Trump’s Personal Fixer Michael Cohen’s Lawyers Have Bailed and He’s Expected to Sing Like 1986 El DeBarge
Orginal article written Weds 6/13/18
Michael Cohen, the president’s longtime fixer who is currently being pressed out by federal prosecutors in New York City, is drinking lemon tea with honey to prep his throat for his rendition of Mahalia Jackson’s “Amazing Grace” and that’s because Cohen is getting ready to sing.
I don’t want to brag, but I predicted this. One of my best traits is how humble I am, especially when I’m winning. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, but I’m kind of amazing. In short, I am the Ms. Cleo of The Root (call me now).
Enough about me, guys; let’s take a break from my soothsaying to get back to Cohen, whose life is apparently in shambles.
According to ABC News, after his office was raided and over 3.7 million documents seized on April 9, the law firm representing his case has bailed. Up until this point, Cohen had been represented by Stephen Ryan and Todd Harrison of the Washington, D.C., and New York City firm McDermott, Will & Emery LLP. Currently, Cohen has no legal representation, and it’s looking highly likely that he’s going to cooperate with federal prosecutors in New York City.
ABC News believes that “[t]his development, which is believed to be imminent, will likely hit the White House, family members, staffers and counsels hard.”
Trump has already voiced his displeasure with Cohen’s legal jam by tweeting, “Attorney-client privilege is dead!” after learning of the raid on Cohen’s office. He also called the move against his longtime personal attorney a “disgraceful situation.”
“It’s an attack on our country in a true sense. It’s an attack on all we stand for,” the president said at the White House, ABC News reports. “That is really now on a whole new level of unfairness.”
Cohen argued that his attorneys should be allowed to view the seized materials first before federal prosecutors could sift through the slush. Judge Kimba Wood appointed “former federal judge Barbara Jones to act as a ‘special master’ to conduct an impartial review of the materials and to referee any disputes between Cohen and the government. Trump and the Trump Organization intervened in the case and were also granted access to review the materials for potentially privileged items,” ABC News reports.
Only 162 of the first 300,000 cases Jones reviewed could be covered by attorney-client privilege, and only three items that Cohen or the Trump Organization had designated as privileged were removed.
So now we wait for Cohen to hit the stage and dedicate the DeBarge classic “Time Will Reveal” to Trump right before he Boston Tea Parties all over the stage.
Angel Adams NOW GOT 17 Kids a husband and STILL WANTS US TO PAY FOR HER KIDS
Okay this chick still hasn’t gone through menopause yet. Here’s an update on this story. The story is from five months ago . She married now.
Lovelyti TBT I got 15 kids and 3 baby daddys SOMEONE’S GONNA PAY FOR ME AND MY KIDS
Elfen’s TBT R&B Album 1982 D Train You’re The One For Me
The year was 1982. 1982 folks was takin’ the car, bus to go get the latest album from D Train’s You’re The One For Me. As an official 1980s blackgirl this album was one of my and my sisters favorites.
If you ever need some inspiration to follow your dreams or move forward in life play track 7 keep on. He tells you to keep on stepping and reach higher ground.
1982 D Train had some competition when Michael Jackson’s second solo album thriller came out. Keep On reached #2 on the dance charts and #15 on the R&B singles chart
Songs like this back in the 1980s was our black anthem. 1982 was the year for Bryant Gumbel he became the first African-American to be an anchor on a major network when he joins The Today Show.
Also that year saw the United States — AT&T Ordered to Break Up
1. The break-up of the AT&T monopoly was ordered during January of 1982.
2. The US government’s deal with the AT&T Corporation stated that AT&T would give up control of the Bell System (colloquially called Ma Bell) that had owned most of the telephone services in the United States and Canada since the 1940s.
3. The agreement came as the result of an anti-trust case brought against the company in 1974 by the US Department of Justice.
4. The break-up of the Bell System officially became effective two years later in 1984 when it was split into seven different independent Regional Bell operating Companies, informally known as “Baby Bells.”
Movies playing in theaters was…..
