts of abuse of a minor, the Portland Press Herald reported.
“The indictment was the culmination of an investigation into a relationship Lamontagne allegedly had with a juvenile, male student while she was a teacher at the school,” Kennebunk Deputy Chief of Police Michael Nugent said Wednesday, according to Seacoast Online.
Lamontagne allegedly had a relationship with the male student, 17, who was in her health class at Kennebunk High School at the time of sexual contact.
An abuse order filed by the student’s mother in Biddeford District Court states the relationship between the teacher and boy was revealed when he was hospitalized following a suspected suicide attempt.
The student ingested a concoction of ibuprofen, Tylenol, cold medicine and blood thinner Warfarin, according to the Press Herald.
The boy confessed to the relationship to his aunt a day after his hospitalization. The student and his teacher had sexual contact “numerous times, in the classroom, at her house, in her car,” the student’s mother wrote. The student said Lamontagne performed oral sex on him, adding that “other stuff happened.”
The student allegedly told his mother and a nurse at the hospital that he loved his teacher and took the mixture of medicines to attempt suicide, Seacoast reported.
Lamontagne told the student she hadn’t had a sexual relationship with anyone for two years. Court records reportedly indicate she is married and has children.
The teacher was placed on administrative leave June 12 when the boy’s family notified the school of the sexual contact. Lamontagne then filed for family medical leave, and was still on leave when she submitted her resignation in September.
Lamontagne was booked on the charges and released on $1,000 bail. She’s expected to appear in court Dec. 22.
Former ‘Glee’ actor Mark Salling agrees to plead guilty to possessing cache of child pornography
Former “Glee” star Mark Salling has admitted to possessing a massive cache of child pornography and agreed to spend up to 20 years in federal prison and register as a sex offender for life, federal court documents show.
In a plea agreement filed with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California on Tuesday, Salling, 35, has agreed to plead guilty to one federal count of possession of child pornography stemming from an indictment filed last year.
Salling is best known for playing Noah “Puck” Puckerman on the show that ended in 2015.
In his plea agreement, the actor admitted to downloading more than 50,000 images of child pornography and erotica — sexualized images of children — on his laptop and another 4,000 photos and 160 videos of child pornography on a thumb drive. The content was downloaded from at least April through December 2015, according to the indictment.
The trove was discovered after a woman Salling was involved with reported him to law enforcement. Salling had shown her his child pornography in the context of their sexual relationship, authorities said.
Salling has also agreed to register as a sex offender permanently and a lifetime of supervision if and when he’s released from federal custody. A future court date has not been set.
via: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-mark-salling-plea-20171004-story.html
The Activist Who Protested Day In And Day Out For Kenneka Jenkins Exposes Kenneka’s Mother For Lying About Having Multiple Gofundme Accounts, Then He Gets Exposed For An Alleged Rape. (full videos)
FAMEOLOUS was off for a week & a lot of things happened with the Kenneka Jenkins case. The latest developments is between Kenneka’s mother and activist Jedidiah Brown. Mr. Brown is now exposing the mother for lying about receiving money through multiple gofundme accounts. But Jedidiah Brown himself gets exposed & its some crazy allegations about him allegedly raping a boy and being gay. The focus point is no longer on Kenneka Jenkins, everyone is now fighting with each other.
Gabrielle Union’s New Book: “I Have Had Eight or Nine Miscarriages
In two weeks, actress Gabrielle Union will release her first ever memoir, titled “We’re Going to Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated, and True.”
Even though Union and Dwayne Wade are raising Wade’s two sons and his nephew, and another son that is not allowed in any family pictures, Union and Wade don’t have any biological children together.
Now Union opens up about her infertility issues. On Wednesday, PEOPLE magazine released an exclusive excerpt of the new memoir, where the actress details her infertility issues in several attempts to have a baby with NBA star husband, Dwyane Wade.
“I have had eight or nine miscarriages,” the Union wrote. “For three years, my body has been a prisoner of trying to get pregnant – I’ve either been about to go into an IVF cycle, in the middle of an IVF cycle, or coming out of an IVF cycle.”
