Elfen’s TBT R&B Album of the week Aretha Franklin A Rose is Still a Rose

Today we must lift our roses and say goodbye to the queen of soul Aretha Franklin. She has died today at age 76. If you think today’s R&B “Artist” are truly ORGINAL and who can call themselves a LEGEND you are so sadly mistaken. Upon learning of Aretha Franklyns illness and spending her time in hospice care at her home surrounded by family and friends. I got to thinking about how my mama would pull out her Aretha Franklin albums from the 1960s. I heard Aretha singing about RESPECT and When a Man loves a woman.
When the 1980s and 90s hit Aretha was still writing and sangin’ new songs for my generation. One of her best albums of 1998 was A Rose is Still a Rose. The album talks of heartache, breakups, makeups and letting us woman know life goes on after a breakup. You don’t need a man to validate your life. Aretha was is unique. Her music is the kind you can play in front of your grandma without getting the side eye. Let’s all raise our vutral roses to the sky and give Aretha the all the love and prayers and thank her for sharing her soulful beautiful voice. RIP Aretha Franklin ! Give A Rose is Still A Rose a listen below!