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Rocky III,
On Golden Pond
An Officer and a Gentleman
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Chariots of Fire
1982 we saw Reaganomics
14 ‘Harmless’ Comments People Said That Were Actually Psychologically Damaging We’ve all heard hurtful or invalidating comments at some point in our lives.
REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you, friend and or family member is having suicidal thoughts. And or talks of suicide. Let them know you are phone call away. Or call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @ 1-800-273-8255 (talk)
14 ‘Harmless’ Comments People Said That Were Actually Psychologically Damaging was published on The Mighty by Juliette Virzi.
We’ve all heard hurtful or invalidating comments at some point in our lives. If you live with a mental illness, you might be especially familiar with some seemingly “harmless,” but actually invalidating things people can say to those struggling.
Sometimes these “harmless” comments come in the form of a question. (Have you taken your meds today?) Sometimes they come with a “solution” via personal anecdote. (You just need to be positive. I pulled myself out of my sadness by focusing on the good things in life.) Most often, they come from a place of misunderstanding mental health struggles. And even though these “harmless” comments may come from a good place, they can often invalidate someone struggling with their mental health.
When someone opens up about struggling with their mental health, oftentimes they aren’t looking for your “solution,” “advice,” opinions, DIY healing guide, etc. — they may just be looking for someone to listen and be there.
We wanted to know what “harmless” comments people have heard that were actually psychologically damaging, so we asked our mental health community to share one with us and explain what it feels like to hear it.
It’s important to remember what may seem “harmless” to one person may actually be hurtful or psychologically damaging to another. No matter what anyone says, your feelings are valid, and you deserve support.
Here’s what our community shared with us:
1. “You’re so lucky you get to be in bed all day.”
“‘You’re lucky you get to be in bed all day instead of working.’ I want to work. I’m home all day in bed because my mental health and fibromyalgia make is near impossible for me to leave the house without a painful meltdown. I’m completely broke and it makes me feel so much worse.” — Ashley M.
“’Must be nice to have all that time off.’ Yep, I love being sick all the time and missing school and work for mental health and chronic pain issues. Being in the hospital is super fun.” — Jessica Z.
2. “What do you have to be depressed about?”
“I remember my family member saying that I have ‘nothing to be depressed about.’ Which, in reality, I’ve had many things happen to me. Depression and anxiety just doesn’t allow me to say these things to them because I’m afraid, apparently. Deeply, that affected me. It still does, and many others said that I have nothing to be afraid about, too. Which really aches me. Nobody knows what I’ve really been through.” — Hunter P.
3. “That’s just your mental illness talking.”
“Every time someone dismisses my feelings about something as ‘just my borderline talking.’ Like I am not allowed to have feelings or I can’t get upset like everyone else. Makes me feel like I (and my feelings) don’t matter.” — Daniela R.
“Every time I have a legitimate emotion like frustration or anger at somebody or if I am stressed over money etc., then somebody in the family says something like, ‘It’s just your anxiety and depression talking. We really need to check the meds you’re on…’ Like I’m not allowed to feel any emotions or get upset at anything or anyone… It’s so painful to hear it from them. They’re supposed to be on my side but it makes me feel like they wish I was a remote control with an off switch so I could only speak or feel when they want me to.” — Talysha R.
4. “Your life isn’t even that bad…”
“There’s this comment my parents make every time I tell them, or even hint at my mental illness(s). ‘You’re life isn’t even bad.’ It always affects me because it makes me think I shouldn’t feel this way and I always think someone has it worse. This comment always stays at the back of my mind.” — Lauren P.
“I was once told by a psychiatrist, ‘You’re not even that bad…’ I felt so invalidated after opening up to them. It affected me for a couple days afterwards.” — Johanna M.
“‘In the grand scheme of things, your problems are rather small, hardly problems at all.’ Well… thanks for bringing it up, because I’m not agonizing over it too much already.” — Julz T.
5. “You’re just being silly.”
“’You’re just being silly.’ I rarely tell anybody how I’m feeling unless I’m getting really bad. When I reach out at those times, I get told I’m being silly and to stay strong, which disregards how I’m feeling and makes me more reluctant to reach out.” — Charlotte S.
