Ja Rule responds to 50 Cent trolling with transphobic jokes

The out-of-touch rapper shares a series of unremarkable photoshops
‘Tis the season for tricks and treats. On Saturday, we reported how 50 Cent trolled Ja Rule by purchasing 200 tickets to one of his gigs on Groupon, all in the front row so that the seats would be empty come showtime. It’s probably the best thing 50 has done in years.
Naturally, Ja Rule isn’t too happy about the gag, and as Complex reports, he’s now fired back. Sadly, he’s not as creative as 50; in fact, to prove how out of touch he is with current times, he’s resorted to lame photoshop memes that are incredibly transphobic.
In the series of reworked photos he’s shared on his Instagram, Ja Rule portrays 50 Cent as either a trans woman or suggests that he has sex with trans women, all in a negative light that screams of toxic masculinity and transphobia. It’s truly a pathetic response.
Of course, like any ol’ bully, he tries to put up a front:
Article via ConsequenceOfSound
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