Model claims sunbathing vagina for 2 hours a day boosted her libido

A Brazilian model claims that she increases her sex drive with a little afternoon d-light by way of sunning her vagina.
“Nothing better than a morning sun…,” 23-year-old Letícia Martins, who goes by Lunna Leblanc, captioned a nude Instagram post of herself this week in which she displays her naked body, legs spread at the sun.
“Did you know that exposing your private parts to the sun can provide you with more energy, increase your libido, improve circadian rhythm (which regulates the entire functioning of the human body) and still help you get a good night’s sleep?” the bikini influencer continued in Portuguese, ending the post with a question to her 14,400 followers. “What did you think of this experience?”
The majority of comments on the photo, which has racked up more than 1,200 likes since being posted, are mostly fire and heart emojis and comments on Martins’ body, with a few stragglers warning of the sun’s dangers, including its cancer-causing abilities. “If you want to upload more juicy content do it but don’t mess with practices that can be fatal,” wrote one troubled viewer, reprimanding Martins and telling her “don’t mislead your followers.”
Several studies have linked vitamin D to sex drive changes, although Martins doesn’t cite any scientific backing for pointing your genitalia at the sky.

Last year, wellness influencers were gripped by another nude trend involving pointing one’s nether regions at the sky: perineum sunning. Medical experts, however, were quick to dismiss its benefits.
“There is no evidence that sunbathing in this way has any effect on physical well-being,” Dr. Diana Gall of UK-based online doctor service Doctor 4 U told Insider at the time. “Yes, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and getting your dose of vitamin D, is beneficial for mental and physical health, but you don’t need to damage your skin in the process from sun exposure.”
Photo Credit: Instagram