Bill Clinton On Monica Lewinsky Scandal: ‘I Did The Right Thing’

This #Metoo movement Is starting to become no one takes responsibility for their own consensual sexual encounters. This chick Monica only wants to make a quick buck. It annoys me that this movement has become a Hollywood thing for “victims” of sexual assault when in fact these people were not sexually assaulted at all it was consensual. #metoo movement now is women wanting to get out of an embarrassing situation with a dude that gave them bad sex. Then use the #MeToo movement for empathy, likes and harts. These celebrities really need to have a tall glass of shut the fuck up ! Oh yeah, #Metoo was started by a beautiful dark skinned woman by the name of Tarana Burke. Wikipedia has even gotten on my nerves. They only had one small paragraph talking about Tarana Burke. There are real victims of sexual harassment and rape in Hollywood and down the street and up the block and next-door.
As for Hollywood if people would stop putting these Big Hollywood singers, producers, executives, actors and actress on a pedestals. Then maybe these alleged or NOT sexual assaults would have been caught sooner . Instead of using bill Cosby as their scapegoat they should’ve opened their eyes and ears to others as well. And I do believe as I’ve said before Bill Cosby is guilty of not keeping his thing in his pants. But I digress were talking about President Bill Clinton and a chick named Monica Lewinsky
“Through the lens of #MeToo now, do you think differently or feel more responsibility?… Did you ever apologize to her [Lewinsky]?” @craigmelvin to Bill Clinton
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) June 4, 2018