Donald Trump Jr. retweets Roseanne Barr’s discredited George Soros claims
When it comes to promoting conspiracy theories, Donald Trump Jr. seems to take after his father.
As Roseanne Barr embarked on a Tuesday morning Twitter barrage that led ABC to cancel her sitcom, the president’s son retweeted two of her posts attacking billionaire Democratic donor George Soros, including one that called Soros, a Holocaust survivor, “a Nazi.”
Roseanne Returns To Twitter Apologizes Retweets New Attacks On Valerie Jarrett
The only reason she is apologizing is because she messed up her money and EVERYONE else’s money. Do ya’ll realize because of what she said people are now out of work. This goes for the actors actresses the camera crew the director that gaffers, The lighting technicians . The food trucks the people that provide the food for the actresses and actors and production crew during breaks and lunch and dinner times . For EVERY ACTION THERE IS REACTION. AND FOR EVERY RECATION THERE IS ACTION.
Roseanne Barr returned to Twitter late Tuesday after briefly leaving the platform in the wake of a racist tweet that got her ABC show canceled.
She offered what she called a “sincere apology” to Valerie Jarrett, the former aide to President Barack Obama who was the target of her tirade. However, Barr also retweeted a series of other inflammatory comments, including one that placed Jarrett’s face next to an image from “Planet of the Apes.”
The initial tweet that got Roseanne’s show canceled said, “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” with the initials referring to Jarrett.
After apologizing, she announced she was leaving Twitter, a departure that lasted a little more than 12 hours.
On returning, she called on supporters not to defend her, said the tweet was unforgivable and appeared to blame the sleep drug Ambien:
guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me. It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please. ty……..
Ambien maker knocks Roseanne for blaming its drugs for her tirades: ‘Racism is not a known side effect’
Sanofi, the pharmaceutical company behind Ambien, has put out a statement knocking Roseanne Barr for seemingly blaming its drugs for her racist tirade this week.
“People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world,” the company said in an official announcement. “While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.”
People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.
— Sanofi US (@SanofiUS) May 30, 2018….
Florida police officer directs violent Facebook comment at Parkland student David Hogg
This man ain’t sorry. He sorry he got caught. He should know by now you can’t say or do anything on social media without a screenshot of what you write and or say.
A Florida police K-9 officer is facing disciplinary action after he posted a disturbing comment on Facebook in a thread about a “die-in” protest at a supermarket.
Information about the protest at Publix, where nationally-known Parkland student David Hogg and other students outlined 17 bodies in the parking lot, was posted on a Coral Springs/Parkland Facebook page, the Sun-Sentinel reports.
Brian Valenti, who has been with Coconut Creek Police Department for 23 years, wrote “hope some old lady loses control of her car in that lot” under a photo of Hogg, who organized the event.
A screenshot of the comment was sent to Coconut Creek commissioners and Police Chief Butch Arenal Saturday night, the Sun-Sentinel reports. The comment has since been deleted.
“He feels terrible and is very willing to apologize in person,” Rod Skirvin, a union leader and recently retired Coconut Creek detective, told the Sun-Suntinel. “We are going to speak to the chief on Tuesday when he goes back to work. There will be disciplinary repercussions for him.”
The police department is in talks with Valenti about next steps, but could not confirm as of Tuesday morning what disciplinary action will be taken.
R Kelly Interview with Tavis Smiley
R Kelly needed help as a child. There’s NO excuse for his actions. But I figured this was why he is the way he is.
Elfen’s Neosoul Music Video pick of the week Xiomara You don’t know jack
After watching this video go give a listen to Xiomara’s 2016 album Seven Nineteen on Apple iTunes, Bandcamp or Spotify!
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop New Album of the week Xiomara Seven Nineteen

Xiomara Seven Ninteen release date July 19, 2016
This weeks New Music Tuesday is a little different. I’m calling it what’s old to you is new to me. And what’s new to me is old to you. I can’t help being attracted to the unusual and the unique. I don’t like to be stuck in a box. Especially when it comes to music. So a few years ago. When I saw this album cover. I just had to click and give a listen. I love this album and her music. Her name is Xiomara. The album seven nineteen. And my favorite song is Mic Check. There’s nothing more I need to write. Ya’ll just give her a listen. See you next Tuesday for another new album!
Kim Kardashian West Jumps Into Ye’s Latest Dust-Up and Twitter Tells Her to Have a Stadium of Seats
Below is just a sip of what went down on Twitter between Kim K and Rhyme fest if you want to read more——>
Kanye West continues to piss just about everybody off in his quest for self-destruction an album promotion, this time with his forever-bronzed, real-life Bratz doll wife, Kim Kardashian West, inserting herself into his catastrophic drama.
Since The Root reported on that dog’s mess of a beef between West, his G.O.O.D. Music artist, Pusha T, and Drake yesterday, West has managed to trash his own name even more, as if that were even possible.
Rapper and songwriter Che “Rhymefest” Smith, who is supposedly running West’s nonprofit, Donda’s House, named for Ye’s late mother Donda West, hopped into the Drake/Pusha/Ye fray by tweeting that West is neglecting his mother’s namesake org.
