Boy tired of eating salad calls 911 to report parents – twice
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia – A Canadian boy fed up with his parents’ efforts to feed him salad decided to notify the authorities last Tuesday.
Halifax police turned the call into a teachable moment, showing up at the family’s home to speak to the 12-year-old about using the 911 system responsibly.
Before they got there, however, the boy called a second time to ensure that officers were on their way, according to a Facebook post by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
“While many can relate to the dislike of a salad at times, this raises a more important issue that warrants discussion at all ages,” says Cpl. Dal Hutchinson. “The improper use of 911 is an issue with all age groups and it ties up valuable resources, preventing emergency first responders from dealing with real emergencies.”
Inappropriate 911 calls from both children and adults are not uncommon, and some people have received fines of nearly $700, police told the CBC.
In one case, “a person couldn’t find their TV remote so they called 911,” Hutchinson said. “We can’t make this stuff up.”
Considering the boy’s age, police decided to give the 12-year-old a break.
When asked what type of salad it was, Hutchinson told the CBC, “Obviously one to his dislike because he called 911.”
This Man Made Tacos From His Amputated Foot And Then Fed Them To His Friends
Friends of Reddit user IncrediblyShinyShart were in for a stomach-turning surprise when he invited them around for a Sunday brunch. His guests arrived to a feast of pastries, cakes, mimosas, and tacos. But here’s the catch – the tacos were made with meat from his very own foot.
If you’ve ever wondered what human flesh tastes like, apparently, it’s a combination of pork and veal. But provided there was an ethical way to do so, would you ever consider trying it? IncrediblyShinyShart and his mates agreed they would. Little did they know that there would soon be the perfect opportunity to do so after IncrediblyShinyShart was involved in a motorcycle crash.
The 38-year-old Reddit user was driving at 72 kilometers (45 miles) per hour when he was hit and flung from his bike. The bones of the foot were shattered and doctors told him he would never be able to walk on it again, so IncrediblyShinyShart agreed to have it amputated. He just wanted to know if he could keep the foot once it was done.
They said he could and so after the operation, IncrediblyShinyShart took it home and froze it.
“It just seemed like an object, not a piece of a person. There was no emotional connection,” he told Vice. “In fact, that was the weirdest part, was that it wasn’t weird.”
Then, he invited his 11 of his most “amenable” friends to share a once in a lifetime culinary adventure with him. Ten said yes.
A chef friend prepared a chunk of meat from the top of the shin, marinating it overnight and then sauteeing it with peppers, onions, and lime alongside corn tortillas and a tomatillo sauce.
Strangely, it’s perfectly legal to eat human meat in all US states but Idaho (makes you wonder what happened in Idaho). Of course, the normal processes for obtaining said meat – murder, corpse desecration, and the selling and buying of human flesh – tend to be frowned upon (remember this Latvian performance artist who livestreamed two volunteers cooking and eating their own flesh?).
Here’s how IncrediblyShinyShart described it’s taste to Vice: “It had a very pronounced, beefy flavor to it. The muscle I cut was tough and chewy.”
And despite its icky origins, all but one were actually able to keep the meal down. In a Reddit comment, he says one had to “spit me into a napkin after chewing for a while”.
As for IncrediblyShinyShart, the experience helped him get over a tricky part of his life and things have been looking up ever since.
“It was a way for me to close a lid on this part of my life…Things worked out so damn well afterward. My life has gotten so much better.”
Calif. House of Horrors: Teenage Girl Escaped and Told 911, ‘My Sisters Are Chained Up’
In the small voice of a much younger child, reading from a piece of paper with her family’s address on it, the 17-year-old daughter of David and Louise Turpin called 911 early on Jan. 14 to report that they were allegedly abusing and chaining up their children.
Audio of the teen’s 911 call — made just before 6 a.m. and which led to David and Louise’s arrest on numerous charges of abuse, false imprisonment and torture, among other counts — was released for the first time on Wednesday morning, at a preliminary court hearing for the Turpin parents in Riverside County, California.
The 13 Turpin children ranged in age from 2 to 29 at the time their parents were taken into custody.
“I live in a family of 15 people and our parents are abusive,” the girl told the 911 operator while she was outside her family’s suburban Perris home, according to audio of the call that was played in court.
