Inauguration Day 2017 May not be

Barack and Michelle Obama (l.) and Joe and Jill Biden (r.) wave during “We Are One: Opening Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial” in 2009. (Carolyn Kaster/AP)
Wow looks like ain’t nobody no gonna be at the 2017 Inauguration ceremony for president elect Donald Trump but, crickets, fleas and maybe a dog. It seems that the Inauguration Day committee is still having problems finding celebrities to entertain the crowd, Trumps family and friends. They so desperately trying to find to find fleas n’ ticks to entertain until the committee is asking not an A lister but 1 hit wonder B list entertainers that will take any money to entertain Trump the KKK members and family
Elton John said it like this…
“I don’t really want my music to be involved in anything to do with an American election campaign,” John told the Guardian in February. “I’m British. I’ve met Donald Trump, he was very nice to me, it’s nothing personal, his political views are his own, mine are very different, I’m not a Republican in a million years. Why not ask Ted fucking Nugent? Or one of those fucking country stars? They’ll do it for you.”
DAYUM SNAP UH OH Now you know that’s gotta hurt when a musical legend turns you down .
Here’s what one Twitter had to say…
Kayne must REALLY need the money because he sho’ is grinning SEE EXHIBT A BELOW. SIGH I SO WISH OBAMA COULD STAY!!
Elfen’s Neo-Soul Hip hop interview with Bob Catt, Christopher Latimer AKA Mr. Catastrophic Pt 1

Bob Catt Cold Rain
As I talk to Bob Catt I understand just where he’s coming from; all these new mainstream pop rappers out here now have no interest in hip hop culture past or artists who have paved the way for them. These new mush mouths rappers seem to think they are ROCK STARS that they are not. I asked for a friends request he accepted and I continued to repost his music. I thought at first the person responding might be a BOT because he would post one word like, Thanks or Thanks for sharing!
One day I decided to just creep on his page and I found the picture of him and Mariah Carey. And I gave a smirk and a side eye but was intrigued enough to ask who that was in the picture. Surprisingly he answered like a real person! We chatted on messenger for a few weeks talking and reminiscing about how music was and where it’s going. I had so much fun I asked him for his phone number and for an interview and this is what happened next!
Elfen: Now if you’re a TRUE Hip hop artist or hip hop head you should know the answer to my question. What are the four elements of hip hop?
Catt: Boying, MCing, Graffiti, DJing!
Elfen: What is your given name and where were you born; what drew your body mind and soul to hip hop?
Catt: My name is Christopher Latimer. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, raised in Far Rockaway Queens in apartment 4g and that’s were my journey began. Listening to my father play his records and on Saturday mornings, watching Soul train and that’s where the inspiration of dancing came into play also I’m the middle child of 5 siblings an older sister and brother and two younger sisters. I had a wonderful childhood. Music was always a part of my life
Elfen Who is your favorite all time hip hop artist?
Catt My all-time favorite hip hop group is A Tribe Called Quest hands down
Elfen: Sad to say we’ve recently lost two of music’s finest, Phife Dawg from Tribe Called Quest and Prince. What does losing these two icons mean to you and the music industry as a whole
Catt: OMG losing both of them was a hard hit Prince was such an influence to me when it came to being different and to being original and being who you are Not giving a fuck about what people say about you. As for Phife, he’s was part of my favorite rap group that made real hip-hop music Phife and the rest of tribe are still a huge influence in my music I miss them both. The industry has lost two great artists. R.I.P. PRINCE AND PHIFE DAWG ONE LOVE..
Elfen: Now that we know your government name how did you come up with your stage name Bob Catt?
Catt: I got the name Bob Catt from a childhood friend. We were a dance group called the Freakazoids, his name was Lynx and I was Bob Catt we were so freakin’ dope.
Elfen: I noticed in one of your picture post you are standing with Ms. Mariah Carey now how did you get a pic with Mariah?