6. “Are you not leaving the house because you can’t, or because you don’t want to?”
“‘Are you refusing to leave the house because you actually can’t or just because you can’t be bothered?’ Haha the things I would have done to be able to choose the second option (am much better now in regards to going out and about).” — Malisha L.
7. “I thought you were over that by now.”
“‘I thought you were over it now as you seem happier.’ You can’t just be ‘over it.’ It takes time and one good day does not mean every day will be a good day. What they associate as a good day is just me ‘getting by.’” — Abbi V.
8. “You’re too pretty to be depressed.”
“‘You’re too pretty to be depressed.’ That one was the silliest.” — Chelsea V.
9. “Don’t be a drama queen.”
“I was having a bad anxiety day and instead of putting my anxious energy into that, I was getting upset that the towels wouldn’t fit in the closet. It was my mom’s friend and even though I know she didn’t mean anything mean, it really hurt.” — Eme N.
10. “You don’t seem like you have bipolar disorder…”
“‘You don’t seem bipolar. Are you sure you have it?’ I’ve had a relatively good handle on my illness since about 2009. Just because you don’t witness my manias or my severe depressions doesn’t mean I don’t have bipolar disorder. It bothers me that I would have to be visibly sick for people to believe me.” — Courtney T.
11. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”
“‘You don’t want to get better, you just want to feel sorry for yourself.’ I broke down crying yesterday after reading a comment on a page saying, ‘I decided to not be depressed anymore. You can do it if you want to’ because it reminded me of what she had said to me. The guilt, pain and frustration is so overwhelming when I can’t fight my depression and people tell me I’m being selfish.” — Andrea G.
12. “Tell me something good that happened today.”
“Whenever I would have a bad day, I would be asked this. It essentially told me that no one liked talking about sad/bad days and that I should hide those things. That I had to force myself to be happy and think positively regardless of my state. I know it wasn’t intended that way, but that’s how I interpreted it as a kid.” — Alyssa P.
13. “I miss the ‘old you.’”
“A long time friend of mine told me I ‘used to be so happy go lucky’ and he misses the old me. I told him the old me stayed drunk back then to stay numb. I also have been re-traumatized since then and was finally pushed too far. He told me the same day that I need to go to church and that God will fix me. I walked away from that conversation feeling extremely hurt and gaslighted. I confronted him about it later that day after I processed it all and he apologized, but he still didn’t get it. I rarely talk to him anymore. He’s a wonderful person, but it seems like every conversation we have heightens my anxiety even more.” — Tracie B.
14. “You’re just looking for attention.”
“‘You’re advertising your anxiety/depression to get what you want and get attention.’ No. No I’m not. Choosing to be open about mental illness was meant to help myself accept it as a part of me, as well as to help others who struggle silently and are afraid to ask for help. The fact that someone would even think I am this kind of person hurts deeply, especially since this came from someone who I loved and I thought I knew. This was also extremely invalidating, as if to say that my struggles aren’t real. They are veryreal, and just because you don’t see that, it doesn’t make them any less real.” — Ashley O.
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop Music Video of the week NxWorries Lyk Dis
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop New Music Tuesday NxWorries Oh Lawd

NxWorries Album Oh, Lawd release date Oct 21st 2016
OMG Ya’ll I did it again. This weeks what’s old to you is new to me. What’s new old to you. Is new to me. Is the most sexiest album I stumbled upon. I was on YouTube and I saw this DOPE cartoon drawn thumbnail. And clicked so fast my ears was ringing. I fell in love with the duo NxWorries album Oh, Lawd. EVERY TRACK is dope af! My favorite Track is Lyk Dis
Robert de Niro F*** Trump 72nd Tony Awards
De Niro is one of my favorite actors love him now lol
Philadelphia mom throws epic prom with ‘Black Panther’ theme
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Philadelphia mom who threw a $25,000 Dubai-themed prom for her son last year is throwing a “Black Panther”-themed prom this year complete with an actual black panther.
Saudia Shuler tells WPVI-TV she had a contest this year that asked kids in her North Philadelphia neighborhood to send their report cards and essays explaining why they deserved to have an epic prom send-off.t