Louise was seen crying as she listened to it on Wednesday.
“They are abusive,” the girl said. “And two of my sisters are chained up.”
The girl’s sisters and one of her brothers were all chained to their beds, she said on the call, answering the dispatcher’s questions.
“Our parents don’t let us move out,” the girl said. “Some of us have asked for jobs and they said that would never happen.”
Though she spoke in detail about life behind closed-doors in the Turpin family, the girl seemed at a loss to answer basic questions about the wider world, such as where she lived. Instead she read her address from the piece of paper she carried with her.
“I haven’t been out. I don’t go out much,” the girl said. “I don’t know anything about the streets or anything.”
“I don’t know what medication is,” she said at one point, noting, “We don’t really do schools. I haven’t finished first grade and I am 17.”
The teen said the siblings lived in essential isolation, visited only by their grandparents. “The rest of the family, we don’t know them,” she said.
Of the alleged abuse they suffered, she told 911 her parents “only chain us up if we do something we are not supposed to. I have never done anything I am not supposed to.”
David and Louise Turpin each face 12 counts of torture as well as seven counts of abuse of a dependent adult, nine counts of child abuse or neglect and 12 counts of false imprisonment.
David is additionally accused of a lewd act against a child and perjury, for allegedly lying about his children’s schooling. Louise has been charged with felony assault.
They remain in custody in lieu of $12 million bail each after pleading not guilty to all of their charges. One of their attorneys has publicly noted that both are presumed innocent until convicted. Beyond that, the defense has not commented specifically on the case to PEOPLE.
The Turpins were arrested on Jan. 14 not long after their 17-year-old daughter escaped their home and used a disconnected cell phone to call 911 to report the alleged abuse and captivity, authorities have said.
When responding officers entered their Perris home, they allegedly found a horrendous scene of malnutrition and squalor, with some of the children shackled to their beds.
“We live in filth,” the Turpins’ 17-year-old daughter told 911, according to audio played in court on Wednesday. “Sometimes I wake up and can’t breathe because of how dirty the house is.”
Prosecutors allege the Turpins denied their kids food and only allowed them to take one shower a year. Most of the siblings, who were ages 2 to 29 at the time of their parents’ arrest, were unfamiliar with how to use a toothbrush.
“They [the 13 children] lack a basic knowledge of life,” Riverside County District Attorney Michael Hestrin told reporters in January. “Many of the children didn’t know what a police officer was.”
The girl told 911 in January she could not remember the last time she bathed herself but that it was “almost a year ago,” according to the call audio played Wednesday.
“Sometimes I feel so dirty I wash my face and I wash my hair in the sink,” she said.
Investigators who spoke with the teen later on Jan. 14 noted her “unwashed” appearance and behavior befitting “someone a lot younger than 17,” according to Riverside County Sheriff’s Deputy Manuel Campos, who testified at Wednesday’s hearing.
Dressed in a pink hat, blue jeans and white shoes, the girl “had an odor emitting from her body of someone who didn’t bathe regularly,” Campos said.
“Her speech seemed to be a lot younger — the speech of a child,” he said. “She did have trouble pronouncing words [and] referred to her parents as mother and father. She said she was taught to address them that way because it was more like the Bible days.”
Leaving her family’s home to summon authorities was terrifying, she said, according to Campos. It was “one of the scariest things she had ever done.”
Adult Siblings on Path to Education
After David and Louise’s arrest, their children were taken to nearby hospitals for medical care.
The seven adult siblings were hospitalized at the Corona Regional Medical Center for two months before they were quietly discharged in March. They are now living at an undisclosed location.
In a March interview with PEOPLE, Caleb Mason, an attorney for the seven older siblings, said what they wanted more than anything else was an education.
Mason said he was working with local university officials to “put together an educational plan for all of them” and said the siblings “for the most part have not had any kind of formal schooling.”
“None of them has had what I think anyone would consider adequate exposure to education, and that is what we are trying to remedy right now,” Mason said. “They want to get the same sort of education as anyone else. We are hoping that we can find them within the next couple of years sitting in a college campus taking notes like anybody else. They have the same spectrum of hopes and dreams and educational aspirations as any other group of young adults.”
