Living while black in racist white America The tale of the counterfeit coupon

Disclaimer: This article is the opinions of the lovelytitv writer Tawny Hembry and NOT that of Lovelyti or other Lovelytitv writers.
Racism has always been hazardous to their health. Racist white folks are always talking and or writing checks they mouth and fingers can’t pay. Racist ignorant White folks tend to have selective hearing and seeing when it comes to what they understand, see, hear and do when it comes to people of color. Our very black existence frightens them. Our presence makes them shake with fear.
We could assume that this bigoted racist white store manager has the beginning stages of Parkinson’s disease? Writers Note: I’m in no way making light of those with Parkinson’s disease. I’m just observing this I have/know a lot of African American black friends ignorant bigoted white mans apparent physical shacking problem. Anyway we could assume he has an adrenaline rush ? We could assume he was just doing his job. This racist bigoted white man’s fragility got me to thinking and researching on counterfeit coupons and was there really a problem . Apparently, there is a big problem.
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When doing my research I found that there is such a detailed operation where people do spend all day everyday producing counterfeit coupons. There’s an organization dedicated to this very thing . Called CIC Counterfeit Information Corporation This African-American BLACK lady was falsely accused of hop skipping in to CVS to pass off a counterfeit coupon. But what African-American black hoddie wearin’ person would even think to walk into a store and try to pass off a counterfeit Coupon ? Now African American black folks and food stamps is another story. I know one thing these racist ignorant bigoted white folk tears is making me full. But I’m greedy so I guess I’ll get me another cup.
Nothing better to do, huh? Sad world… Was she prosecuted for this silliness?
I don’t know if he will be prosecuted . I think he should be tho