Parents force child to drink toilet water, sleep outside with no blanket; teeth haven’t been brushed in over a year
MILLINGTON, TN (WMC) – Millington parents are behind bars, accused of abusing their 9-year-old daughter after the girl was caught trying to steal food from her teacher.
She confided in her teacher about the abuse; her teacher reported it to authorities.
‘Affluenza Teen’ Ethan Couch Released from Texas Jail After Serving Nearly 2 Years for Probation Violation
Ethan Couch, known for his “affluenza” defense in his deadly drunk driving case, was released from a Texas jail Monday after serving nearly two years behind bars for violating his probation.
Couch, 20, first made headlines as a teenager when he was sentenced to probation for a drunken driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others.
Prosecutors in that 2013 case sought 20 years in jail, but Couch received no prison time after a psychologist testified that Couch was a victim of “affluenza,” a product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for him.
The decision by the juvenile court judge to put him on probation for 10 years outraged victims’ families and anti-drunk driving advocates.
In 2015, Couch violated the terms of his probation and fled to Mexico with his mother, Tonya Couch. They were found and sent back to the US, where a Texas judge ordered nearly two years of jail time for Couch.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving described the two years Couch has spent in jail as “a grave injustice to the victims and their families.”
“The 720 days Ethan Couch served for his crimes shows that drunk driving homicides still aren’t treated as the violent crimes that they are,” the organization said in a statement.
It vowed to keep monitoring the case because it “brought to light that there is so much more work to be done to hold drunk drivers accountable.”
As part of Couch’s current probation, he will be required to wear an ankle monitor, an alcohol detecting patch, submit to drug testing, abide by a 9 p.m. curfew and have a video interlock ignition device installed in his vehicle, according to Mike Simonds of the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office.
Couch’s mother is currently facing charges of money laundering and hindering apprehension of a felon for helping her son flee to Mexico. Tonya Couch recently had her bond revoked after failing a drug test and is behind bars in the Tarrant County Jail, the sheriff’s office said last week.
In June 2013, the pickup truck that Couch, then 16, was driving plowed into four pedestrians on a road in Burleson, Texas, authorities had said.
Hollie Boyles, and daughter, Shelby, had left their home to help Breanna Mitchell, whose SUV had broken down. Brian Jennings, a youth pastor, was driving past and also stopped to help. They were all killed.
Two people riding in the bed of the pickup were tossed in the crash and severely injured. One of them suffered a brain injury and filed a lawsuit against the Couch family, which was settled.
Three hours after the crash, tests showed Couch had a blood alcohol content of 0.24, three times the legal limit, according to the district attorney’s office.
Teen ‘Condom Challenge’ Is Risky, Parents Warned
A teenager stuffs a condom up her nose and pulls it out her mouth, all on video to garner online attention. What could go wrong? That’s what media outlets are asking after educators in San Antonio, Texas, visited schools to warn parents about the “Condom Snorting Challenge,” Forbes reports.
“Because these days our teens are doing everything for likes, views, and subscribers,” Texas education specialist Stephen Enriquez tells KMPH. “As graphic as it is, we have to show parents because teens are going online looking for challenges and recreating them.” Forbes asks why it’s risky to inhale “an object made of latex rubber and covered in lubricant and spermicide,” and digs up stories to make a parent shudder.
A 2004 report from India tells of a 27-year-old woman who gave oral sex to a man wearing a condom, swallowed it into her lungs, blocked an airway, came down with pneumonia, and suffered a partial lung collapse.
Another medical report chronicles the woe of a 26-year-old African woman who swallowed a condom for the same reason and got appendicitis when a condom fragment got stuck in her appendix.
Not to mention the possible choking hazard involved in condom inhalation, Inquisitr notes. In America the “challenge” dates back to at least 2007, when a YouTuber uploaded herself snorting a condom, but YouTube pulled the video for containing “harmful or dangerous content.” As Kens5 puts it, “There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, but the line isn’t so fine when people snort condoms.”