Teen shot in the head was covered with a sheet – but he wasn’t dead
CHICAGO — A Chicago teenager who had been shot in the head multiple times was presumed dead and covered with a sheet by paramedics before onlookers noticed he was still moving, police and fire officials said Tuesday.
Erin, a 17-year-old who had just graduated from high school, was shot in the head on Chicago’s West Side early Monday and responding paramedics apparently believed he had suffered fatal head wounds, police officials said. They covered his body in a sheet and tended to other victims.
The Chicago Tribune reported that witnesses alerted officers and paramedics that Carey appeared to twitch under the sheet. On police 911 audio, an officer is heard notifying EMS at the scene that Carey appeared to move “from side to side” under the sheet.
“He is responsive,” the officer said. “He just moved … from side to side and his arms. So he is not dead.”
“We’ll have a unit go down and check on that male,” a dispatcher responded.
WLS reported its cameras were on scene at least 15 minutes before paramedics removed the sheet and began administering CPR. News footage showed the teenager appearing to breathe under the sheet.
Chicago Police First Deputy Superintendent Anthony Riccio told reporters that Carey had suffered a “catastrophic injury.”
“He was shot in the head… I do understand that paramedics looked at him, believed him to be deceased, covered him with that sheet and moved on to another individual who was nearby who was also shot. They saw motion, movement underneath the sheet. Officers who were present notified paramedics.”
Carey was eventually taken to a hospital in critical condition. He died at 1:19 a.m. Tuesday, WLS reported.
Fire Commissioner Jose Santiago said the response by paramedics was under investigation, according to WLS. “We’re looking into it right now,” he said. “We’re trying to piece everything together,”
Police were also investigating.
Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said detectives were investigating whether Carey may have been involved in the escalation of the shooting incident. A Mac-10 machine pistol was found in the street near Carey’s body, he said.
A 22-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene, WLS reported. Four other people, ranging in age from 21 to 25, were wounded.
Carey was a summer intern at a senior living facility in Chicago, according to his family’s pastor.
“To be honest with you, I was doubly shocked when I heard about Erin,” the Rev. Charlie Dates said. “It’s one thing to hear about a kid … involved in an incident, but Erin was the exact opposite. … He was a friendly, respectful, quiet good-looking kid. He just had a great smile.”
Carey was one of nine people killed in Chicago over the June 15 weekend, police said.
At least 56 people were shot, making it the most violent weekend of the year — one resembling weekends of the previous two years when murder rates soared. At least 650 people were killed in 2017 and 771 people were killed in 2016, the most violent year in Chicago in 20 years.
Before last weekend, the police department had touted a significant drop in gun-related shootings and killings all year. There have been 15 consecutive months of declining gun violence, according to police.
Through the first five months of this year, there were 229 fewer shootings and 52 fewer killings, representing a 21% drop in gun violence, according to police. In the month of May, police recorded a 21% decline in killings compared to 2017.
But last weekend was the hottest of the year in Chicago, testing the city’s ability to control violence when much of the population is outdoors. Temperatures reached close to 100 degrees all weekend and Sunday was the hottest Father’s Day in Chicago in 20 years, with a heat index that made it feel like 109 degrees in the city.
Dates said he spoke with Carey’s mother on Tuesday morning. “She’s obviously very disturbed,” he said.
Dates said Carey had just graduated from a high school in suburban Evanston, where his family enrolled him to keep him away from the violence on Chicago’s South Side.
The school released a statement Tuesday that said, in part, “The Evanston Township High School family is deeply saddened by the loss of a member of our class of 2018. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Erin’s family and friends, our students, and staff.”
Dates said he was at the hospital Monday night comforting Carey’s family members, something he does frequently given the violence in the city.
“Erin’s grandmother was in the emergency room,” he said. “She was so calm and kept saying, ‘It’s all in his hands. It’s all in Gods hands.’”
Man says receipt told cook to spit in cheeseburger
A New York dad says his Father’s Day dinner did not make him feel special.
Curtis Mays says he was being treated by his daughter and granddaughter at the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden in Queens. He ordered a burger.
Mays says the evening started off pleasant, but then his order got mixed up.