(L) Mariah Carey (R) Bob Catt 1995
Catt: Back in 1994 or 95, when Mariah Carey was releasing her album “Fantasy”, I received a phone call one morning from my best friend Asia Hernandez who was a good friend of the head choreographer by the name Buddha Stretch. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of him anyway Asia told me that Mariah was having an audition for her new video. So I went to the audition and at first I didn’t make the audition because I was nervous and so much was going on and threw off my game. That night Asia called me and said that I didn’t make it but she spoke to Stretch and he said I can come back to the second audition. I went in there and I nailed it, got the job and I worked with Mariah from 94 to 97.
Elfen: What inspired you to get into producing hip hop beats; the producing music game and can you give me some names of the artists you’ve worked with?
Catt: I got into producing when I was about 15 years old. What inspired me was listening to my parent’s old records and trying to make loops with the tape deck until I got my own equipment. I’ve worked with a group that I’m still a part of named MopTop, and another artist named InnerSoul and now I’m also currently working with a young lady name Xavi who is one of my great friends. She is Spanish Indian, very talented and business savvy.
Elfen: Are you still getting booked for music videos?
Catt: No
Elfen: Why?
Catt: Started a family I have a wife and two boys
Elfen: What are you currently doing to keep food on the table for your family?
Catt: Work a 9 to 5 and doing what I love MUSIC by the way “Cold Rain” was released today everywhere!
Elfen: As I do my research on the current state of mainstream hip hop, I have found this to be still true as it was back in 1989-90’s that the radio personality AKA the DJ, no longer has the power to pick or choose what he deems good music. It is all chosen for them by big corporations. Within the last 20 years or more we’ve seen a dramatic drop in all genres of music especially hip hop why do you think that is?
Catt: Because it’s all about the money and these young stupid artist think that this is the life to say a bunch of dumb shit thinking that’s what makes them famous and its just to make us look stupid to make the white man for money making us look like slaves in the field.
Elfen: Can you name a mainstream hip hop artist?
Catt: The only artist that comes to mind is Drake and that’s all I have to say I hardly listen to him I’m just not into that wack ass pop rap bullshit
Elfen: We now know who killed Radio Star. Who do you think killed music video shows and the ever popular music video and dance shows like Soul Train, The Grind, Video Soul, YO! Mtv Raps and BET Rap city?
Catt: What I think killed the popular video shows is the fuckin’ reality shows that are taking over every channel you turn on. There’s a new reality show every season. Take Love And Hip-Hop for instance, WHERE’S THE FUCKING HIP-HOP IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF DUMB ASS BITCHES FIGHTING ALL THE TIME ABOUT DUMB. STUPID SHIT.
Elfen: Pete Rock and Scarface gave their opinion on the state of mainstream hip hop and culture. Can you give your perspective on the culture and where you personally see mainstream hip hop going in the future?
Catt: Mainstream hip-hop is taking or took a huge plunge. I don’t think mainstream is going anywhere. There’s no real future for the mainstream, for the real black artist, it’s only for those fuckin Uncle Tom ass niggas to make that good money for the white folk. That shit really gets under my skin. Whites want us to act like monkeys to make them money.
Elfen: I saw and heard on a hip-hop documentary that there is a very loooooong list of TRUE hip hop artists who have been blacklisted or banned from BET, VH1 and MTV. What are your thoughts on that and are you on this list?
Catt: OMG I don’t know where to start OK HERE WE GO! Yes there is a list of TRUE school hip hop artist that have been banned from BET which is such BULLSHIT. All BET wants is pop rap, mush mouth music That garbage rap shit and I’m pretty sure one day I will make that list because I’m not making that bubble gum rap music. BET is missing out on real hip hop and even good neosoul music. Everyone knows that BET is doing it for the white audience and once again using these dumb ass uncle Tom slave pop rap artists .
Elfen: : Last year Missy Elliott made a surprise performance at the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, myself and ol’ hip hop heads were so hyped for her and still are. It amazes me how the young ones had no idea who, what or where she came from they all thought she was a new artist. It seems like not only our hip hop artists are being forgotten but other genres of music like Jazz, country, rock and hard rock are as well. How do you think we preserve ALL genres of music?
