Arnold Schwarzenegger blindsided, dropkicked in the back during sporting event in South Africa
Article via FoxNews
Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have avoided serious injury after the 71-year-old former Governor of California was blindsided and dropkicked in the back while at an event in South Africa Saturday.
The “Terminator” actor is in Sandton, South Africa, for a sporting event called the Arnold Classic Africa, per The Sandton Chronicle.
In a video of the incident which emerged online, Schwarzenegger can be seen watching and videoing a jump-rope competition at the event at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.
At one point, just as Schwarzenegger appears to hand someone the cell phone he was using to take video, a man appears behind him, jumps and kicks him in the back, sending him sprawling to the ground. The man was promptly detained by security and dragged away.
Later on, the video shows Schwarzenegger, who appears to be unharmed, leaving the convention center.
Following the attack, Schwarzenegger took to Twitter to comment on the incident.
“Thanks for your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about. I thought I was just jostled by the crowd, which happens a lot. I only realized I was kicked when I saw the video like all of you. I’m just glad the idiot didn’t interrupt my Snapchat,” he wrote.
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Doctors fighting Ebola in the Congo are forced to wear disguises to avoid being SHOT by militiamen
Article via DailyMail
- Medics ditching their scrubs and lying about their jobs to avoid conflict in Congo
- Militiamen believe Ebola is a conspiracy against them and are attacking workers
- Death toll 1,161 while infection count shot to 1,760 on Thursday, officials said
‘Our staff has to lie about being doctors in order to treat people,’ Tariq Riebel, emergency response director for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), told The Washington Post.
The Congo is currently facing the second deadliest outbreak of the killer virus ever, with the death toll climbing to 1,161 on Thursday.
The infection count, meanwhile, has shot to 1,760, Congo’s Ministry of Health said.
Armed militiamen believe Ebola is a conspiracy against them and have repeatedly attacked health workers battling the epidemic.
There have been 119 attacks this year against aid workers, with eighty-five being wounded or killed, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
It comes as aid groups warn they could run out of money in weeks.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said that unless it gets more funding it won’t be able to continue providing support to crews burying Ebola victims.
Funerals were a major source of virus transmission during the worst ever Ebola epidemic in 2014-2016.
Each Ebola burial costs the equivalent of £400 for, among other things, the protective gear for workers.
The Congo Ebola epidemic has escalated sharply over the past month.
The health ministry says 20 per cent of all cases since August have been reported in just the last three weeks.
Health experts warn that because of security issues it has been difficult getting into some areas to vaccinate those most at risk.
‘The number of new cases continues to rise, in part due to repeated incidents of violence affecting the ability of response teams to immediately identify and create vaccination rings around all people at risk of contracting Ebola,’ the WHO said in a statement.
‘The number of new cases continues to rise, in part due to repeated incidents of violence affecting the ability of response teams to immediately identify and create vaccination rings around all people at risk of contracting Ebola,’ the WHO said in a statement.
Dr. Osman Dar, a global health expert at Chatham House and member of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and Public Health England, said the death toll could spiral to rival the 11,310 who were killed in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone five years ago, he said.
Dr Osman Dar, a global health expert at Chatham House and member of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and Public Health England, said the death toll could spiral to rival the 11,310 who were killed in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone five years ago, he said.
The 2014 outbreak in West Africa began when an 18-month-old boy in Guinea got infected by a bat in December 2013, and the illness quickly spread to neighbouring countries.
By the time the World Health Organization released its first situation report in August 2014, more than 3,000 people had been infected and 1,546 killed.
A year later the number of cases had rocketed to 28,073 and 11,290 people had died.
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Mr. Ratburn, from PBS show Arthur, gets married in season 22 premiere
Article via CBSNEWS
To the surprise of many, the 22nd season of “Arthur” just premiered on PBS – yes, that lovable aardvark and his friends are still on the air. But the classic children’s show is very much keeping up with the times. The premiere episode revealed Arthur’s teacher, Mr. Ratburn, is gay.

Arthur and his friends overhear Mr. Ratburn and an uptight woman, voiced by Jane Lynch, discussing his wedding. They believe the woman is his bride and devise a plan to stop the wedding.
In “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” the beloved teacher of Arthur and his friends gets married to a man. It’s not the first time the children’s show has included LGBTQ storylines although the last one occurred in 2005, TV Line reports. In the episode “Postcards from Buster,” Arthur’s best friend met children with two moms while on a trip to Vermont.
The word “lesbian” was not used in the episode, nor was the word “gay” used in the episode about Mr. Ratburn. However, the show received praise for teaching children that men can marry men and women can marry women.
In the season 22 premiere, the students see Mr. Ratburn speaking to an uptight lady, voiced by guest star Jane Lynch. They fear she is the person Mr. Ratburn is going to marry, and they devise a plan to stop the wedding and prevent a life of misery for their teacher.

Arthur and his friends show up to the wedding ready to object to it – only to see Mr. Ratburn walk down the aisle with his groom.
But the kids chicken out when they get to the wedding and don’t stand up to object to the marriage. Then, they learn the uptight woman is just Mr. Ratburn’s sister, who is officiating the nuptials. When Mr. Ratburn walks down the aisle, he is arm in arm with a man.
The third-graders are happy for their newlywed teacher, but there’s one thing they are mortified by: his dancing.
People took to Twitter when they learned about the episode – but many were sharing their disbelief that “Arthur” was still on the air. Some Twitter users wrote that they hope other TV shows and movies include LGBTQ characters and storylines.

In 2015, same-sex marriage became legal across the country. So, regardless of where Arthur’s fictional Elwood City actually is, Mr. Ratburn’s marriage would be recognized.