Rhymefest tongue-in-cheekily wrote that when West pays Drake his $100,000 invoice, that he should put some money towards Donda’s House, because Kanye has allegedly let the place falter, saying, “fuck the youth of Chicago” for good measure. READ MORE——>
Ye’s wife, Kim Kardashian West, took a break from cultural appropriation and got online to defend her husband on Twitter, starting off by saying that Rhymefest was a liar and something dumb about fake Yeezys:
Then there was this:
I saw you at our studio a few weeks ago so why didn’t you bring this up then @RHYMEFEST ? You were trying to get Kanye to listen to your sub par beats. You have the audacity to use Kanye’s mom name to try to shead a negative light on Kanye.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) May 26, 2018
These racists screaming go back to… Need to check themselves because without Brown and Black folks they’d be DEAD!
Onesimus (fl. 1706 – 1717), slave and medical pioneer, was born in the late seventeenth century, probably in Africa, although the precise date and place of his birth are unknown. He first appears in the historical record in the diary of Cotton Mather, a prominent New England theologian and minister of Boston’s Old North Church. Reverend Mather notes in a diary entry for 13 December 1706 that members of his congregation purchased for him “a very likely Slave; a young Man who is a Negro of a promising aspect of temper” (Mather, vol. 1, 579). Mather named him Onesimus, after a biblical slave who escaped from his master, an early Christian named Philemon.
Little is known of Onesimus after he purchased his freedom, but in 1721 Cotton Mather used information he had learned five years earlier from his former slave to combat a devastating smallpox epidemic that was then sweeping Boston. In a 1716 letter to the Royal Society of London, Mather proposed “ye Method of Inoculation” as the best means of curing smallpox and noted that he had learned of this process from “my Negro-Man Onesimus, who is a pretty Intelligent Fellow” (Winslow, 33). Onesimus explained that he had
undergone an Operation, which had given him something of ye Small-Pox, and would forever preserve him from it, adding, That it was often used among [Africans] and whoever had ye Courage to use it, was forever free from ye Fear of the Contagion. He described ye Operation to me, and showed me in his Arm ye Scar.” (Winslow, 33)
Reports of similar practices in Turkey further persuaded Mather to mount a public inoculation campaign. Most white doctors rejected this process of deliberately infecting a person with smallpox–now called variolation–in part because of their misgivings about African medical knowledge. Public and medical opinion in Boston was strongly against both Mather and Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, the only doctor in town willing to perform inoculations; one opponent even threw a grenade into Mather’s home. A survey of the nearly six thousand people who contracted smallpox between 1721 and 1723 found, however, that Onesimus, Mather, and Boylston had been right. Only 2 percent of the six hundred Bostonians inoculated against smallpox died, while 14 percent of those who caught the disease but were not inoculated succumbed to the illness.
It is unclear when or how Onesimus died, but his legacy is unambiguous. His knowledge of variolation gives the lie to one justification for enslaving Africans, namely, white Europeans’ alleged superiority in medicine, science, and technology. This bias made the smallpox epidemic of 1721 more deadly than it need have been. Bostonians and other Americans nonetheless adopted the African practice of inoculation in future smallpox outbreaks, and variolation remained the most effective means of treating the disease until the development of vaccination by Edward Jenner in 1796.
Did You Know That A Slave Was Responsible For The Inoculation Procedure Used To Treat Small Pox?
American Airlines passenger faces up to 20 years in jail for in-flight tirade
An American Airlines passenger who was denied alcohol on a flight launched into a screaming tirade involving spit and blood, according to the FBI – and now faces the possibly of up to 20 years in prison.
Jason Felix was flying from St Croix to Miami on AA flight 1293 when the incident occurred, according to an FBI affidavit. The bureau and local police are investigating the matter, with Mr Felix having been for attempting to interfere with a flight crew. A fellow passenger caught part of the argument on camera.
Approximately one hour into the flight, Mr Felix rang the flight attendant to purchase beer. The flight attendant refused after he had been spotted by that flight attendant allegedly rummaging around the back of plane opening and closing cabinets in the rear bathroom earlier in the flight. He had slammed the door shut and locked it when a flight attendant approached to ask if he was all right. When he emerged from the bathroom, he appeared agitated and was cursing at the attendant all the way back to his seat, 17B.
A man who had the aisle seat – with Mr Felix in the middle – later told authorities he knew Mr Felix from his work as a police officer in the US Virgin Islands and his reputation was not a good one.
Once the flight attendant denied Mr Felix a beer, the FBI affidavit says he climbed over his seatmate and began chasing after the flight attendant, screaming obscenities.
“You need to please sit down. You’re not drinking any more beers. We’ll be there in an hour,” the attendent told Mr Felix.
“Are you my bartender?” Mr Felix is said to have asked the attendant, to which they replied “yes,” as he walked away.
The flight attendant then turned around to see Mr Felix and his seatmate appearing to hit each other in the narrow aisle. Other passengers attempted to pull the two men apart, video footage showed.
They were eventually able to get Mr Felix back into his seat, but not before – according to his seatmate – Mr Felix had spit blood and torn his shirt
The FBI affidavit said Mr Felix yelled: “I’m going to kill you. I know you are a cop”.
Fellow passengers continued to try and calm Mr Felix down, but the insults and foul language directed at the other man, who by this point had been asked to change seats, continued.
Flight attendants offered Mr Felix water, but he gave it to another passenger, according to the Bill Bolduc, who filmed the incident.
Four police officers boarded the plane in Miami and escorted the unruly passenger into the airport where he was arrested. The interfering with a flight crew charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years in jail.
His detention hearing is on Tuesday in Florida. It is unclear if Mr Felix is a US citizen.