Some restaurants adding ‘fuel charge’ to bill to cover heating for outdoor dining
ST. LOUIS ( — Restaurants trying to stay afloat during the pandemic are doing things they’ve never considered before.
Some restaurants are making changes that could bring a new charge to your bill.
Like a lot of other business owners, The Royale Food & Spirits owner, Steven Fitzpatrick Smith, is doing what he can to stay in business and little costs become big costs quickly.
His restaurant will now add a five dollar an hour “fuel charge”, which will heat the patio for outdoor dining.
“I’m heating the outside which is not a normal type of thing that you should expect to have at a normal price for dinner. So five dollars is a bargain rate to be sitting outside heated,” said Smith.
Regular customers, like Chris King support the idea.
He’s here once a week meeting friends for lunch and says even winter snows won’t stop him.
“We plan to keep meeting here every Thursday for lunch as long as he’s open, I’ll be here chattering my teeth and eating some good food,” said King.
And for customers who want to do it more than just every once in a while, Smith is also offering a monthly package deal. Twenty five dollars a month for unlimited access to the courtyard.
A mile away at Favazza’s on the Hill, their patio is enclosed where most people want to eat.
“They care very much…Most people want to only sit on the patio, even if it’s enclosed they feel safer out here,” said owner John Favazza.
Some restaurant owners want to up their game with outdoor dining say they’re having a hard time finding heaters.
Smith says he hasn’t crunched all the numbers yet, he cringes at what it will cost.
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Mom blows $10K on veneers, Botox while refusing kids’ Christmas gifts
A self-obsessed mom in the UK is making Christmas jingle hell this year by blowing $10,000 on herself — and refusing to spend a single penny on her two children.
Carla Bellucci, 38, boasted about using a stocking full of cash for new veneers, Botox, manicures, facials and brand new duds ahead of Christmas Day, while demanding that her kids, Tanisha, 15, and Jayden, 13, make their own money if they want gifts under the tree.
She’s calling the Scrooge move “no gift COVID Christmas.”
“If they want Christmas gifts, they’ll have to buy them for themselves — like I did,” Bellucci, who lives in Hitchin, about a 90-minute drive north of London, told the Sun.
The single mom says she deserved the blowout amid the harrowing COVID-19 pandemic.
“Lockdown stressed me so I need to spoil myself,” she said. “I have always bought the kids nice things at Christmas throughout the years. It’s mommy time now.”
Bellucci, who makes money selling sexy snaps on her OnlyFans account, also called the self-indulgent splurge a “necessity.”
“I rely on my looks so it’s a necessity. But it means the kids will have to go without over Christmas,” she told the paper.
The mom then compared herself to Kris Jenner, saying she’s pushing Tanisha and Jayden to become insta-famous and TikTok stars — and they will thank her one day.
“It sounds harsh but I know they’re on their social media feeds doubling their efforts for promotion deals, just like the Kardashians and Kylie Jenner, so I consider myself a super mom for inspiring them,” the mom said.
However, she added, “Tanisha’s told me I’m spoiled and Jayden’s not talking to me.”
Last year, the image-obsessed Bellucci stoked outrage by bragging about getting a free nose job from the cash-strapped NHS, the country’s universal health care system, the Sun reported.
“I deserved my free nose job. I did what I had to get it. If anything, the NHS inspired me to have more plastic surgery,” she said. “I got my veneers and touch up Botox and fillers this year. I was furious when lockdown hit and I couldn’t fly overseas for surgery.”
Bellucci said she doesn’t care what others think of her parenting style.
“My kids know I love them and frankly that’s what matters,” she said. “That and perfect teeth for my Christmas turkey.”
Photo Credit: facebook
Wisconsin motorist pulled over for driving car covered in Christmas lights
A Wisconsin driver was pulled over for driving a car decked out in colorful Christmas lights, police said Tuesday.
A state trooper credited the driver for his creativity, but warned him it is against state law to drive with the festive lights display.
Wisconsin State Patrol posted a photo of the sports vehicle covered in bulbs to their Facebook page.
One of the commenters to the post was a man who said he was the driver’s father.