Catt: All, true artists and all genres need to come together to stop all the fake shit that’s going on. It’s a damn shame that these ass stupid muthafuckas didn’t know who Missy was. This young generation are not studying there history when it comes to all genres of music I hate that shit. All these young bucks know about is that damn overrated Beyoncé and she gets on my nerves these kids really need to do their history they’re not getting it.
Elfen: Last time we talked as we’ve talked for hours about the state of hip hop, you mentioned something that our B-girl Camisha had mentioned that people like Kanye, Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu were so heavily promoted, jumped when they said jump they did so at a price. Their once thriving creativity is gone.
Catt: Yes the creativity is gone there’s no real feeling behind the music and how they’re making the music all their music is starting to sound the same it’s like they’re copying off each other. I mean everything sounds the same that bothers me Kanye is in the spotlight because of that Kim bitch if not he would be pushed underground and definitely would be struggling as an artist
Elfen: It has been said by a mainstream rapper Future that it’s all about the image what he is in real life is not what raps about. Why do you think a fake image is so successful now than it was back in the day?
Catt: I can remember a time when a few rap groups and MC Hammer back in the day tried to switch it up to gangsta rap and to rap hard but it just didn’t work and we fans wasn’t havin’ it. What’s not real is what sells more records and that shit is stupid to me…for Future to say that means that there’s nothing special in his real life he has nothing to talk about. He’s not a storyteller; all he has is an image and that’s it there’s nothing else so how can he call himself Future when he has no real past or future haha.
What’s not real is what sells more records and that shit is stupid to me…for Future to say that means that there’s nothing special in his real life he’s has nothing to talk about. He’s not a storyteller all be has is an image and that’s it there’s nothing el so how can he call himself Future when he has no real past or future haha.
Elfen: : You have said to me before that these new mainstream hip hop artists will not be remembered. But let’s be real Beyoncé, Jay Z, Eminem and Kayne will defiantly be remembered. Why do you say that?
Catt: They’ll definitely be remembered because they paid their dues and they were pretty consistent with putting music out all the time, even though everything that was put out wasn’t always a huge hit but they will become watered down because they’re not putting out classics, just music and the young audiences are brain washed to buy it. When I see these pop rappers preform that’s all I see is lights, action and mush in their mouth. I personally don’t call them artists.
Elfen: What is your definition of an artist and musician?
Catt: My definition of an artist is someone who can sing, dance, and play instruments, is a triple threat, a person who can tell a story in there writing and an image is good but the talent speaks for itself.
Elfen: Now that we know your definition, what do you call them? Why do you think these pop rappers are called artists?
Catt: I wouldn’t call these pop rappers artist. I would call them “no name assholes” I don’t know. This shit is not real music don’t get me wrong some of the beats are dope but that’s it and it ends there, and then after 5 minutes I don’t remember them they are just a fad there gonna come and go and these young stupid kids think that it’s the hottest shit out the they don’t listen to no other genres of music they have no recollection that there’s more music out there, so sad.
Elfen: If a mainstream mush mouth rapper came to you asking to makes some beats with him/her would you turn the offer down? If so why?
Catt: I would definitely turn it down I’d never want any mush mouth bullshit on my music they can get the fuck outa here wit that monkey shit!!!! I stand for hip hop not garbage.
Catt: Drake maybe but he would have to do what I say
Elfen: Okay have you checked out A Tribe Called Quest New album and their appearance on SNL if you did which I know as a fan you must have what did you think?
Catt: I’m so happy. The industry needs that album I only heard a few trax and I loved what I heard and yes I saw them on SNL I WAS SO AMPED!
Well my hip hop heads I’m sorry but I talked and chatted for so long until I have to split this interview in two!! ‘Til next time Hip hop heads keep playin’ that REAL HIP HOP!
Here’s a taste of his music below:
The Birth Of A Nation Movie Review
One of the most anticipated black movies has finally been released. Today I saw the Nat Turner bio,The Birth of a Nation and I must say, I feel like this a movie that all black people should see.
This movie was spectacular, the acting was great, they story was phenomenal. It is definitely a story that will make you think, make you angry, cry and to be honest occasionally chuckle. Nate Parker as Nat Turner did an excellent job portraying him and it is a performance that I will never forget.
