Kofi Siriboe Makes An Urgent Case For Discussing Black Mental Health
His new short documentary, “WTF Is Mental Health?,” seeks to define mental health and undo some of the preconceived notions people have about it.
Black mental health isn’t just a talking point for Kofi Siriboe.
He’s serious about the topic ― and about making room for black people to have open and honest discussions on it.
“I feel like with mental health, people always react negatively. We kinda have a lot of stigma in our community and in society in general,” the 24-year-old actor told HuffPost. “I feel like that space wasn’t really created for us.”
The “Queen Sugar” actor is using his platform to change that. Siriboe stepped behind the camera for “WTF Is Mental Health?” ― one of his first forays into production and a project he’s releasing exclusively to HuffPost. Filmed in the Bronx, the short-form documentary explores mental health among young black people. In the mini-documentary, seven people get real about their individual mental health journeys and discuss the challenges and stigmas they’ve faced along the way.
READ MORE——> https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kofi-siriboe-wtf-is-mental-health_us_5b0d566de4b0802d69ce8eaa?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=main_fb&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=facebook
“Most White people want an all white neighborhood “
Really?? What he really tryin’ to say is he wants a Jim Crow America. A separate but equal unequal America.
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop New Music Tuesday LMNO Feat Kev Brown

LMNO Ft Kev Brown Senstive Hearing release date March 25th 2008
Before I choose a Neosoul Hip Hop, old school R&B. Album and or single. Or even when I’m writing and posting articles for you tisippers. I’m always listening to something as I write. It puts me in a clear writing flow. Well this weeks what’s new to me is old to you. What’s old to you is new to me. Is one of the most illist albums to come out in 2008. I bring you LMNO Ft Kev Brown Sensitive Hearing. Every track is a head bobbin’ lyrical stimulating mind sex experience. This is true Hip hop at it’s finest. There’s more white folks who love and appreciate the hip pop genre that we started . You brown and black kids are not getting a balance of different styles of hip hop and other music genres. We as people of color are often get regected and selected by selective hearing. This is one of the reasons I come at you each week with something you may never get to hear on the mainstream radio. I’m your radio personality from yesteryear. What I like you might like too!
The Radio Personalities or Disc Jockies. Was once the driving force as to what musicians and singers song got on the airwaves.
There’s a LMNO and Kev Brown Selective Hearing pt2 album! I strongly suggest you give that a listen too! Next week I got some Nxworries! ‘Till next week get out and exspand your music playlist!
San Francisco 49ers Legend Dwight Clark Dead At 61
Former San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Dwight Clark, who made arguably the most important catch in the franchise’s history, died Monday at age 61, about 15 months after he announced he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
READ MORE—-> https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dwight-clark-dead-61_us_5b15c72ce4b0129b529d357e?utm_source=main_fb&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063
His wife, Kelly Clark, announced his death on his Twitter page
I’m heartbroken to tell you that today I lost my best friend and husband. He passed peacefully surrounded by many of the people he loved most. I am thankful for all of Dwight’s friends, teammates and 49ers fans who have sent their love during his battle with ALS. Kelly Clark.
— Dwight Clark (@DwightC87) June 4, 2018
Plastic bags jam stomach of dead pilot whale in Thailand
This is in Thailand but still this affects everyone. Here in Washington state grocery stores have stopped providing plastic bags to the customers for this very reason below . It takes plastic bags decades to disintegrate. We are destroying our planet and the animals who live with us and among us .
BANGKOK (Reuters) – Some 80 pieces of plastic rubbish weighing eight kg (17 lb) were found in the stomach of a whale that died in Thailand after a five-day effort to save it, a marine official said on Sunday.
The pilot whale was discovered on Monday in a canal in the southern province of Songkhla and received treatment from a team of veterinarians.
The whale spit out five plastic bags on Friday and later died, the Marine and Coastal Resources Department said on its website.
An autopsy found another 80 bags and other plastic items weighing eight kg in the whale’s stomach.
“This plastic rubbish made the whale sick and unable to hunt for food,” the department said.
Jatuporn Buruspat, head of the department, said the whale probably thought the floating plastic bags were food.