“Yep this was my kid! As a retired cop myself I warned him of the violations of these lights. But we all know kids,” Larry Kamholz wrote.
“Anyways, my son said this Trooper was really nice and she kinda laughed at him. Trooper, whoever you are, thanks!” he said.
Kamholz added that his son is getting requests to stop by from nursing homes, activity centers and different neighbors.
“The joy that my kid has brought has left me speechless,” he said.
“As a fellow brother of blue, I initially cringed, but I’m over that now. It has def brought unexpected joy to so many and for that I’m proud of my kid!”
Photo Credit: facebook
Man allegedly stabs girlfriend’s eyes, throws daughter out window
A mentally ill Florida man was arrested for allegedly beating his mother and stabbing his girlfriend’s eyes before throwing their 1-year-old daughter out a window Saturday, authorities said.
Pierre Francois, 29, first attacked his mother in their Fort Lauderdale home by beating her with a two-by-four as she demanded that he stop hurting her during a schizophrenic episode, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office said.
Francois then began hitting his daughter and the girl’s mother, who pleaded, “Don’t hit us,” according to an arrest report obtained by WTVJ-TV.
Francois’ mother managed to escape to a neighbor’s house to ask for help. The neighbor called police, who immediately responded to the home.
Officers found Francois had thrown the toddler out a one-story window, and she was lying face-down in the family’s front yard, the arrest report says.
The girlfriend had stab wounds in her face, eyes and throat, police said.
Both victims were rushed to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. Francois’ mother suffered a dislocated thumb and cuts on her forearms, police said.
Broward Assistant State Attorney Eric Linder said in court Monday that Francois’ girlfriend would be blind as a result of her injuries, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.
The baby girl was on life support with a traumatic brain injury, WTVJ reported.
Francois’ mother told cops her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and wasn’t taking his medication. She also believed he was taking other drugs at the time of the attack, the arrest report says.
Francois has been charged with three counts of attempted murder and one count of aggravated battery. He’s being held in jail on $550,000 bond.
Photo Credit: nypost
School may remove Lincoln’s name because he didn’t show ‘black lives mattered to him’
San Francisco may remove Abraham Lincoln’s name from a high school, because a district committee says the 16th president — who abolished slavery — did not demonstrate that “black lives mattered to him.”
Lincoln is one of dozens of historical figures who the city school district’s renaming committee argued led lives so rife with racism, oppression or abuse that their names should not grace its buildings, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
“The discussion for Lincoln centered around his treatment of First Nation peoples, because that was offered first,” Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee and a first-grade teacher, told the paper. “Once he met criteria in that way, we did not belabor the point.”
He continued: “The history of Lincoln and Native Americans is complicated, not nearly as well known as that of the Civil War and slavery,” according to the paper.
“Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building,” Jeffries said.
“Uprooting the problematic names and symbols that currently clutter buildings, streets, throughout the city is a worthy endeavor,” he added. “Only good can come from the public being reflective and intentional about the power of our words, names and rhetoric within our public institutions.”
Critics have slammed the district’s effort to rename the 44 sites as amateurish, arguing the committee’s rationales derived from Wikipedia or selective news sources — rather than relying on historical records and exhaustive research.
When the committee released the list of buildings to be renamed, many made sense because Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe were slave owners, and Vasco Núñez Balboa was a vicious conquistador.
But others raised eyebrows, including George Washington, Herbert Hoover and Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose name was recommended to be removed from an elementary school because she replaced a vandalized Confederate flag in front of City Hall as mayor in 1984.
President Trump slammed the effort to remove Honest Abe’s name on Wednesday.
“So ridiculous and unfair. Will people never make a stand!” he said in a tweet.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also weighed in, writing: “Abraham Lincoln…George Washington…even Diane friggin’ Feinstein: NONE are woke enough for the America-hating radical Left.”
He added: “This will never stop, until Americans say ‘ENOUGH!!’ and call it out for the ignorant nonsense that it is.”
To many, Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator, and an inspiration to his successors, including President Barack Obama, who used the Lincoln Bible for his inauguration in 2009.
Harold Holzer, a Lincoln scholar and director of Hunter College’s Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute, told the Chronicle that Lincoln “saved the country from dividing and ruin. He should be honored for it.”