He asked his waitress for his receipt, and that is when he noticed it said “Please spit in it, too.” “I asked her, ‘Why would you do this?’ And she couldn’t explain it. She said she didn’t do it, so I was like, ‘Who prints out the receipt?’ So she said, ‘I take it up there and print it myself.’ I said, ‘So you did it? Why are you lying about it?’ She just walked off,” Mays said.
Mays said the manager fired the waitress immediately and he got a refund.
“He was saying, ‘How can we compensate you?’ I was like, ‘How can you compensate somebody for spitting on your food? I ate this already,” adds Mays.
The manager told our sister station WABC that he had never had a problem with this employee before. Food service, he says, is a stressful job, but it was unacceptable.
The manager added that is very unlikely a cook actually spat in the burger, but he understands why the customer is upset.
The Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden has an A rating from the Department of Health.
New Jersey parents say daughter, 12, committed suicide because of bullying
The New Jersey parents of a 12-year-old girl who committed suicide are suing the school district for not doing enough to protect their daughter.
The family of Mallory Grossman say months of unrelenting bullying led the young girl to take her own life last year.
Her parents filed the wrongful death lawsuit against the Rockaway Township Board of Education and its staff on Tuesday, saying they should have done more to protect the 6th-grader.
Grossman attended Copeland Middle School and her parents say she was full of strength, promise, life and spirit. They said she was also very sensitive.
The lawsuit says Grossman was taunted relentlessly and repeatedly in the weeks leading up to her suicide on June 14, 2017.
Grossman was allegedly asked by her bullies when she was going to kill herself. Her parents say they have evidence of how she was relentlessly bullied by four classmates for months even though they continued to ask the school to discipline those responsible.
Grossman’s mother says the bullies still haven’t been punished.
“We know that the poor behavior and poor decisions these kids make has not changed,” Dianne Grossman said. “They do not believe ultimately that they are responsible for it.”
Mallory’s parents are suing to change the way all schools confront bullies in class and on social media. They also want schools to empower good kids to stand up for what is right and to draw attention to awful behavior.
Grossman’s parents are demanding change and say they want schools to wake up.
“I really want schools to understand the gravity of what has happened, Mallory is not a 2-minute news story, she is our daughter and she’s forever gone,” Dianne Grossman said. “Our family is forever changed because they chose not to put systems in place, they chose not to protect her, so I want other school systems to learn from this and to start making immediate changes within their buildings.”
The Grossmans started a blog and foundation called Mallory’s Army to help educate other parents, let other good kids know they are not alone and to jump start the change they want the lawsuit to bring.
Video shows ER doctor mock man during anxiety attack: ‘He must be dead!’
LOS GATOS, Calif. – An emergency room doctor announcing you’re one of the “least sick of all the people” sounds like good news, but in the case of Samuel Bardwell, it was a callous statement made while he was suffering a full-blown anxiety attack.
Now Beth Keegstra, 57, the contracted physician who tended to the 20-year-old last week at El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos, Calif., has been permanently taken out of the rotation of ER doctors at all of the health system’s locations, per a release.
The Mercury News reports Bardwell was hospitalized Monday after he had an anxiety attack during basketball practice at West Valley College. His dad, Donald Bardwell, tells the San Francisco Chronicle that Samuel has a history of anxiety attacks and takes Klonopin, a benzodiazepine, to treat that, but that he’d been busy over the previous few days and hadn’t had a chance to pick up his new prescription.
The father and son say Keegstra started right off the bat by accusing Samuel of using drugs, and that’s when the elder Bardwell started taping video, which he uploaded to Facebook.
In the video, Keegstra scoffs at Donald Bardwell’s assertion that his son was drifting “in and out of consciousness,” and at one point she answers “Mm-hmm” when Samuel Bardwell asks her, “[So] I’m full of s—?”
Samuel Bardwell also mentions he can’t breathe in, to which Keegstra replies: “He can’t inhale, wow! He must be dead! Are you dead, sir?”
In the release, the hospital apologized for “a physician whose demeanor was unprofessional.”
Donald Bardwell doesn’t think that’s enough.
“In my mind, I don’t think she should be practicing medicine at all,” he told Good Morning America.
