Politically correct Santa tells crying kid he won’t bring him Nerf gun

A mall Santa dropped the hammer on a little boy who asked him for a Nerf gun for Christmas — telling the bawling kid he wouldn’t bring him the toy.
The politically correct Kris Kringle was caught on video asking the child what he wanted for the holiday, according to a Facebook post by the boy’s mother.
The boy apparently mentioned a gun, because the Santa could be heard replying, “No, no guns.’’
When the kid’s mom, who was standing nearby, piped in just to be clear, “Nerf gun,’’ the not-so-jolly Ol’ St. Nick was still having none of it.
“Nope, not even a Nerf gun,’’ said the unmoved Father Christmas, who was sitting at a table surrounded by fake presents, with the boy across from him nervously holding his face mask, in what looked like a mall.
“If your dad wants to get it for you that’s fine, but I can’t bring it to you,” the Santa Claus said. “What else would you like? Lots of other toys. Legos. There’s bicycles. There’s cars and trucks. What do you think?”
The child turned to his mom and burst into tears, continuing to sob even when she bent down to hug and comfort him — and told him, “You’ll still get it.’’
It’s not clear when or where the incident took place, but the Twittersphere reaction was swift — and heavily against Santa.
“Leftists are monsters!” one user wrote.
Another added, “Havnt kids been through enough this year? I give the mom credit because I would have caused a scene”
via: https://nypost.com/2020/12/07/santa-tells-crying-kid-he-wont-bring-him-nerf-gun/
Photo Credit: nypost.com