NY lawmaker wants sex ed for kindergartners and kids as young as 11 would get lectures on vaginal, oral and anal sex

Get ready for the latest woke wave in education: comprehensive sex ed for kids as young as 5 — thanks to a new bill in the state Senate.
Legislation sponsored by state Sen. Samra G. Brouk, a freshman Democrat from Rochester, would tie New York’s health curriculum to standards written by a left-wing interest group that advocates “Sex Ed for Social Change” — and would make those lessons mandatory statewide.
Under that group’s current standards, public and charter schools would have to teach 5-year-olds about “gender identity” and instruct 8-year-olds on hormone blockers to prevent puberty in transgender-identifying preteens.
Kids as young as 11 would get lectures on “vaginal, oral, and anal sex”; study “queer, two-spirit, asexual, pansexual” and other gender identities; and receive explicit instruction on the use of external and internal condoms, dental dams and other contraceptives.
Brouk told The Post, “I am greatly concerned about the unacceptably high incidence of relationship violence, sexual harassment and assault, and online bullying in our society today. We must equip the next generation with the skills and education they will need to thrive.”
But her proposal would legally link New York’s schools to the shifting recommendations of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).
“We would be outsourcing our curriculum to this outside organization,” said Assemblyman Michael Reilly (R-SI), a member of the education committee. “That’s a concern.”
Some parents are also worried.
“The state constitution guarantees a basic education, but nowhere does it say ‘we have to prepare our kids to change their sex if they want to,’” said Sam Pirozzolo of the New York City Parents Union. “We have schools where 95% of kids can’t read or do math at grade level, and now they want to bring in these complicated social justice issues? That’s BS.”
Even parents who approve of sex ed in school are queasy about the envelope-pushing topics the law would require.
“It’s inappropriate,” said Ken Jewell, a Manhattan family law attorney whose two children attend New York City public elementary schools. “These are things kids that age are not capable of comprehending yet.”
Jewell favors early-grade instruction on personal space and pedophilia protection, but think’s Brouk’s measure “goes too far.”
“As a dad I want my kid armed enough to know if something is wrong,” he said. “But I don’t want to put knowledge in their heads that takes away the innocence of childhood.”
A recent study by Montclair State University professors boosted early sex education as a way of preventing child sex abuse and, later, partner violence.
“I am in love with the SEICUS standards,” declared child psychologist Dr. Kelly Rabenstein Donohoe. “They discuss all aspects of human sexual development and relationships, and promote better communication about uncomfortable topics. This knowledge both protects kids and prepares them.”
New York is one of 22 states that lacks a statewide sex-ed requirement. State law leaves the topic to local school districts to decide — other than HIV/AIDS instruction, which is required for grades K-12 using lesson plans “consistent with community values.”
In New York City public schools, that means lower-grade instruction on viruses and the immune system, with no mention of sexual contact until fourth grade. Middle and high schoolers receive sexual health education in city schools starting in sixth grade.
via: https://nypost.com/2021/03/06/ny-lawmaker-wants-sex-ed-for-kindergartners/
Photo Credit: nysenate.gov