State records show Keegstra has never faced disciplinary action before, per the News.
Woman upset over her nails accused of dragging salon employee with her car
VALPARAISO, Ind. — A 28-year-old woman is accused of dragging a nail salon employee with her car after walking out without paying because she was unhappy with her nails, according to The Times of Northwest Indiana.
Charley Fowler was at the Diamond Nails & Spa on the 2500 block of LaPorte Avenue in Valparaiso around noon on Saturday when the incident occurred.
Employees at the salon said Fowler was unhappy with the work done on her nails and refused an offer to fix them, according to police. As an employee called authorities, Fowler left the salon without paying about $30 for the nail service and began backing out in her BMW.
According to NWI Times, the woman told police she was planning on waiting in her car for authorities to arrive when employees began beating on her window. She said she drove slowly to the front of a nearby restaurant.
Police said surveillance video shows Fowler backing out before the employees reached the car. Police said a male employee who went out to the car was dragged by Fowler across the parking lot.
Fowler faces a felony criminal recklessness charge according to the Porter County Sheriff’s website. She has hired an attorney.
NWI Times said Fowler works as a mental health therapist.
Dr. Dre is working on a movie about Marvin Gaye
Dr. Dre is working on a movie about the late singer Marvin Gaye, Variety has learned.
The rapper, whose film credits include 2015’s “Straight Outta Compton,” on which he served as a producer and an inspiration for the film, is in the early stages of getting the project off the ground. And rights to use Gaye’s music have been secured, according to sources. Sony/ATV Music Publishing is home to Gaye’s songwriting credits.
There have been multiple attempts to give Gaye the biopic treatment. The soul singer behind such hits as “What’s Going On,” “Sexual Healing” and “Let’s Get It On” became one of Motown’s most successful artists before he was fatally shot in 1984 at age 44 by his father following a family dispute in their Los Angeles home. F. Gary Gray, Cameron Crowe, James Gandolfini, Scott Rudin and actors including Jesse L. Martin and Lenny Kravitz all have tried to bring Gaye’s story to the screen, but until now, none had been authorized by Gaye’s family.
The most recent project to get the sign-off from the Gaye estate was with Jamie Foxx who landed the rights for a limited series in 2016 but that project has seen no movement in the years since.
As for Dre, whose real name is Andre Young, the hip-hop legend has dabbled in feature projects both in front of the camera in films like “Training Day” and “Car Wash” as well as producing. He most recently worked on “Straight Outta Compton,” which chronicled the rise of his hip-hop group N.W.A and was exec produced by Dre and fellow N.W.A member Ice Cube. The pic was a massive hit and also scored an Oscar nomination for original screenplay.
In a curious twist of fate, Dre is represented by King, Holmes, Paterno & Soriano, the same legal firm which defended Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams against the Gaye estate in the closely monitored “Blurred Lines” trial in 2015. The verdict found in favor of the Gaye family, which contended that “Blurred Lines” infringed on Gaye’s 1977 hit “Got to Give It Up” and ordered Thicke and Williams to pay millions in statutory damages.
Man stabs himself to death after thinking his vest was ‘stab-proof’
A British man who believed he was wearing a “stab-proof vest” died last summer after he took a knife to his own chest, local newspaper Teesside Gazette reported Saturday, citing an investigation into his death.
Jordan Easton, 22, of Thornaby, reportedly was in a friend’s kitchen on Aug. 23, 2017, when he stabbed himself.
“While in the kitchen, he took hold a knife to demonstrate it was stab-proof and sadly realized it wasn’t the case,” assistant coroner Karin Welsh said during a court hearing.
Easton reportedly was rushed to the hospital, where he died.
The newspaper reported that while his injuries were self-inflicted, there was no evidence that proved Easton purposely tried to harm himself.
The man’s mother, Alison Price, said in court that Easton stabbing himself was “out of character,” and added she “can’t absorb it.”
Friends described Easton, who had just turned 22 five days earlier, as a “one of a kind kid” with a “golden heart.”
Easton’s death was ruled a “misadventure,” which Welsh said meant the victim died from consequences that were not intended.
“It seems clear that’s the situation with Jordan,” she said.