Does Colin Kaepernick Have A First Amendment Case Against Donald Trump?
If his collusion case against the NFL and its team owners fails, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, allegedly blacklisted by the league for his decision to kneel in protest during the national anthem, may have another legal recourse: suing President Donald Trump and the NFL for violating his First Amendment rights.
Trump has spent much of the past year trashing the protests of predominantly black players to the delight of his political base. He has repeatedly called on NFL owners to prohibit players from protesting. Last September, he used a campaign rally in Alabama to urge the team owners to fire any “son of a bitch” player who protested.
Trump’s demagoguery has had an obvious effect on the NFL and its owners, who in May approved a new policy that requires players to stand for the national anthem if they are on the field before games. Trump has continued to wield the issue since: on Monday, he blamed anthem protests for his abrupt cancellation of the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles’ Tuesday visit to the White House, even though no members of the team knelt during the 2017 regular season.
But Trump’s actions, some legal experts argue, may also have opened him up to claims that he and the NFL violated the players’ First Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful protest, especially if his threats against the league helped force owners to institute the new policy or influenced their treatment of protesting players.
“It’s a very bold step to sue the United States based upon alleged wrongdoing of the sitting president, and filing such a claim might make a player such as Colin Kaepernick into an even more polarizing figure,” said Marc Edelman, a law professor at City University of New York’s Baruch College. “However, based upon the pure black-letter law, a [First Amendment] claim of this nature may have a reasonable chance to succeed.”
As every graduate of YouTube Comment Law School knows, the First Amendment typically protects individuals only when the government, or a government official, infringes upon their free speech rights. NFL teams and their owners are private actors and thus are free to do as they wish, at least with respect to the First Amendment.
But in certain cases, private businesses can be considered state actors, and Kaepernick and other NFL players ― like his former San Francisco teammate Eric Reid ― who appear to have been ostracized over their protests, could have a credible argument that the NFL, in this instance, was a public entity that was improperly influenced by the president.
The NFL, Edelman argued, could be considered a state actor for two reasons: First, because it receives tax breaks from the federal government, and second, because most of its teams play in stadiums that are partly financed by local governments. NFL stadiums have also received billions of dollars in federal tax subsidies.
Federal courts have previously ruled that sports franchises have acted as state actors. In 1978, a judge found that the New York Yankees’ policy banning female reporters from their locker room violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause because New York City owned Yankee Stadium, qualifying the team as a state actor, as Edelman notes in a brief he wrote examining the possibility of NFL players filing a free speech lawsuit.
None of this would matter, however, were it not for Trump’s own actions ― and specifically his tweet in September suggesting that certain tax breaks be eliminated if the league didn’t start punishing the protesters.
Police: Woman arrested for transporting children in dog kennels
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A woman was arrested after a video was shared online showing two children getting out of pet kennels in the 3700 block of Elvis Presley Blvd Saturday evening, Memphis Police said.
Leimome Cheeks 62, was arrested and charged with two counts of child endangerment.
The video was filmed by a concerned citizen who passed by.
According to the affidavit, the children told police there was no room in the backseat so their grandmother told them to get inside of the dog cages.
Lottery Winner Picks Up Check In Emoji Wink Mask
A Jamaican woman who won the equivalent of $1 million in a lottery found a clever way to collect the loot while protecting her identity: by wearing an emoji wink mask.
The woman, N. Gray, won the jackpot last month when she randomly picked numbers a few hours before a regional Super Lotto draw, according to the Jamaica Observer.
When she decided to pick up her winnings earlier this week, Gray provided us high comedy while keeping a low profile by using the emoji mask to both celebrate her fortune and conceal her identity.
It may seem like a good joke, but there was a serious reason for the mask. Lottery winners around the world have opted to hide their identities as they collect their winnings.
Crime rates in Jamaica, in particular, leave many residents fearing they’ll be targeted after winning large sums of money, according to the Jamaica Star.
“Unfortunately, Jamaica is not like other markets. In other markets, they don’t necessarily do it, but here I think they opt to do it to keep themselves safe,” Simone Clarke-Cooper, assistant vice-president of Group Corporate Communications at Supreme Ventures Limited, the company behind the Super Lotto, told the Star. “We are not going to tell them not to do that because their safety is of paramount importance to us as well.”
That’s why Gray isn’t revealing much about herself, but she did offer a peek behind the mask to the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper.
“I am employed, but I am not necessarily going to leave my job. Now I’ve won, I want to clear my debt, invest, and I want to do some traveling,” she said. “I would like to construct a community center for the youths in my community, so they can engage in something productive; somewhere where they can do information technology.”
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Georgia Cop Fired for Ramming Fleeing Suspect With Patrol Car Gets New Job as Sheriff’s Deputy in Neighboring County

Officer Taylor Saulters
Must be nice to be a white male and a police officer. I mean that sarcastically.
Must be nice to have white privlage. And know that you don’t have to take responsibility for your actions. I mean that sarcastically.
Well, well, well. White privilege is a hell of a drug. Imagine being fired from your job one day for running over a fleeing civilian, and getting another job, in the same field, in a matter of days.