Although the actress has opened up about IVF before, she declined to detail the struggles she has faced after three years of failed cycles. But, throughout the heartbreaking trauma, she revealed that she and her husband “remain bursting with love and ready to do anything to meet the child we’ve both dreamed of.”
“For so many women, and not just women in the spotlight, people feel very entitled to know, ‘Do you want kids?’” she told PEOPLE, after revealing that she never wanted to have children until she became a stepmom to her husband’s three sons and nephew. “A lot of people, especially people that have fertility issues, just say ‘no’ because that’s a lot easier than being honest about whatever is actually going on. People mean so well, but they have no idea the harm or frustration it can cause.”
We wish Union and Wade
Read more via: http://balleralert.com/profiles/blogs/gabrielle-union-talks-fertility-issues-new-book-eight-nine-miscarriages/
He was shot helping people during the Las Vegas shooting. His heroics helped his photo go viral.

Jonathan Smith was shot at least twice while trying to run back and save others in the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas.
LAS VEGAS — Jonathan Smith is likely to spend the rest of his life with a bullet lodged in the left side of his neck, a never-ending reminder of America’s deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
Smith, a 30-year-old copy machine repairman, was shot Sunday night while trying to help save people after a gunman opened fire on the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival in Las Vegas. He knows he’s one of the lucky ones to be able to walk out of the hospital, even with his severe injuries.
As the bullets rained down, family was Smith’s top concern. He had driven to Las Vegas from Orange County, Calif., on Thursday to celebrate the 43rd birthday of his brother, Louis Rust, a big country music fan who had attended the festival in the past. They spent the weekend enjoying the music and had scored seats close to the stage for Jason Aldean’s prime-time performance Sunday night.
When the gunshots started, Smith initially thought they were fireworks. The music kept playing, Smith and Rust recalled. But the bullets kept coming. Aldean looked at his security guards and ran off the stage. Then the lights went out.
Rust realized what was really going on and told the entire extended family — all nine of them — to hold hands and run. By then, it was a stampede.
Smith was focused on saving his nieces — 22, 18 and 17 years old — but they separated in the crowd. He says he turned back toward the stage to look for them, he saw people hunched behind a sheriff patrol car at the northwest edge of the concert lawn. Others were so frightened they didn’t know what to do. He kept shouting, “Active shooter, active shooter, let’s go! We have to run.”
He grabbed people and told them to follow him toward a handicapped parking area in the direction of the airport, away from Las Vegas Boulevard. It was a large field with several rows of vehicles. Smith and the others crouched down behind one of the last rows of cars.
“I got a few people out of there,” Smith said. “You could hear the shots. It sounded like it was coming from all over Las Vegas Boulevard.”
A few young girls weren’t fully hidden. He stood up and moved toward them to urge them to get on the ground. That’s when a bullet struck him in the neck.
“I couldn’t feel anything in my neck. There was a warm sensation in my arm,” said Smith from the Sunrise Hospital lobby Monday afternoon as he was waiting for his final discharge. He has a fractured collarbone, a cracked rib and a bruised lung. The doctors are leaving the bullet in his neck for now. They worry moving it might cause more damage.
“I might have to live with this bullet for the rest of my life,” Smith said, grimacing from the pain. A large white bandage covers the bullet hole.
Gang members raped man, doused him in gas during home invasion
Three suspected gang members pummeled two men — sexually assaulting one with a pipe threader — before dousing them with gasoline in a Cleveland home, police said.
The trio — believed to be members of the brutal Heartless Felons street gang — are accused of assaulting a 31-year-old man after storming into his apartment in the city’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood last Thursday. Two of the suspects, Nathaniel Ramos Jr., 18, and Kelli Dunnican, 22, were wearing masks at the time, according to police reports cited by Cleveland.com.
Once inside, Ramos, Dunnican and another suspected gang member, Troy White, 47, pummeled the man, punching and kicking him along with another 51-year-old man inside the home. The goons then tied the 31-year-old man’s hands behind his back with blue tape, police said.
