Elfen’s thoughts laqueesha Movie Trailer
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed written is the opinions and views of the blogger Tawny Hembry and NOT of lovelyti, Lovelyti LLC. and or her Bloggers.
WTF?? Greenlit this movie should be criticized and banned from ever making movies and television shows again. SOME IGNORANT white people have this stereotypical and racist thought process about us black people. It amazes me how there are SOME IGNORANT white people who have no ill intentions think we as black women are the ANGRY DARK SKIN BLACK SOMETIMES FAT WOMAN.
We are seen as LOUD and aggressive. Who has multiple babies; baby daddies. Yes there was White Chicks but at least they had a plot to it that made sense. Even this movie poster looks buffoonish and flat out Jim Crow era coonish.
As for this racist stereotypical shit I’ll pass. The creator and director Jeremy Saville can kiss his career goodbye. BLACK TWITTER LET HIM HAVE IT! We as black people need to stop giving people like this a pass. The only good thing out of this is not very many people know about this movie and I’m glad. It’s trash. Can ya’ll answer me this? Why does the dude have to make the voice of a black woman sound like a man?
Before you push play here’s the synopsis
その昔… 母星で枯渇してしまった生命エネルギー「アルビトリウム」を求め別次元から機械生命体が来訪した。機械生命体達は次元超越に耐える為その姿を腕だけに収縮し、アルビトリウムが豊富にあるとされる地球に降り立つ。彼らは他の生物に合体寄生することにより地球での活動を可能とした。そして一部の人類と秘密裏にコンタクトを取り、アルビトリウムの探索に乗り出した。 人はその姿から彼らを「メカウデ」と呼んだ。
そして時を経て現代。とあるメカウデが封印されたキューブが、大企業カガミグループの研究施設から持ち出され失われてしまう。それを偶然見つけてしまった普通の中学生「ヒカル」はキューブの封印を解いてしまう。 そこから現れたのは長い眠りについていたメカウデ「アルマ」だった。アルマはヒカルの体に寄生しようとするが…
A century ago, mechanical life forms visited us from another dimension, seeking the life energy known as “arbitrium”, a resource that had been exhausted on their home planet. These beings compressed their bodies into “arms” in order to endure the dimensional crossing, and came to Earth in search of our abundant arbitrium supplies. By fusing with other forms of life, they became able to operate on our planet. And in secret, they made contact with a certain segment of humanity, beginning their search for the arbitrium.
Due to their appearance, people called these beings “Mecha-Ude”, or “MechaArms”.
Now, in the modern era, a cube containing a certain Mecha-Ude has been stolen from a lab owned by the megacorp known as the Kagami Group. Hikaru, a normal middle school boy, finds the cube by chance and breaks its seal. Inside is the Mecha-Ude Alma, who has just awakened from a century’s long slumber. Alma tries to fuse with Hikaru’s body, but…
A chance event leads Hikaru and Alma to start a strange life together…
Check out the Offical website https://mecha-ude.com/
Nipsey Hussle With DJ Premir The Premir Hussle (FULL ALBUM)
RIP NIPSEY!!!GONE TO SOON. REAL HIP HOP You can find this album on Bandcamp.com
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop Mary J Blige Feat Nas THRIVING
Where my 40 and up club at? I LIKE IT!
Elfen’s What’s New To Me Old To You Neosoul Hip Hop album of The Week Gas Lab Fusion
Every time I’m listening to something else while searching for new music I come across an artist so uniqe I will listen to that artists album 2 plus! And Gas Lab is one of them. What was so different the whole album is spoken in Spanish. My favorite track is Chemistry! Just push play and listen to Gas Lab 2017 Fution. #Hiphopjazz ‘Till next time PEACE, LOVE AND LISTEN TO REAL HIP HOP!!
You can find Gas Lab on YouTube, Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify and Bandcamp.
Elfen’s Neosoul Hip Hop New Music Video Monday flying Lotus- More Feat. Anderson. Paak
I been bobbin’ my head to Flying Lotis since 2007! Adult Swim [as] featured Flying Lotus Message Situation in one of their dope bumpers. In fact Adultswim bumpers is where I have found some of my hip hop and Neosoul collection.
Funimation Sued By Kojcast For Patent Infringment
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed written in the bolded paragraph is the opinions and views of the blogger Tawny Hembry and NOT of lovelyti, Lovelyti LLC. and or her Bloggers.
Two lawsuits in the making Funimation is being sued by DBZ Broly voice over actor Vic Mignogna over false allegations of sexual misconduct. By the time Vic and Kojcast gets through with them there will be no FUNimation. I say FIRE Monica Reil, Monica Marchi…. Funimation must like being sued.
Kojicast LLC has sued Funimation Productions over their FunimationNow streaming service being a patent infringement on their ‘683 Patent. The lawsuit was filed back on April 24th, 2019, but it hasn’t been wildly spread around the net until some Twitter users caught wind of it.
Super Girl tweeted out the PDF on May 12th, 2019 for the suit from Kojicast against Funimation set in the eastern district of Texas.
In the suit it alleges that Funimation used the ‘683 Patent in their FunimationNow streaming technology that allows users to stream Funimation content from their mobile device and then pick up and resume that content on additional devices, such as home computers or smart TVs.
This feature was advertised in the FunimationNow ad that’s currently available on YouTube. It was originally published back on March 9th, 2019.
It’s only 22 seconds long, and the relevant part is at the 16 second mark, where it advertises episode progress syncing across devices, so you can play or watch the content across multiple devices.
The lawsuit alleges that Funimation is using the ‘683 Patent that was prioritized by the USPTO back in 2012. The patent described technologies that allow users to stream content and – without restarting the content or break from the stream position – pick-up and resume where they left off on another device.
“Defendant has marketed its video delivery platform under its brand name “FunimationNow,” as well as possibly other brand names. The following is a discussion of the accused FunimationNow system. The FunimationNow system has apps for mobile communication devices, including an app for Apple IOS operating systems and an app for Android operating systems. The FunimationNow app supports casting features, enabling a user to watch a selected media content item on the mobile communication device or “casted” to one or more media playback devices.”
The patent infringement relief asks for Funimation to pay damages that Kojicast suffered as a result of the ‘683 Patent infringement. It also asks to have Funimation pay for Kojicast’s costs, attorney fees, expenses, and interests, in addition to “further relief” as deemed just by the courts. They also want a trial by jury.
This bit of news is already catching fire in the #IstandWithVic communities because this is yet another lawsuit that Funimation will have to battle in court, in addition to having to deal with the $1 million suit that voice actor Vic Mignogna filed against them for tortious interference when he was fired earlier in the year for what appeared to be spurious allegations of misconduct.
The animation distributor is now fighting two legal battles and neither seem to look like they appear to favor Funimation.
[Update:] Take note that there are some reports that Kojicast is a patent troll. Back on December 10th, 2018 TechRights reported that there were firms offering $1,000 to “intercept” Kojicast from utilizing a “weaponized patent”. Whether or not this will play any part in how the Funimation case unfolds remains to be seen.
(Thanks for the news tip Ebicentre, SenpaisntHome and giygas)
Original Source https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/05/funimation-sued-by-kojicast-for-patent-infringement-involving-funimationnow/84052/
The Looper Ralph Ruffalo’s Tragic Past
Remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. If anyone you know is suffering from suicidal thoughts contact National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Anime N’ Chill Sunday FUNimation Drifters
Drifters Streaming now on HULU and FUNIMATIONNOW