Woman says she found true love, had children with rollercoaster

Gaëlle Engel claims she has long been sexually attracted to inanimate objects — but she says she didn’t know true passion until she fell for a German rollercoaster.
“You could say that I’m sexually drawn to rollercoasters but since I met the Sky Scream rollercoaster, I understood what love was,” the France-born Engel told Jam Press of her attraction to the attraction at Germany’s Holiday Park.
“I spend every moment dreaming of a carnal and fusional relationship with it.”
The 43-year-old says she has been sexually attracted to objects since she was 12. The painter and poet has had three serious romantic human relationships, but found them all to be traumatic.
“I will not philosophize on these relationships that ruined my life but it was only suffering, physical and moral,” she said. “The men I dated had a lot of issues with alcohol and it was a very hard time for me.”
Her new beau, however, has no substance problems and makes her feel empowered to be herself.
“With Sky Scream, I feel completely confident.”
Dating the coaster does have its drawbacks, however: The couple are unable to have any sexual relationship whatsoever, and meeting up is difficult.
“But life made me understand that sex was not a priority in my relationship, especially following the difficulties and trials we encountered in not being able to see each other,” Engel said.
As an alternative to in-person dates, Engel collects objects that represent Sky Scream to her, including a board of Sky Scream photos, an array of objects bought from the theme park and a pillow that has the rollercoaster’s image printed on it, which Engel hugs daily.
Through the objects collected as a representation of Sky Scream Engel feels “connected to him — the love follows me everywhere.”
Sky Scream and her adoration for him frequently manifest in her work. “Sky Scream inspires me a lot in everything I write and draw,” she said.
Through the models she’s created of him and other coasters, she feels that the two have reproduced.
“There are even some models that I made that are totally new inventions — so you can say that I have Sky Scream kids,” she said.
Engel is not alone in her unusual taste in lovers.
In 2017, Carol Santa Fe — a self-identified “objectum sexual” — claimed she’s been in love with San Diego’s historic Santa Fe train depot since the age of 9.
Engel and Santa Fe join the growing list of people attracted to famous structures, including Erika Eiffel (we’ll let you guess the object of her affection) and Eija-Riitta Eklöf-Berliner-Mauer, who “married” the Berlin Wall in 1979.
via: https://nypost.com/2021/03/12/woman-says-she-found-true-love-had-children-with-rollercoaster/
Photo Credit: nypost.com