Pilot whales mainly feed on squid, but are known to eat octopus and small fish when squid are not available, according to the American Cetacean Society, a whale conservation group.
Jatuporn said his department planned to raise public awareness of the problem on World Oceans Day on June 8.
“We will use the whale case and invite all sectors to show their intentions on how to reduce the use of plastic in Thailand,” he told Reuters.
Thais use huge numbers of plastic bags but authorities have launched campaigns to try to encourage people to use fewer and to introduce reusable bags.
Globally, eight million tonnes of plastic – bottles, packaging and other waste – are dumped into the ocean every year, killing marine life and entering the human food chain, the United Nations Environment Programme said in December.
Source——-> https://www.yahoo.com/news/plastic-bags-clog-stomach-dead-whale-thailand-081341246.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=2_07
Bill Clinton On Monica Lewinsky Scandal: ‘I Did The Right Thing’
This #Metoo movement Is starting to become no one takes responsibility for their own consensual sexual encounters. This chick Monica only wants to make a quick buck. It annoys me that this movement has become a Hollywood thing for “victims” of sexual assault when in fact these people were not sexually assaulted at all it was consensual. #metoo movement now is women wanting to get out of an embarrassing situation with a dude that gave them bad sex. Then use the #MeToo movement for empathy, likes and harts. These celebrities really need to have a tall glass of shut the fuck up ! Oh yeah, #Metoo was started by a beautiful dark skinned woman by the name of Tarana Burke. Wikipedia has even gotten on my nerves. They only had one small paragraph talking about Tarana Burke. There are real victims of sexual harassment and rape in Hollywood and down the street and up the block and next-door.
As for Hollywood if people would stop putting these Big Hollywood singers, producers, executives, actors and actress on a pedestals. Then maybe these alleged or NOT sexual assaults would have been caught sooner . Instead of using bill Cosby as their scapegoat they should’ve opened their eyes and ears to others as well. And I do believe as I’ve said before Bill Cosby is guilty of not keeping his thing in his pants. But I digress were talking about President Bill Clinton and a chick named Monica Lewinsky
“Through the lens of #MeToo now, do you think differently or feel more responsibility?… Did you ever apologize to her [Lewinsky]?” @craigmelvin to Bill Clinton pic.twitter.com/rXcixhDHER
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) June 4, 2018
Police: Uber driver said rider was shot during attack
DENVER (AP) — An Uber driver arrested in the fatal shooting of a passenger told a witness that he opened fire after his customer tried to attack him, police said Friday.
However, a partially redacted police report says driver Michael Andre Hancock, 29, declined to talk to investigators without a lawyer present about the shooting on Interstate 25 just before 3 a.m.
Police said the man killed, Hyun Kim, 45, was found lying on the floor board of the car’s front passenger seat.
The witness called 911 and passed the phone to Hancock, who identified himself to the dispatcher, the report said……..
READ MORE—-> https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-uber-driver-fatally-shoots-passenger-interstate-124327330.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=2_07
Driver Shouts ‘Go Back To Your Country B***h’ At Asian-American Family
These racists feel so empowered! Thanks Trump ! ( I mean that sarcastically ) and put the bitch failed to realize yeah Sandra took it down as she ordered but that video is forever in cyberspace
This is the second time in two weeks a racist incident against Asian Americans in the Bay Area has gone viral.
UPDATE: May 31 — The city of Half Moon Bay has since responded to the Monday incident where a female drive shouted racist insults at an Asian-American family.
Malcolm Smith, communications coordinator for the city, told HuffPost that “we were saddened to learn of this incident.”
“It is contrary to the proud diversity of our community, where we welcome and celebrate residents, workers, and visitors of all nationalities, religions, and cultures,” he told HuffPost in an email. “We have every reason to believe this was an isolated incident in our city, and in fact to my knowledge, the only such incident in memory. Our understanding is that the person making these remarks does not live here.”
Lee, who originally filmed the incident, has removed the video from her social media account and updated her post, noting that the driver in the video contacted her.
“She was angry. Very angry. I won’t go in details of what she said. But it does include foul language again.”
Lee said that she responded to the woman and exchanged a few messages, noting that the driver had “toned it down.” However, the woman didn’t apologize.