Doctors warn teens not to try new ‘scalp popping’ TikTok trend

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) — A new TikTok trend has teens pulling their scalp in hopes of getting it to “pop.”
The hashtag “scalp popping” has more than 6.5 million views on the popular video sharing app.
But is scalp popping safe?
Pediatrician Dr. Andrew Doyle weighed in on this new trend.
“What you’re trying to do is pull tissue layers apart in your scalp,” he said. “If you pull too hard or the wrong way you risk tearing the tissue, tearing the skin itself and pulling out a whole lot of hair.”
Dr. Doyle says while this trend might not be the most dangerous thing on the Internet, it does help him discuss social media with his patients.
“Teens need to be aware that not everything they see on the Internet or on TikTok is safe or what they think it is,” he said.
One New York massage therapist says this practice has actually been around for years, but says someone could still hurt themselves or pull out a chunk of hair.
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