With any movie about slaves, seeing my people getting abused mistreated and murdered for no reason at all definitely made me angry, and I hated watching it but I feel it is definitely a dark piece of history that needs to be discussed. Also with me being of Christian faith I also glad how they exposed slave masters using only certain bible verses to keep slaves in bondage and to keep them in line. It was when Nat Turner actually read all of the bible that he learned the full truth.
The scenes of Nat Turner and his rebellion group killing and battling former slave masters was jaw dropping also from the first kill all the way to when they were ambushed and trapped. I won’t delve into the ending too much since most of us know it wasn’t a happy one but I will say this, if you’re going to spend your money on anything this weekend, spend it on this movie. You won’t regret it.
In my regards to the Nate Parker rape allegations, I see it as a ploy to get people to boycott a movie that shows black people with a backbone and standing up for themselves. Unfortunately many of us have fallen for it.
All in all I rate this movie 10 out of 10, if I did not see this movie i know that I was going to regret it later on. Please see this movie it’s definitely a game changer.
Suicide Squad Movie Review (Small Spoilers)
After months of waiting, Suicide Squad finally hit theaters Thursday (depending on where you live) and Friday night. From what I saw, in my opinion the critics were wrong about this one. Suicide Squad is definitely one of the better summer movies of this year!
Let’s start off with the obvious, Will Smith and Margot Robbie did great jobs as DeadShot and Harley Quinn. Both of them definitely stole the show in whatever scene they were in and both were hilarious as well. Jared Leto delivered as the Joker as well. You can tell that this Joker is and will be different from the Heath Ledger we’ve seen in The Dark Knight. My only gripe was that he didn’t play too much of major part in the main plot of the movie.
Other than a desire for other characters to be fleshed out a little more, everyone from Killer Croc to Rick Flagg were enjoyable to see on screen. Seeing the two cameos of Batman and The Flash were a great add on to this movie and a nice set up for the Justice League movie next year. It was nice to see Common in there as well even though he was killed by the Joker two minutes later
The plot to me seemed good for the most part. It’s very character driven as it gives a brief synopsis of everyone the first hour and they dive into their mission the second hour. Enchantress as the villain seemed like great choice.
As far as my gripes with the film, adding Slipknot to the film just to kill him off before the action even starts is somewhat of a waste. Also in the final scene when everyone is getting ready to take on Enchantress, she looks as if she’s doing a very poor form of belly dancing that just looked plain weird.
All in all I say Suicide a Squad was definitely a great movie and you should go out and see it. Never mind what the critics say, see and judge it for yourself. The action is great, the comedy is spot on, and the characters are enjoyable. Out of 10 I give it an 8. If you haven’t seen it go out and see it now!
X-Men Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)
Well after a long wait it’s finally here. X-Men Apocalypse hit U.S. theaters today and I ad the pleasure of seeing it. When I walked out of the theater I can say that I was satisfied with this movie. This goes to show that you can’t listen to everything critics say.
Despite it’s less than popular reviews at the moment, I say you should go to see it yourself to judge it. That being said this movie is not without flaws as i had some dislikes as well. Now that I got that out of the way let’s dive into the good and bad.
What I enjoyed about the movie are the character re introductions and development. Seeing Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Nightcrawler was great and refreshing to me. It was good to see Cyclops get some actual decent character development other than being Jean’s boyfriend. Watching him get his powers and participate in the final fight was great. Jean Grey was great also, and it was nice to get a proper version of the phoenix. Nightcrawler’s humor was great as well as Professor X’s. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender did great jobs as Professor X and Magneto like always. I definitely look forward to seeing more of the younger cast in future movies.
I Loved Oscar Isaac’s performance as Apocalypse. I thought he was very menacing and you could tell that the character Apocalypse had a very sick and twisted God-Complex about himself. Altering his voice during certain scenes was a nice touch as well. Just like Days Of Future Past, Quicksilver once again stole the show! His mansion rescue was awesome and out did his speed scene in previous movie. Like Nightcrawler I enjoyed his humor as well. I look forward to see more of Quicksilver in future movies as well. Hugh Jackman once again killed as Wolverine. While he didn’t speak he definitely delivered as usual and it’ll be sad to see him go next year.