The younger victim called White a homophobic slur and accused him of sexually assaulting other inmates while in prison — prompting White to sodomize the man with a metal pipe threader as Ramos and Dunnican held the man down, authorities said.
Ramos doused both victims with gasoline, but the suspects ultimately decided against setting them on fire after Dunnican talked them out of it, police reports show.
Another man suddenly showed up at the house and fought with the three suspects before White shot him twice in his right leg. The wounded 41-year-old victim ran into a room and held the door shut behind him as he screamed for help, prompting the trio to flee the home, but not before Dunnican stole a cellphone and a pair of shoes, according to police reports.
The three suspects were later arrested after running through back yards in the 3200 block of Fulton Road, where Dunnican and Ramos were apprehended outside and White was busted inside a detached garage.
Police found a handgun in White’s pocket at the time of his arrest, and Ramos was found in possession of 14 baggies of marijuana and reeked of gasoline, cops said. Dunnican was found carrying rolls of duct tape, a knife and three cellphones, including the one stolen from the victim’s apartment, police said.
Both Dunnican and Ramos declined to talk to investigators, but White told police he was involved in a theft ring with both victims and that they had smoked crack together earlier that day, police reports show.
White, according to prison records, has served two stints in prison for armed robbery. He’s also scheduled to be sentenced later this month for an apartment burglary in May, Cleveland.com reported.
Dunnican and Ramos do not have adult criminal records.
‘Cannibal couple’ apparently pickled their last victim
An eerie new photo shows the “Russian cannibal couple” kissing as forensic experts claim that the pickled human remains of their last victim were found in a glass jar in their fridge.
The sinister picture was revealed after it emerged that suspect Natalia Baksheeva, 42, complained that she has been mocked by fellow prisoners in jail, with regular taunts of: “Did you eat enough human meat?”
Her husband, Dmitry Baksheev, 35, is being kept in solitary confinement amid fears he will be “beaten” by other detainees.
Glass jars were found in the couple’s home on the grounds of a Russian military academy along with still-unidentified frozen body parts and “steamed human meat.”
Among the horrific finds are the pickled body parts of “final” murder victim Elena Vashrusheva, 35, according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets news website.
The pair from Kransodar city confessed to murdering the waitress “in a fit of jealousy” after Natalia accused her of seeking to seduce her husband.
In jail, Baksheev is reported to have “complained” about the “separation from his wife,” who was said to dominate him in their relationship.
Viktor Belikov, a human rights activist permitted to meet the alleged cannibal in detention, said: “It is obvious that he loves his wife very much and worries about her.”
Belikov also visited Natalia — whose grandfather Konstantin Chanikov was a decorated World War II hero in Stalin’s forces — and said the pair had spoken of their “mad love for each other.”
Natalia told Belikov she “feels for her husband like a mother.”
Natalia then went on to complain that two other women sharing her cell are taunting her over the cannibalism allegations.
The Russian Investigative Committee — which is similar to the FBI — is examining an alleged confession from the ex-nurse that she and her husband killed and ate at least 30 people.
The alleged victims include women dating site users who went missing after arranging to meet up with them.
Spokesman Vadim Bugaenko said they are checking “information about mass murders” and there is “no confirmation yet.”
However, the couple has now changed tack and, while admitting to Elena Vakrusheva’s murder, they reversed a previous confession and denied they were involved in previous killings or cannibalism.
“Dmitry has heard that the newspapers have called him and his wife Natalia cannibals,” said Belikov.
“I would not say that he was angry, his reaction was more melancholic. But he fully denies having eaten human meat.”
Apart from human body parts, police found videos with instructions on how to cannibalize humans in the couple’s apartment.
They also discovered a picture dating back to 1999 that apparently showed a human face being prepared as a dish surrounded by oranges.
Dmitry “does not look well, he is depressed” and prison chiefs have refused to put him in a cell with others because “he could be beaten.”
Reports say Natalia made and sold “pies” from suspected human meat and even supplied local restaurants.
