What makes internet trolls so dangerous?
The internet trolls are only dangerous IF you respond to them. BLOCK is your friend. I’ve been trolled before and it was the most stressful experience in my life. But now that I’m older I’ve learned how to not get caught up in their game of how far can I go to make my victim leave the social media platform. I do realize in some cases it’s deeper and you do have to go deeper once the trolling becomes threating. We need to find a balance online. Social Media for me has become overwhelming . Within the last year I don’t comment as much. I’m more inclined to lurk. I don’t like to argue with people I don’t even know. A year ago yes I would have argued or maybe had a passionate debate on a topic that I’m passionate about . I sometimes still do but not often because I’ve started to realize most of these Trolls are not looking for a true discussion. They want to provoke a fight. They get an orgasm just knowing that the person they are trolling can’t punch through their smartphone,tablet , laptop or computer monitor and punch them in the face!