Like with every movie with the good there is also the bad. While I enjoyed this movie, there was a few things that I had issue with starting with the four horsemen. It seem like out the four Magneto has the most development out of all of them. Storm had development as well but she didn’t really do too much till the final fight. There wasn’t really and background on Angel or Psylocke. While Psylocke’s action scenes were good she didn’t say too much which was an issue with a lot of people myself included.
I was disappointed with the fact that Angel was killed off before he could get proper development. One minute he was cage fighting then the next moment he gets killed when a jet crashes with him in it. Another unnecessary death that was in this movie was Alex Summers AKA Havok. Not only was his death not needed he death was a complete accident. It would’ve been great to see Cyclops and Havok’s dynamic in future movies but it looks like Bryan Singer just threw down the drain.
Overall I still enjoyed this movie I just wished certain things would’ve turned out differently with certain events and characters. I look forward to seeing future X-Men movies with characters such as Mr. Sinister, the New Mutants, the X-Force, and the Deadpool sequels. On a scale of one to 10. I give X-Men Apocalypse an 8 out of 10. Go out and see it this weekend to judge it for yourself.
Black Panther Could Be The Biggest Black Blockbuster Of All Time
With the release of Captain America: Civil War the hype for Black Panther has shot up immensely.
With his film 2 years away, Black Panther has the potential to be one of the biggest black block busters of all time. Several people have already been cast such as Lupita Nyong’o and Michael B. Jordan.
Seeing is how Marvel has been on a role with their movies, and the fact that Civil War is about to hit the $1 Billion mark, I believe this will definitely be the biggest black blockbuster. It is said that the cast will be 90% black which is a plus.
It’s always good to see our people on the silver screen and not just in stereotypical roles. I’d love to see more black super heroes in the future.
Captain America: Civil War Review (Slight Spoilers)
Seeing is how Captain America Civil War is out in theaters all over the country now, people have had plenty of time to see it. With that being let’s review Marvel’s newest movie!
Let me start off by saying that the word “like” for this movie is way too much of an understatement. I LOVED THIS MOVIE! This movie is the best one Marvel has to date. Everyone from Captain America, to Iron Man, to Black Panther were all awesome! Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. did a great job like always, but the two new people who stood out to me in this movie were Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther and Tom Holland is Spider-Man.
I appreciate the fact that they gave Black Panther plenty of shine throughout the movie and gave him amazing fight scenes namely with the Winter Soldier and the airport fight. This has only made me look forward to the Black Panther movie even more! Tom Hollad definitely killed it as Spider-Man as well. Spider-Man’s humor with Tony Stark was on point and he is the best portrayal of Spider-Man that I’ve seen.
The fight scenes are some of the action scenes I’ve seen in a comic book movie. The Russo Brothers definitely know how to film fights scenes without all the shaky camera nonsense. Every person the Spider-Man and Ant-Man fought were hilarious and Ant-Man becoming Giant-Man was a nice touch as well.
As for the villains Crossbones was okay, I dont have too much to say on him since he’s only in the beginning of the film. But as for Zemo while he doesn’t look like his comic counterpart he was a great villain in this movie. His manipulation of the Avengers great and you can pretty much say his plan of breaking apart the Avengers was achieved.
As far as the teams go the movie does a good job of not making everything so black and white. Each person had their own reasons on why they signed or didn’t sign the Sakovia Accords and in my opinion they all seemed valid. But for the most part I stuck with Team Iron Man partially because of Black Panther, but also for another reason, near the end of the movie there was some crucial information the Captain America kept from Iron Man that made me lose points with Captain America.
All in all I give this movie a full 10/10 the action was there, the drama, and the comedy. Would I pay money to see this again? ABSOLUTELY! It was just that good. I cant wait to see future films such as Spider-Man: Homecoming, Black Panther, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and more importantly Avengers: Infinity War.