Lincoln’s involvement with Native Americans is trickier to navigate, the paper noted.
His administration supported the Homestead Act of 1862 and the transcontinental railroad, which led to the loss of their land, according to the outlet, and historians say he largely delegated the sometimes bloody response to Native American conflicts while focusing on the Civil War.
Lincoln also oversaw the hanging of 38 warriors after a Sioux uprising in Minnesota, after he reviewed the legal cases against the 303 men sentenced to death. He saved the lives of 265 of them.
Sherry Black, who worked for more than 40 years in Native American economic and community development, told the paper: “Considering the time period, it’s so difficult to understand how things were at the time. How do you make these decisions?”
Holzer said Lincoln “was more progressive than most people.”
“There was pretty rampant hostility (toward Native Americans) and I think Lincoln rose above it,” he said. “Nobody is going to pass 21st century mores if you’re looking at the 18th and 19th centuries.”
The school board plans to vote on the recommendations early next year.
Meanwhile, Jeffries urged the public to perform its own research, “particularly on Lincoln.”
“There is a lot of scholarship out there,” he said. “I encourage everyone to seek it out. Read.”
The renaming committee is expected to officially recommend scrapping current names of the the 44 schools in January, according to the paper.
Photo Credit: AP
Man charged with killing wife, kids after being found in bed with bodies
A Texas man allegedly stabbed his wife and their two children to death over the weekend, and lay in bed with the three dead bodies, authorities said.
Officers responded to Bryan Richardson’s home in Copperas Cove on Saturday night on a welfare check, and found him covered in blood lying next to his dead wife, Kiera, and their two young children, WFTV reported.
Copperas Cove police officers asked Richardson what happened and he responded he didn’t know, according to a criminal complaint obtained by KWTX-TV.
Cops also found a blood-covered kitchen knife on a table, an empty six-pack of beer and an empty bottle of prescribed antidepressants, the complaint says.
Officers even saw the family’s dog lying in a pool of blood in the kitchen, according to the complaint.
A motive behind the attacks has not been revealed. Richardson has been charged with three counts of murder, and is being jailed on $2.25 million bond.
Photo Credit: Copperas Cove Police Department
Video shows De Soto, MO officers beating, kicking man in groin at police station
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. ( — Two officers are accused of assaulting a man brought in for booking at a Jefferson County police station and a third officer is accused of deleting photos showing the assault. Video of the alleged beating was obtained only by News 4.
According to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, officers James Daly, 55, and Bethany Zarcone were on-duty on September 30 when they assaulted a man brought in for booking at the De Soto Police Station. Charging documents say Daly grabbed the man by the hair and throat, pushed him onto a bench and held him down by the neck for a “period of time.” Zarcone is accused of hitting the handcuffed man in his groin with her knees.
Officials said Allayna Campbell deleted photos capturing the assault. Campbell told investigators a supervisor instructed her to delete them. Campbell was charged with tampering evidence; Daly was charged with three counts of assault; and Zarcone was charged with one count assault.
Daly reportedly put a mock graveyard on his lawn as a Halloween decoration last year. Images of it began circulating on social media showing several crosses with names on them that are used as grave markers. The wording on one of the crosses says, “Here lies Michael Brown, a fat ghetto clown.”
The De Soto Police Department released a statement in response to the video:
Tonight on the news was a video that was the subject of the investigation and charges filed against three of our former officers. To our community; the behavior seen on the video is not indicative of the great job many of our officers do every day. There are many good officers at the De Soto Police Department. As Chief, I see the great job many of them do. I also know this through my many contacts with community members who often approach me and report how much things have improved over the last two and a half years. The actions you see in the video are not indicative of our body of work, as we continue the process of rebuilding this department.
One of the things we did as a department, after its near collapse in July 2018 was to put in place policies and procedures in an effort to improve operations. One of the improvements we made was to our use of force review. In the case of the assault in the jail, the incident was caught by that procedure and the improvements made during our recent jail remodel, which included new cameras. After the incident was discovered, it was assigned to an investigator to do an internal investigation. A request for a criminal investigation was then made to the Jefferson County Sheriff. I can speak for all of the officers of the department that we have felt a full range of emotions including anger, embarrassment and disappointment regarding this incident. We are committed to moving forward and making improvements to all facets of our operations.