I need those kinds of odds in my life. And that’s the kind of life Taylor Saulters, a former officer with the Athens-Clarke, Ga., County Police Department, is leading.
The Hill reports that Saulters was hired Monday by the neighboring Oglethorpe County Sheriff’s Office, whose sheriff defended his decision in the hire.
“I have known him since he was a baby and I know he will be a great asset to our county,” Sheriff David Gabriel said in a Facebook post announcing the news (sounds like Daddy got someone a job).
Gabriel added:
If [Saulters’] name sounds familiar it is probably due to the fact that he was recently terminated by ACCPD for an incident where a fleeing felon struck his patrol car while he was attempting to apprehend him. In talking to Saulters the first question he asked was if our citizens supported law enforcement. Without hesitation I assured him they did and that we have excellent people that live in our county. I have no reservations about Dep. Saulters serving this community. As a citizen of Oglethorpe County you will find the wisdom of this decision in getting a deputy of this caliber. If you still have concerns I will discuss them with you if you contact me. If you are not an Oglethorpe County resident, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Saulters was fired Saturday after an investigation by the Athens-Clarke County Police Department determined that he purposely rammed his cruiser into a fleeing suspect.
Saulters, who was initially suspended, was seen on bodycam footage driving after suspect Timmy Patmon, who was wanted on a felony probation warrant and was attempting to escape on foot. When Saulters’ attempts to use his vehicle to block Patmon’s path failed, the officer instead used his vehicle to drive directly into Patmon, causing the young man to roll up the hood of the vehicle before collapsing to the ground.Georgia Officer Fired After Purposely Hitting Fleeing Black Man With Police Car
An Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police officer is out of a job after an investigation determined that …While trying to cuff Patmon’s hands behind his back, Saulters could be heard saying, “Give us your hands now or you’re gonna get tased … do you understand me? Make the right decision.”
Again, less than 48 hours after all of this was aired out, with the video released to the public, Saulters is already sitting nice and cushy in a new job, free to run over more fleeing suspects patrol the streets once more.
I have nothing else to say about that except it sounds about right. Oh, and I’ll probably just add Oglethorpe County and Saulters’ name to my Google alerts—I’m sure we’ll be hearing from the two of them again soon.
Val Kilmer doubles down on post calling Anthony Bourdain selfish: ‘I’m angry because I love him’
We all grieve differently. I honestly at this time. I think that Val and a lot of people like him need to stay off social media take a deep breath and look at their life inside and out talk to their love ones and if they need help reach out to someone you’re not alone. RIP CHEIF BOURDAIN!! To friends and family or anyone reading this if your love one doesn’t seem quite right reach out to them let them know that there needed and that their loved it’s been reported that Cheif Bourdain seemed not himself. If only…
If you are having suicidal thoughts trust me you’re not alone ! If you our someone who need someone to talk to call National suicide prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) or you can text Crisis text hotline TEXT HOME 741741

Val Kilmer (L) Anthony Bourdain (R)
Everyone’s grieving looks different, but Val Kilmer has come in for harsh criticism over his reaction to Anthony Bourdain‘s suicide.
In a lengthy post on Facebook, Kilmer called his friend “so selfish,” blasting the late chef-turned-TV host for taking his own life. “Oh the dark thick pain of loss. The selfishness,” he begins. “How many moments away were you from feeling the love that was universal. From every corner of the world you were loved. So selfish. You’ve given us cause to be so angry.”
Kilmer tells a story about “a spiritual guide” who once explained to him why “suicide is the most selfish act.”
“So what? I hear you took your life in paris. What hotel? Did you relapse? Did you just get home from the best meal of your life? Did you cheat on your girl. Those of us that knew you are shocked and angry and angry and angry selfishly angry, for what you just did to us. Millions I should think. At least a million people like me who imagine they know you. Some imagine they know you even well,” he writes. “But you heard that phone ringing, you felt it buzzing in your coat or pants pocket, vibrating a million times, but you didn’t answer it. You let it ring out. Did you bleed out? Did you suffocate? Did you jump. No you didn’t jump. Is it important we know how you did it? No. But that you did it.”
Kilmer also acknowledged his own health issues; he has battled throat cancer in the past two years. “Would you have taken your life two years ago when like me you were unable to take in food and move it with your tongue over your taste buds because your tongue was too swollen? Is too swollen,” he writes. The actor has just signed on to the Top Gun sequel, his first major role since recovering from cancer.
He also refers to the 11-year-old daughter Bourdain left behind: “Altho I’ve never met a meal I didn’t like in the last 40 years except anything with too much cilantro. Was that it? You woke up and realized you were no longer hungry. And that even with a young daughter at home you would never be hungry enough again to want to take in breath. Was your father’s hate so still so present as to cloud over every last sunny moment of every single damn day Anthony. Oh darkness.”
Kilmer continues, “You could have and should have given it one more shot. Sometimes we must live in service to another’s life and live with no hope of equality. Life isn’t fair that way. Who says you had a right to take away all this love from us so soon?”