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Lawsuit Claims CVS Unintentionally Revealed HIV Status of 6,000 Customers in Ohio
CVS Health is being sued for allegedly revealing the HIV status of 6,000 patients in Ohio.
A federal lawsuit claims CVS mailed letters last year that showed the status of participants in the state’s HIV drug assistance program through the envelopes’ glassine window.
The complaint, which was filed March 21 in federal court in Ohio, also names Fiserv, the company that CVS hired to mail the letters. On the envelopes used by Fiserv, the patients’ HIV status could be seen through the clear window, just above their name and address, the documents states.
The letters included the patients’ new benefits cards and information about a mail prescription program.
The companies are being sued by three unidentified plaintiffs, according to the complaint.
The first plaintiff, only identified as John Doe One of Delaware County, Ohio, says he “feels that CVS has essentially handed a weapon to anyone who handled the envelope, giving them the opportunity to attack his identity or cause other harm to him.”
Another plaintiff identified as John Doe Two of Defiance County says he lives in a small town and fears the stigma stemming from the disclosure of his HIV status.
He is also concerned that his “friends and family run the risk of being stigmatized just by being seen with him.”
The third plaintiff says he also lives in a small town in Gallia County, where “everyone knows everyone” and has experienced “significant distress as a result of this disclosure.”
He is scared to leave his home and has “experienced complications and health issues since this disclosure, up to and including just in the past several days.”
The plaintiffs are seeking a class-action suit and a jury trial.
The attorneys claim that CVS failed to announce the breach of privacy data and did not contact all the patients whose status was revealed.
In a statement to CNN, CVS Health said the envelope window was intended to show a reference code for the assistance program and not the recipient’s health status.
“CVS Health places the highest priority on protecting the privacy of those we serve, and we take our responsibility to safeguard confidential information very seriously,” the statement said.
“As soon as we learned of this incident, we immediately took steps to eliminate the reference code to the plan name in any future mailings.”
A representative for Fiserv told CNN the company does not comment on pending litigation.
The Ohio Department of Public Health did not reply to a request for comment Saturday.
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Museum slammed after hiring white curator for African art exhibit
The Brooklyn Museum has sparked outrage in the black community after tapping a white woman to curate its vast African art collection.
On Monday the museum appointed Kristen Windmuller-Luna, 31, who has a Ph.D. in African art history from Princeton University, lectures in Columbia University’s department of art history and archaeology, and once worked as an educator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where she was “responsible for adult and college gallery tours in the African galleries.”
Despite the stellar résumé, her hiring left some wondering why a qualified person of color did not get the post.
“Seriously, @brooklynmuseum? There goes the neighborhood for good,” opined Philadelphia journalist Ernest Owens on Twitter.
“People from the African Diaspora are frustrated w/white people being gatekeepers of our narrative,” tweeted Kimberly Seldon.
The museum defended its decision.
“Kristen is the perfect choice to build upon the Brooklyn Museum’s track record as an innovator in the collection and exhibition of the arts of Africa,” said Jennifer Chi, the museum’s chief curator, in a statement.
The museum said it was “committed to equity” but would not discuss the hiring process with The Post.
Following days of criticism on social media, the museum tweeted Thursday: “We have been listening closely to the debate about our recent appointments to our curatorial team. We’re listening and we hear you. As we think about ways to engage in this conversation with the care it deserves, we want to assure you that you can count on us, as ever, to continue working deeply on equity within our institution and beyond.”
African-Americans make up just 4 percent of all “curators, conservators, educators, and leadership,” according to a Mellon Foundation demographic study in 2015. The same report said that people of color occupied 42 percent of “intellectual leadership” positions at the Brooklyn Museum.
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Bus driver turns into hairdresser for students: ‘You treat them like your own kids’
ALPINE, Utah — Each morning, 11-year-old Isabella Pieri gets ready on her own. Her father leaves for work early, and her mother died after years of battling a rare illness, according to KSL.
Over the years, Isabella’s father has taught her to take care of herself, but there is one area that’s difficult for most dads: hair.