We definitely want to thank those in the community that have offered support for our efforts. I’m happy to announce that as part of our efforts to improve, we applied in November 2020 for certification of the department, and look forward to improving our operations and standards during that process. The officers that remain are dedicated to these and other efforts to serve our community with strength and professionalism. I also want to thank Dave Marshak, the Jefferson County Sheriff, and his investigators for their quick response to our request for an outside, independent investigation.
Photo Credit: Jefferson County Police Department
Married teachers in Texas die of COVID-19 while holding hands
A married couple who were both teachers in Texas died of COVID-19 complications while holding hands.
Paul Blackwell, 61, and Rose Mary Blackwell, 65, died on Sunday at Harris Methodist Hospital, according to their family.
The couple spent several days in intensive care on ventilators as their conditions continued to worsen and their family made the heartbreaking decision to take them off life support, Paul’s son Christopher Blackwell told CBS 11.
“Two of my other brothers are actually in the room there at the hospital and they wheeled my stepmother in there in the room with my father and at the same time, removed them both from the ventilator,” Christopher said.
“They had them holding hands and they were both gone in a couple of minutes,” he continued. “I’ve never seen anything like that before and it’s hard to even put into words seeing that.”
Both Paul and Rose Mary were longtime teachers within the Grand Prairie Independent School District and had been working until they became sick in December.
Rose Mary was a second-grade teacher at Travis World Language Academy and just reached her 20-year anniversary at the school. Paul was a PE teacher and football coach at Fannin Middle.
It is unclear how the couple contracted the virus.
A GoFundMe campaign set up by the Blackwell family to raise funds for the funeral cost says Paul and Rose Mary are survived by “many, many loved ones,” including their children and 20 grandchildren.
“We are all at a loss for words at this time but want to thank everyone for their continued prayers.”
As of Tuesday, there have been 1,520,038 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and at least 24,890 deaths in the state of Texas.
Photo Credit: GoFundMe
Man arrested for chasing Maine McDonald’s employees with chainsaw
Employees at a McDonald’s in Maine weren’t lovin’ it when a would-be customer started chasing them with a chainsaw.
Alice Sweet entered a McDonald’s in Portland around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday with a chainsaw and revved the weapon at employees behind the counter, the Westbrook Police Department said in a statement.
Sweet then stole some food and a drink before fleeing the restaurant, police said.
The manager later confronted the madman, but then Sweet began chasing him with the chainsaw, police said.
Cops said the 26-year-old of Portland also damaged two cars that were parked at the fast-food joint.
Officers who responded to the scene ran after Sweet and tracked him down to arrest him.
Alice Sweet entered a McDonald’s in Portland around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday with a chainsaw and revved the weapon at employees behind the counter, the Westbrook Police Department said in a statement.
Sweet then stole some food and a drink before fleeing the restaurant, police said.
The manager later confronted the madman, but then Sweet began chasing him with the chainsaw, police said.
Cops said the 26-year-old of Portland also damaged two cars that were parked at the fast-food joint.
Officers who responded to the scene ran after Sweet and tracked him down to arrest him.
Sweet has been charged with robbery, criminal mischief, refusing to submit to arrest and violation of conditions of release.
Photo Credit: Westbrook Police Department
Doctor used his sperm to father hundreds of babies with patients over four decades
A revered family doctor may have fathered hundreds of children using his own sperm – sometimes without the parents’ knowledge – over four decades, The Sun can reveal.
Dr. Philip Peven is credited with delivering around 9,000 babies during his 40-year career in Detroit, Michigan.
Now a group of siblings who found they were genetically matched after doing an online DNA test have discovered they are related to Peven, who was their parents’ doctor and believe he is their father.
One of the siblings – Jaime Hall – approached Peven in December 2019 and says that he admitted to being her father and to using his own sperm to father a multitude of babies, both as a sperm donor in the late 40s and in his medical practice as an OB-GYN in Detroit, MI.
While both her parents are now dead, Hall said they believed her biological father was a family friend who had given them a sperm sample – and had no idea Peven used his own sperm.