The actor concludes: “I fell asleep to watching you enjoy Uruguay last night. It was a rerun but I always find something I didn’t see before… you left too soon. And I’m going to prove it…”
The backlash on social media after the post was swift, and Kilmer has responded to some of those who, he believes, missed the point.
“Wow just wow it’s attitudes like this that make having this invisible illness deadly! Selfish you have no clue what it’s like then to have this illness and be in a place so dark and desperate that you feel the world would be better off without you in it!” one Facebook user wrote. “To imply your illness is worse is clueless and insensitive .. people are continuing to die from mental health related issues yet you like many think or imply we need to just think happy thoughts.”
Kilmer replied to the woman, saying “love can heal.”
“It is not that I believe because he had an illness it was up to him to be solely responsible,” he said. “You I am sorry to say, didn’t read what I wrote very carefully. I have grown up around extreme depression my whole life and have studied it intensely. I certainly wouldn’t judge his pain nor did I claim to. But clearly he felt he couldn’t take another breath and Love and a search for it enables us to try one more time. Is it not selfish that he could not consider his poor daughters needs for even an hour before committing the act. I am sorry you feel so violated as to wish to not know me in any way or now wish to find no value in my art. The way you talk makes me think you didn’t pay much attention to bourdains life or words either. He tried to see the big picture, and his tireless effort lead him to see sometimes very deeply…”
Another woman also fired back, commenting, “I’m incredibly sad to hear your angry words and accuse a person of being so selfish.” She went on to share her own experience of becoming suicidal due to postpartum depression.
Kilmer replied, “I’m angry because I love him and what he stood for. I’m so grateful you shared your story. You we’re open to Love on that crucial day. Anthony Bourdain was not for whatever reason. I don’t claim to know what it was.”
Anthony Bourdain supported #MeToo movement came to criticize ‘bro culture’
The sudden death of renowned chef Anthony Bourdain is spurring reflection on the accomplishments that catapulted him to stardom.
But aside from his successful books and TV shows, Bourdain recently gained attention as an outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement, with his vocal support of dozens of women — including his own girlfriend, actress Asia Argento — who accused disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault or misconduct.
Bourdain, 61, died in an apparent suicide.
He spoke to Slate magazine in the fall about the difficulty for women like Argento to speak out about assault or misconduct and the problem of sexual harassment in the restaurant industry. “I mean, look, obviously I’ve been seeing up close — due to a personal relationship — the difficulty of speaking out about these things, and the kind of vilification and humiliation and risk and pain and terror that come with speaking out about this kind of thing,” Bourdain told the magazine.
That certainly brought it home in a personal way that, to my discredit, it might not have before.”
Rethinking his best-seller, “Kitchen Confidential”
Bourdain also said that the accusations against Weinstein prompted him to reflect on whether he had unintentionally in his breakthrough memoir, “Kitchen Confidential,” promoted a male-centered culture in the restaurant business.
“I’ve had to ask myself, and I have been for some time, ‘To what extent in that book did I provide validation to meatheads?’” Bourdain said to Slate, admitting that he played the role of “the bad boy.”
“You know, to the extent that I was that guy, however fast and however hard I tried to get away [from] it, the fact is that’s what my persona was,” Bourdain said. “I am a guy on TV who sexualizes food. Who uses bad language. Who thinks our discomfort, our squeamishness, fear and discomfort around matters sexual is funny. I have done stupid offensive s***.”…….
Former Pro Wrestler Killed Wife in Murder-Suicide While Their 10-Year-Old Twins Slept, Family Says
Original article posted Weds June 6th 2018
A former professional wrestler shot his wife inside their Pennsylvania home and then turned the gun on himself, according to West Goshen police.
Charles Williams, 52, and Stephanie Burnett Williams, 50, were found shot dead Friday morning in a murder-suicide, authorities said in a statement.
Charles, who wrestled under the name “Rockin’ Rebel,” shot Stephanie before he turned the gun on himself during the night.
The couple’s 10-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, were home at the time and the boy discovered the bodies of his parents when he woke up in the morning, a family member said.
A man who identified himself as Stephanie’s brother, Chad, on a GoFundMe page set up to raise $20,000 for her funeral costs, wrote the twins are “devastated” as they “had to be first witnesses of the destruction Friday morning their father had done.”
“[My nephew] only being 10 years old found both his mommy and daddy. He took their pulse and then ran upstairs to get his sister and had to tell her what happened,” he wrote on the GoFundMe page. “They both had to pass their mother and father again on the way out while [my nephew] also retrieved their dog Appolo.”……
Elfen’s EXTRA EXTRA POP Music Video 1985 Tears For Fears Head Over Heels
I bring you Tears for fears Head of heels.
This was when MTV was all about the music videos. I love this song. I love it because of it’s hook and simple lyrics. He’s just a guy in a library trying to serenade the young librarian. Into getting his first date with her. He’s head over heels in love with her. Finely boy gets Girl and you see time has flown by. A love songs without cussing and or degrading the woman he’s pursuing.
DON’T ASK why the music video has a monkey in it. I thought it was weird then and it’s funny weird now.