“I originally just gave her a crew cut because I didn’t know how, and it was all tangled and I couldn’t get it out for anything,” Philip Pieri said.
After the crew cut, Isabella took matters into her own hands.
For a long time it was a quick brush, pony tail and then off to school. But a few months ago, something happened.
Better yet — someone happened: Isabella’s bus driver, Tracy Dean.
“You can’t be shy, you’ve got to talk to them. You treat them like your own kids, you know,” Tracy says.
One morning as kids were getting off the bus, Isabella noticed Tracy fixing a classmate’s braid and got the courage to ask if she would braid her hair too.
Now, Tracy styles each girl’s hair almost every morning.
“Seven years ago, I found out I had breast cancer, and that’s one of the things that went though my head — who is going to take care of my little ones? Not that my husband couldn’t do it, but you know, that’s what mom’s do. They do their kids’ hair.”
“It makes me feel like she’s a mom pretty much to me,” Isabella said. “And it makes me excited for the next day to see what she does.”
As we thanked Tracy for this special act of kindness, it was hard not to get emotional because what she’s doing is making a difference.
Isabella’s dad is noticing.
“Tracy didn’t have to step up, but she stepped up to help out, I was amazed.”
And Isabella’s teachers are noticing.
“I just noticed her head was a little higher that morning,” her teacher, Mrs. Freeze said, “and she had a little more of a step.”
Houston Teen Who Applied to 20 of the Best Colleges Gets Full Ride to All of Them
Michael Brown stared at the acceptance letter in front of him: It said yes.
So did the next one. And the one after that.
The 17-year-old from Houston applied to 20 of the best universities in the US. He was admitted to every single one with a full ride and $260,000 in additional scholarship offers.
“It’s something I’m proud of because I see my hard work paying off, determination paying off, sacrifices paying off,” the student told CNN.
Of those 20, he listed his top eight choices as: Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Georgetown and Vanderbilt.
Currently a senior at Mirabeau B. Lamar High School, Micheal has been heavily involved in his school’s debate team, mock trial and student government for years. He has also volunteered for political campaigns, citing his interest to “the moment I saw Barack Obama get elected.”
He is set on majoring in political science, but is also considering a second degree in economics.
The first letter
When he received his first acceptance in December, he chose to do it at a friend’s house to relieve the pressure of being around his whole family.
“My family had high expectations and maybe didn’t realize how competitive the process is,” he said.
But he still invited his biggest supporter to come along — his mom.
Berthinia Rutledge-Brown filmed as Micheal stood in shock by the computer while his friends excitedly rallied around him.
Stanford, of course, said yes.
“After sixth grade, Mike was in control of his education,” recalled the proud mom. “He was focused, he knew what he wanted and he made his own decisions.”
A mother’s dedication
Rutledge-Brown lost three babies before becoming pregnant with Micheal. Once she finally had a son, she poured all of her energy into giving him the very best that she possibly could.
He only received one B during his entire academic career, which she said was very difficult for the goal-getter.
On March 28, Micheal opened the last four admissions decisions that would mark his 20-school streak.
His mom, who works two jobs as a licensed chemical dependency counselor, took the afternoon off to be with him.
They are both still in shock about the college and scholarship offers.
Urging others to dream big
But he didn’t want to talk about his own accomplishments alone.
“For me, it’s important to highlight that I’m not the only student of color who is achieving,” the teenager noted.
He has met countless friends through organizations like QuestBridge, Emerge Fellowship and Breakthrough Collaborative, which match students from low-income communities with higher education opportunities.
In fact, Micheal has at least one friend at every single Ivy League school thanks to these initiatives. He stressed the importance of using his platform to show other kids that they can dream big, too.
“I want people to be informed and get access to these same programs,” he said.
The high achiever will spend the next 30 days touring additional schools before he makes his final choice on May 1.
And he’s not taking a break until the fall.
This summer, he’ll spend two weeks traveling around cities that have historically fought for racial justice as part of Rustic Pathways’ “Race in America” program.