Retired air force communications officer Sergey Labintsev, a friend of the couple, said they suddenly attacked him with the false allegation that he had slept with Natalia.
“I could have been eaten too,” said the pensioner. “I could have been dead. Last night I had a nightmare that they were making steamed meat from me.”
“Some six weeks ago, I just survived. They could have eaten me if I had not been in good physical shape.”
“And I’ve known these people for many years and always helped them.”
via: http://nypost.com/2017/10/02/cannibal-couple-apparently-pickled-their-last-victim/
Beware These Hoaxes Circulating After Las Vegas Mass Shooting
After a gunman opened fire from the Mandalay Bay hotel-casino in Las Vegas in what would be the one of country’s deadliest mass shootings, internet trolls have been hard at work spreading bogus information on social media.
Among the hoaxes was a series of posts identifying the gunman as comedian Sam Hyde. It’s become a disturbing routine for online trolls who have identified Hyde as a suspect in the 2015 San Bernardino shooting and again in a shooting at UCLA last year.
A number of troll accounts on Twitter pushed out phony missing victim photos, asking for retweets to “spread the word.” The “missing” included a suspect linked to a murder case in Mexico, an adult film actor and former Vine star Lil Terio.
And there wasn’t a shortage of conspiracy theories either.
Primarily disseminated by far-right blogs, a news story claimed the shooter was a man named Geary Danley, a mutual friend of Marilou Danley, who has since been identified as the companion of the actual shooter, Stephen Paddock.
Citing Geary Danley’s left-leaning page “likes” on Facebook, which included Rachel Maddow and MoveOn.org, trolls quickly convicted Geary Danley, with some linking him to the antifa movement.
One bizarre story that has yet to be debunked was the claim that an emotionally disturbed woman warned many concertgoers of what was going to happen.
“There was a lady who pushed her way through the front of the crowd … and she started messing with another lady and told her we were going to die tonight,” a witness told a TV news crew.
It’s still unclear if that mystery woman had any ties to the shooting. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office, which covers Las Vegas, did not immediately comment on the incident, which could have been a bizarre coincidence.
How to spot a hoax
There are many ways to investigate for yourself whether a report you’re seeing online is legitimate.
According to experts, one of the first giveaways is a shady domain and URL.
If you’re visiting a site with a questionable news story, an immediate red flag is a domain with an ending like “.com.co.” Most established news sites own their own domain like CNN.com and NYDailyNews.com. Reputable news outlets would almost never opt out of the .com family.
While there are a number of popular blogs written and maintained by journalists, there are also blogs operated by those who identify with radical ideologies. An easy way to sift through this content is by simply searching for the site’s About Us page, where missions and goals are usually stated.
To that end, it’s important to note: reputable news sites almost never speak in the first person.
If a questionable photo is used in the story, take advantage of Google’s reverse image search. This tool has become incredibly useful for those looking to debunk hoaxes and stories that seem too good to be true.
You can learn how to perform a reverse image search, here.
Another easy way to verify whether a story is true or false is to Google it.
If a story sounds shady, searching a few terms on the topic should pull up other related news stories from different outlets. Chances are if other reputable news outlets haven’t reported on this story, it’s probably not true or it’s loaded with inaccuracies, which may be the reason why other outlets opted out.
Finally, look at the comments section.
It’s likely that others already sniffed out the story, deeming it fake news. Readers usually take advantage of the comment section to sound off on the validity of the story in question.
via: http://ktla.com/2017/10/02/beware-these-hoaxes-circulating-after-las-vegas-mass-shooting/
Las Vegas Shooting
Suspect Stephen Paddock spent tens of thousands of dollars in Las Vegas casinos gambling in recent weeks, law enforcement officials tell NBC News. It’s unclear if he was winning or losing money off these large transactions, or if the gambling had any connection to the shooting.One of the suspect’s brothers, Eric Paddock, told NBC News earlier today that the suspect regularly spent time gambling and visiting the casinos in Las Vegas, some 80 miles away from Mesquite, Nevada, where the 64-year-old suspect was retired…..
READ MORE: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/las-vegas-shooting