Hall says she has been matched up to five half siblings on the website 23andMe, since she submitted her DNA test, but believes there could be hundreds more Peven siblings out there.
“All of us were born in the same hospital, all of our birth certificates show Peven as our OBGYN, not our father,” Hall, 61, of Traverse City, MI, told The Sun.
“I then discovered one of Peven’s grandsons on there, he came up as a half nephew sharing 12.3 percent DNA with me. That served as the final, undeniable proof. I share more DNA with Peven’s grandson than my sister Lynn’s daughter.”
Hall explained how, in the early 50s, her parents visited Peven at Grace Hospital in Detroit, Michigan for help conceiving.
In 1956, Joyce gave birth to Hall’s elder sister Lynn and in 1959 she gave birth to Hall – both babies were delivered by Peven.
Hall had no reason to doubt her parentage until 2008 when one of their stepsisters told her and Lynn that the man who had brought them up was not their biological father.
So, in 2017, she conducted a paternity test that confirmed this.
In 2019, she traced her family tree using two genetic testing and analysis services – and 23andMe.
She said: “I discovered that I was 50 percent Ashkenazi Jew, but no one in my family is Ashkenazi Jew. It didn’t make sense. My sister Lynn came up as a close match, but she had no Ashkenazi Jew in her DNA analysis…there were also lots of other matches for me as close family, which was exceedingly strange.”
“As far as I knew I only had one sister, Lynn.”
Over the next year Hall undertook a rigorous analysis of her genetic history, meticulously piecing together a series of half-siblings that she never knew she had.
“I started messaging everyone who appeared as a close match to me,” Hall, who runs a company called Laser Pain Relief Center of America with her husband Todd, 51, said.
Over the next year, Hall claims she has received numerous calls and emails from people who all share high proportions of DNA with her and who were all delivered by Peven, who is currently the oldest living graduate of the University of Michigan’s medical school.
In January of 2020, Hall teamed up with one of the half-sisters she had discovered through DNA analysis, who has asked not to be named and decided to finally meet Peven in the flesh.
They found Peven, now 104, who is still living independently in Southfield, Michigan.
He explained to them he would inseminate his patients with a fresh sperm sample – either his own or one of his doctors – in a simple procedure using a pipette while the woman lay down in surgical stirrups.
“We just turned up at his door and walked right in there,” she said.
“He was all hunched and had a walker, he said he has neuropathy, but his brain was very sharp.”
“Initially we just said ‘You knew our parents, you delivered us’ and he invited us in and we got talking. I showed him a picture of my parents and he zoomed in on the baby, me. He sat on a chair and we both sat on the floor at his feet, like his two little daughters.”
“He said: ‘I was a pioneer you know, I was the first to ever be doing anything like this.’
“We said ‘you not only delivered us… we want to thank you for fathering us. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.’ He asked how we knew and we told him about the DNA tests. He told us that he was not the only doctor at the hospital who was donating sperm – there was a group of doctors and between them, they fathered many children.”
“He said he had been donating sperm since 1947, since he was doing research in Chicago. I said ‘Did you ever think that DNA would be around to bring all these children back to you? He said: ‘I never thought this would be possible. It’s like a fairy-tale isn’t it?’ My daughter thinks I could have fathered thousands of children.’”
Hall’s sister, Lynn Neher, 63, told The Sun she did similar DNA tests online and discovered her father was one of Peven’s resident doctors. She has also been matched to half-siblings who she has contacted.
Despite the shocking revelations, Hall and Lynn feel positive about the whole experience.
“I don’t look at it in a negative way. These women, my mother included, came to him desperate and he gave them something that they all wanted,” Hall said.
“There wasn’t the same regulation then as there is now. I really think he was trying to help people and without him, I wouldn’t be alive today.”
“Some of the people that have called me feel like they’ve been cheated, they are having existential issues about it, but I don’t see it that way. I’m just happy I’m here and I have nothing but gratefulness to be alive.”
She does, however, feel that people have the right to know the truth about their parentage.
“When I was conceived my mother actually brought in a donor sample with her, one of her friends, she said ‘My friend gave your father and I the most precious gift that a person could give another, he gave us you,’” Hall said.
