Netflix N’ Chill Sunday Ken Burns PBS presents prohibition
Streaming now on Netflix Ken Burns PBS prohibition.
Joke stealing Amy Schumer
I’ve never heard of this woman. I first heard about her when Monique trying to get everyone to boycott Netflix. She’s not funny and she really does steal peoples jokes.
She a mess. Even Gary Owen called her out.
Shoplifting has traditionally been seen as a petty crime unworthy of serious punishment, much less long prison sentences. But under an increasingly popular theory of crime deterrence, prosecutors—with the help of retail lobbyists—are throwing the book at people for stealing as little as $39 worth of goods, claiming that they’ve committed burglary. Our guest, Appeal contributor Jessica Pishko, discusses this punitive trend and what public defenders are doing to push back.
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Elfen’s Saturday Music Video Through the wire Kanye West
Looking at Kanye’s music videos all day and this one is my favorites.Through the wire shows hungry and humble Kanye was at one time. As I said we all evolve And grow. It seems like after his mama died he sold his soul to the devil .
Spike Lee talks about his movie BlackKansman with real life detective Ron Stallman
A SPIKE LEE JOINT BlackKlansman in theaters now!
Watch this indepth trailer
Kanye West Left Speechless By A Question About Donald Trump From Jimmy Kimmel
In my humble asshole opinion when Kanye went full mainstream he lost himself just to fit in. Just so he would make that mighty Whitey corporation money. He lost his creative unique hip-hop flow he is no longer the man we once knew. And that something we all have to except. Man I miss the old Kanye . It’s all right to evolve and grow but when you lose yourself and selfworth then we have a problem .
Kanye West opened up to Jimmy Kimmel in a wide-ranging interview on Thursday that covered President Donald Trump, Galileo, porn, masturbation, mental health, fashion, love, empathy, his new album and even what might be on his tombstone.
At one point, West urged the audience to hold its applause because “everything I’m gonna say is gonna be amazing.”
But there was one moment of the interview when the loquacious hip-hop superstar clammed up, and that was during a discussion of West’s support for Trump.
“You so famously and so powerfully said, ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people,’” Kimmel said, referring to comments West made at a 2005 benefit for Hurricane Katrina relief. “It makes me wonder what makes you think that Donald Trump does or any people at all?”
After four seconds of silence, Kimmel offered a lifeline, throwing to a commercial break and promising to let West answer later.
The question didn’t come up again.
However, West did speak about Trump during the segment, including going public earlier this year with his support for the president and the moment he put on a “MAGA” hat. At the time, West said he didn’t agree 100 percent with Trump, “but the mob can’t make me not love him.” He also famously announced that both he and the president were “dragon energy” and “brothers.”
Donning the hat wasn’t about the president’s specific policies, West told Kimmel:
“It represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt no matter what anyone said, and saying, ‘You can’t bully me.’ Liberals can’t bully me, news can’t bully me, the hip-hop community, they can’t bully me. Because at that point, if I’m afraid to be me, I’m no longer Ye. That’s what makes Ye.”
Kimmel also asked about West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, visiting Trump at the White House earlier this year to help win a commutation for Alice Johnson, a 63-year-old grandmother who had been serving a life sentence for a first-time nonviolent drug offense.
“Were you ever concerned about her being alone in the Oval Office with President Trump?” Kimmel asked.
“Well, he is a player,” West replied.
Missy Elliott Loves This Self-Proclaimed ‘Funky White Sister’ Covering ‘Work It’ The sounds effects in this rendition are?
Alright now Missy Mary the Funky white sistagh!! I DIED SHE WAS LIKE MISS FUNKY WHITE SISTAGH IS IN DA PARK!! ????????? and her backup dancer tiptoeing in the background eatin her yogurt cup LAWD I NEED A RESPERATOR!!!