Amazon prime streaming March 5th 2021 Eddie Murphy’s Coming2America
Eddie Murphy’s Coming 2 America streaming Amazon prime March 5, 2021
Did you know Lovelyti has a podcast every week ? Here’s the latest FULL EPISODE. Well now you know. Subscribe to her on Spotify, SoundCloud and Apple podcasts.
Hello (From The Inside) Adele Parody By Chris Mann

This man has nerve enough to be able to sang!!! WOW I present Chris Mann Hello (From The Inside) Adele Parody
Bohemian Rhapsody the Muppets Music Video
I died when the chickens clucked ?????? Then animal ????
Elfen’s quarantine Stay at Home Advise #COVID19 Laughs with a Message Please DON’T Sqweeze the Charmin

This is our reality. In Washingtion State. And all over the world. We all need to take step back. Take a deep breath. And chilllax. INSIDE our house, or apartment, INSIDE your trailer in da park. And Netflix N’ Chill. ONLY go outside with your cloth mask and gloves. To empty your fourth bag of garbage, say hello to your homie 6 feet way. But if you want to bum a Marbro RED BOX TOP, Newport cigarette menthol light preferred or some weed. I wouldn’t advise sharing or puff puff give give. And forget picking up cigarette butts. We have A worldwide pandemic called coronavirus. Yes it’s Easter Sunday. Ya’ll gonna have to have the ham and all the trimmings by yo’self. And if you can’t cook IF YOU MUST GO TO THE STORE Walmart may have a Hungry Man Turkey Dinner located on aisle 8.

On your way out the store. To go back to your dubble wide Trailer in da dark in the park, apartment or your house with your blinds closed. PLEASE, PLEASE FOLKS DON’T TAKE ALL OR SQWEEZE THE CHARMIN!! RIP Mr Whipple!

The story of Beyoncé : Victoria Chase 90s vocal coach
Miss Jay DMV has got to be one of the most funniest Youtubers out there
Toilet tissue the Carol Show Burnett full sketch
???????????? So this is what people are doing with all that toilet tissue they bought. I remember watching that show with my mama Miss Carol Burnett is so funny!!!