“And I thought, ‘That’s beautiful’. So I actually befriended this friend’s family. I called them and became close with them and they accepted me as their own. It was beautiful until the DNA came back and I found out ‘Oh my gosh, Peven is my dad.’”
“When I asked Peven about this story, he said, ‘I know she brought in a donor.’”
“He admitted he discarded the donor and when I asked why, he said it wasn’t tested. He said he knew that if I kept it to himself and the other doctors, they knew it was viable so they didn’t have to worry about it.”
“So, yes, we know he was deceiving women – or at least not telling them the full truth. I think people have the right to find out the truth – not everyone wants to know the truth, but if they choose to pursue it, they should be allowed to know.”
“There are huge health and ethical implications for knowing who your real father is. You have to realize that Peven was practicing in a small, close-knit community – people could have married relatives without knowing. There is a very high likelihood of certain diseases that run in Ashkenazi heritage.”
Hall’s sister, Lynn added: “Without Peven and his fertility clinic and everything that they did, I would not be here. So consequently, I have nothing but gratitude to them for everything that happened. I cannot be angry or resentful in any way for that.”
“But do I think that all of the ways that Peven did what he did were ethical? No, absolutely not. The fact that he didn’t tell women that he was using his own sperm sample is not right. That would be profoundly unethical by today’s standards.”
“Do I think that he had some kind of egotistical God complex going on? I don’t. I think they were practicing medicine and doing it as best they could back then when there really weren’t many options. It was all new.”
One of the other siblings, Jean Landes, 55, said she found out Peven was her father after she did a DNA test and was linked to many more people than the two siblings she had grown up with.
After being matched to Hall and others as a half-sibling, she also went to visit Peven who confirmed he was her biological father during a videotaped meeting.
“I spent a good hour and a half talking to him. He denied it at first, but into the conversation, I just kept on talking and asking questions and his guard went down,” she said.
“He was just clinical about it. He wasn’t emotional about it. He just told the technique how he did it. But it was a great meeting.”
She added: “To be honest it was a tremendous relief, I felt like a big puzzle and a big mystery of my life was solved. As far as my feelings towards him, I don’t think his intentions were anything but to help childless couples conceive.”
“He’d learned the technique when he was an intern and he took it to his clinic and he just could not have ever imagined that there would be any ability to be able to trace it. The thought probably didn’t even cross his mind.”
“He just thought ‘These people can’t have children. They want children’. And I know for a fact that my mother was just so wanting to be a mom, that she would do anything.”
Jean’s non-biological father, Oleh Kostetsky, 85, told The Sun he knew that he and his wife had conceived using a donor but had no idea that Peven had used his own sperm until Jean told him recently.
“I didn’t know anything about what went on behind the scenes, I only found out very recently,” he said. “But I don’t object to it.”
He added he was grateful that Peven had helped his wife conceive and had always seen himself as his children’s real father.
Peven was not well enough to answer questions when approached by The Sun.
However, his daughter Kari confirmed that her father had donated sperm as a medical student and also when he ran his own practice.
“There’s a group of hospital doctors that donated sperm and when he couldn’t get hold of a proper doctor – one that he liked – I think he had used his own sperm” she said.
“We’re very healthy and intelligent people.”
When asked if her father ever inseminated women with his sperm without their knowledge, she said: “If they had asked, they would have been told, he had no reason not to tell them. They were begging to be helped… and they didn’t ask, all as they wanted was a baby, a healthy baby.”
“And they trusted him to find someone intelligent and healthy.”
“Usually he would only use his own sperm if he couldn’t get a fresh sample, there was no cryogenics in those days. But my father would have told anybody who asked. And there are lots of reasons, a mother also might say, ‘Well, I didn’t have any idea’, even though they did.”
She said she “had no idea” how many children her father could have fathered.
Three of the other siblings declined to comment and asked not to be named. Another was unavailable for comment prior to publication.
It comes after it emerged Dr Quincy Fortier, the subject of HBO documentary Baby God, fathered at least 24 children using his own sperm.
Photo Credit: Jaime Hall/SWNS