If you haven’t seen this movie yet, get off your butt and go see it now!
Ghost in the Shell ‘considered CGI to make white actors look Asian’
The filmmakers allegedly ran tests to ‘shift ethnicity’.

Scarlett Johansson
Is it really so hard to cast a Asian actor to play the lead anime character Major Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell? Hollywood would rather spends millions of dollars on CGI (Computer generated imagery) to make a white actress Scarlett Johansson ; cast look Asian then to audition well known or not well known Asian actors;actresses to play Asian people in this film adaptation? Do you Hollywood BIG WHITE BOYS; WOMEN understand that your BIGGEST movie goers who spend much money are the hard working Black folks; other minorities? THANK GOD they allegedly considered using CGI to make white actors look Asian. This is how Paramount responded claiming the CGI tests were for a “background actor” rather than for Johansson. YEAH RIGHT!
Do you remember that Movie Gods of Egypt? You cast all WHITE (all but one) actors and tried to pass them off as historically accurate not to mention the WACK CGI effects. Your movie FLOPPED at the box office. We as ethnic people are not really wanted in their movies but they know they have to have a token black, Asian, Latino, Latina, Puerto Rican. When we are cast we are the criminal, drug addict, the angry black (FAT) black woman, oh I forgot if they do cast a black woman as the lead (Stacy Dash) they have to be light bright and damn near right with the good hair that can be easily flat ironed to be straight as a stick. White Hollywood only sees us as dollar signs, they steal our culture then water it down to suit they taste.
White Hollywood has found away and maybe even a dangerous way to totally get rid of what they see as threat develop technology where we can change the ethnicity of the actresses; actors to WHITE people to fit THEIR vision? We people of color will always be that token unless we stand up and do something about it!
We need to make our OWN tv;movie production companies produce our OWN movies; tv series just like the white hollywood juggernauts. Sadly, BET was OWNED and operated by Black people from 1980-1997 until it was sold to a white owned an operated Corporation Viacom ever since then BET is watered down with nothing but fast money reality shows with black people who have NO control of content there are a lot of our people that are content as long as millions of dollars are thrown at them.
Okay to my 1 trillion dollar spenders in order to make change we must hit ‘em where it hurts it is so true money makes the world go round the world would stop and LISTEN and ACT if we as a people STOPPED spending money where are we are NOT shown as the main character, if we are shown ALWAYS stereotypes then boycott that shit! DON’T SPEND MONEY WHERE YOU ARE NOT UPLIFTED AND SUPPORTED!
Here’s a trailer for Ghost in the Shell BELOW
Dora The Explorer Actress Caught Vaping At School
Well if this isn’t a shocker I don’t know what is. Looks like Dora has been exploring the world of vaping. Actress Fatima Ptacek and another young girl at her school caught vaping in the bathroom back on December 10.
But here’s the kicker, while the other girl was expelled from the Manhattan Private School. Ptacek received only a 3 day suspension! This is celebrity status at its finest. But this isn’t stopping the other girl’s parents from suing Avenues private school
Parents Nadia Leonelli and Fredrik Sundwal say they their daughter was peer pressured into vaping with the young celebrity.
In court papers, it said “she was approached by her friend, F.P. to go into the bathroom and try smoking flavored water vapor in a ‘vape’ pen that F.P. had borrowed from a fellow 10th grade classmate,”While they say both were punished they say they it wasn’t fairly done because of celebrity status.
The suit also says that M.S. (the young girl) “was reluctant to try but gave in to peer pressure, wanting to appear ‘cool’ in front of F.P. because she is older than M.S. and is a celebrity.
The parents have already spent $10,000 in legal fees and are still fight the school district. This is ridiculous. If this is the case then Ptacek should be expelled also. What did she do in order to get off so easily? Oh that’s right she’s a celebrity therefore lighter punishment. The other girl also needs to learn not to be peer pressured into anything just that person is older and is famous. Parents, teach your kids not to worship celebrities.
Link to the article
Teen Is Suing Katt Williams For $5 Million Dollars Over Their Fight; Claiming Emotional Distress