Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop New Music Tuesday Black Thought Streams of Thoughts Vol 1 EP

Black Thought Stream of Thoughts Release Date May 26th 2018
This week I felt a little militant and discovered Black thoughts new EP album Stream thoughts. Who is Black Thought? He’s is the lead MC of the hip hop group The Roots. Black Thought has done several collabos through the years. This I believe is his first solo. His polictical 16 bars are hard and fast. I’ve been listening to his album all weekend. All 5 tracks are lyrically sound. Trust me you won’t be disappointed.
Black And White uptight 1969 White fragility
It’s very interesting how things have changed but still the same.
Anime N’ Chill Sunday Wolf Children
Just a beautiful story of life and death and how to move on. Streaming now on FunimationNOW Wolf Children.
Trump Has Lied And Twisted Facts To Justify His Harsh Immigration Policies
The Trump administration has repeatedly misled the public about undocumented immigrants, family separations and its zero tolerance policy.
The national outrage against the Trump administration’s separation and detention of migrant families at the southern U.S. border has not let up in recent weeks.
President Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy ― which refers all unauthorized migrants crossing the border for criminal prosecution ― has led to officials separating more than 2,000 children from their parents. In an executive order last week, he halted family separations at the border, opting instead for locking up immigrant parents and kids together indefinitely.
In trying to justify the harsh immigration crackdown, Trump and top members of his administration have repeatedly lied or made unsupported claims about undocumented immigrants, U.S. immigration policy and what is happening at the border.
Here’s a fact-check on some of the misleading statements and outright lies that Trump and his officials have spread about immigration and the zero tolerance policy.
1. Trump has repeatedly exaggerated the scale of the “crisis” of unauthorized immigration on the border.
At a Cabinet meeting, Trump said his administration was “acting swiftly to address the illegal immigration crisis on the southern border.” The president has also repeatedly used fearmongering language in tweets about immigrants, saying they would “invade” or “pour into and infest” the U.S.
White House legislative affairs director Marc Short has also defended Trump’s zero tolerance policy, saying in an interview on CNN: “We have a crisis at the border. We have a difficult choice.”
FACTS: According to a Customs and Border Protection report, the rates of unauthorized crossings at the U.S. border in 2017 were “at the lowest level… on record.”
When looking at the government’s statistics for the first half of 2018, the rate of unauthorized entries, while higher than last year’s, are consistent with rates over the past five years: The Border Patrol apprehended 51,900 people at the southwest border in May 2018, compared with 19,900 in the same month of 2017 and 55,400 in May 2016…..
READ MORE——> https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-administration-lies-immigration-family-separations_us_5b3689cfe4b08c3a8f6a3b73?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=main_fb
Idaho mass stabbing: Suspect accused of targeting 3-year-old’s birthday party
WBOISE, Idaho — A man who had been asked to leave an apartment complex in Boise returned the next day and stabbed children celebrating a 3-year-old girl’s birthday, authorities said Sunday. Six children, ages four to 12, were injured in the attack, along with three adults who rushed to their defense. Boise Police Chief William Bones said the victims are alive but some are gravely injured.
Timmy Kinner, 30, of Los Angeles, was arrested and charged with nine counts of aggravated battery and six counts of injury to a child, CBS affiliate KBOI-TV reports. Police said they had not yet identified a motive.
The attack took place at an apartment complex home to many refugees. Kinner is not a refugee, police said, but he temporarily lived at the complex until he was asked to leave on Friday. Kinner returned Saturday when the girl was having her party a few doors down from where he had stayed, police said.
“Our victims are some of the newest members of our community. They’re victims of their past homes who have fled violence from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia,” Bones said at a news conference Sunday. “This was an attack against those who are most vulnerable — our children.”
Bones said investigators have not yet found “specific evidence” that would indicate the attack was a hate crime but said they would be looking into that possibility due to “the nature of the location and the victims.”…..
READ MORE—-> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/idaho-stabbing-suspect-timmy-kinner-arrested-in-mass-stabbing-that-injured-9/
What makes internet trolls so dangerous?
The internet trolls are only dangerous IF you respond to them. BLOCK is your friend. I’ve been trolled before and it was the most stressful experience in my life. But now that I’m older I’ve learned how to not get caught up in their game of how far can I go to make my victim leave the social media platform. I do realize in some cases it’s deeper and you do have to go deeper once the trolling becomes threating. We need to find a balance online. Social Media for me has become overwhelming . Within the last year I don’t comment as much. I’m more inclined to lurk. I don’t like to argue with people I don’t even know. A year ago yes I would have argued or maybe had a passionate debate on a topic that I’m passionate about . I sometimes still do but not often because I’ve started to realize most of these Trolls are not looking for a true discussion. They want to provoke a fight. They get an orgasm just knowing that the person they are trolling can’t punch through their smartphone,tablet , laptop or computer monitor and punch them in the face!